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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          Final Memories. By Mrs. Joy Muller. (1971)      Page 51

and as we came away from the altar, the expressions on their faces showed that they also felt some other presence among them. It is memories such as these which when one looks back makes the life of a village school so vital and so real. Fortunately in Kent there is a policy to keep them open as long as possible because they are a centre of village life not only for the children but also for the families and many other people who have no connection with the school but a really deep interest in what goes on and willingly contribute to the life of the school and it’s inhabitants.

   These memories are very imprecise and incomplete but I hope they have done something to arouse in your minds, if you had any connection with the school, other memories which you will write down and keep a record in this way of the history of our village. I still look upon it as our village in this sense and it is only by writing down the little things that one remembers that a true history of village life can be kept. It is a very valuable thing to do.



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