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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          Controlled at last 1946—1950     Page 37

The school reopened as a Primary School on 29th April 1946. Miss Davies was still Headmistress with Miss Barnes in charge of the infants, and 34 on the roll. Miss Davies left on the 20th February 1948, and until Mrs Muller took up her duties as Headmistress in June of the same year, Miss Staines, Mr Rooney and Mrs Longly successively acted as head of the school.
   These four years (1946 – 1950) are mainly taken up with the decision as to whether the school should become aided or controlled under the 1944 Education Act. There are many letters from Rev Vigo to the Rochester Diocesan Education offices on this subject.1 By 1947 the Managers had decided

to apply for ‘Aided’ status, which the K.E.C. and the Diocesan Education Office agreed to, but when it was pointed out to the Managers that should Ash voluntary school become aided, then they, as the managers, would be expected to find around 50% of the cost to bring the school to the standards set by the Ministry of Education, which would cost around £20,000, and the managers would have to find £10,000. They reversed their decision2 and decided to apply for ‘controlled’ status. The sealed order to this effect was received from the Ministry of Education dated 22nd July 1949 and read:
  1 Rochester Diocesan Archives.
  2 Minutes of Meetings of School Managers, 10th June 1949

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