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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 19 - 1892  Index to Volumes 1 to 18   Page 287U

N0TE.—Place-names occurring under the headings of Bridges, Churches, Religious Foundations, etc., are not cross-referenced; nor are Personal names under headings of Abbacies, Archbishoprics, Bishoprics, Armorial Bearings, etc. Names with the prefix a, atte, de, etc., should be sought under the name itself, and not under a, atte, etc.


Uclen, Thos. (1514), 10, cx; John (Vden), 11, 404.
Udimore (Udymere), 13, 322, 328-9; 16, 32.
Udolph, King of Frisia, 8, 31.
Uffintone, Stephen de, 11, 331, 333.
Ufford, Archbishop, 7, 157, 190; Robert ("Dufforde "), Earl of Suffolk, 10, 144.
Ufton in Tunstall, 11, 337; 13, 367; 14, 359, 361, 375, 388.
Uikharn, a field in East Ratling (1196), 1, 233.
Ulcombe (Olecomb, Vlcombe), 10, 142; 11, 390; 12, 230, 232; 14, 378; 15, 33, 112; 18, 433, 435; church, 14, 164, 355; fines of lands in, 320, 323, 340; 13, 315; 14, 271, 277-8; 15,279.
Uleham, 10, 271, 273, 275; Simon de, 272.
Ullock, Rev. Dr. Henry, 15, 358.
Ulmis, heirs do, 12, 206.
Ulnage, see Alnage.
Ulster, Earl of, 15, 5; 16, 33; Lionel, Earl of, 14, 339; 16, 38.
Ultrastura, 4, 214.

Ulwile, Wilde, 13, 351.
Umfray, John, of Canterbury, 12, 376; Richard, of Canterbury, 17, 86, 88, 89, 104, 106, 109; William, 10, 247; 12, 377.
Underdown (Underdoune), Edward, 18, 449; Elizabeth, 16, 291; John, 12, 301; Theobald de, 13, 309; 15, 294; Thomas, Mayor of Fordwich, 18, 88, 90; Vincent, 12, 390, 403; William, 13, 309.
Underwood, Rev. Robert, 16, 113.
Undrell, Godly, 9, 202; John, ib.
Unkyll, Thomas, 12, 421.
Unwin, Gilbert, son of William, Rochester (circa 1230), 2, 228; a juror (1247), 296.
Upchurch (Upcherche, Upehirche, Vpchirche), 11, 38, 114; 15, 107; 17, 157, 159; Gore manor and Slayhills in, 1, 6; Northwood estates in, 2, 11, 36, 37; fines of land, etc., in, 11, 311, 318, 320; 14, 244, 256, 270; 18, 346; Horsham Manor, 399-402; Roman fictile ware from, 2, xl.
Upchurch, church, 13, 414, 482; mediaeva1 waIl.painting in church, 11, 42; stone benches in church, 10, lxiii; church screen, 14, 371.
Upchurch, ware (made by Romans), 9, 25, 171; 14, 139; 15, 106, 317, 355-6; 16, 3-5; potteries, 15, 107.

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