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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 1  1858   page 30

Archbishop Warham's Letters (1518? to 1528?), (from H. M. State Paper Office)

third dayes of this monith of May, Wher appered befor us at the said dayes, thinhabitaunts of diverse hundreds of this shire of Kent, to whom we stewed yor gracs hiegh pleasor, according to your gracs commission, and other yor gracs honorable lres to theym directed; and to write unto yor grace all our communications, exhortations, and other sayings, it shuld be very tediouse to yor grace to rede; Not wtstauding, finally, all yor said subjects kindly, frely, and willingly offerd ther bodies, lyves, and gudds, to serve yor grace as far as ther bodies, lyves, and gudds will extend, as yor trewe, liege, and naturall subjects oweth to doo; And if ther powr and substaunnce wer as good as ther willes, they wold depart wt every thing that yor grace wold demaund of theym. It was said emongs them that yor grace did take great displeasor ayenst theym, which thing they takith hevely and sorowfully, humble beseching yor grace to take no ferther displeasor ayenst theym, thowgli at the first demaund they made difficultie, ffor they thowght it better so to do, then expressely to promesse any certaine Somme to yor grace, and when yor grace having nede of the same, they shuld not be able to pay and satisfy according to ther promesse, wch thing mought cause yor grace to tak more displeasor wt theym, then for thair first refusall. And all thoes yor subjects wth we have already called befor us, knoweth right well that yor grace take yor selfe as born in Kent, and alwayes have born yor gracs speciall favors to the same. Wherfor they thinkkith theymselves the more bound to serve yor grace with ther bodyes, lives and gudds, and so in ther most humble wise they besechith yor hieghnes to accepte theym, notw'standing any enformation made to the contrary, wch yor said subjects desiere us to certify yor grace of this ther mynds and offertures, wishing that they hadd now asmoch goodds as ever they hadd in ther lives, and then yor grace shuld right well perceive howe liberally they wold contribute to yor grace, ffor they say openly ther be no subjects leving that have a more loving, mor kind, and mor valiant Prince then they have of yor grace; and so in thair most humble wise they besechith yor grace to contynue the same. And this ther offertures and answers preceded only of theymselves, and not by enducyng of us or any other yor gracs commissioners, ffor we  shewed theym we hadd no such Instructions to admytt ther offertures, albeyt we shewed theym that we wold certifye yor grace of thair good

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