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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 52  1940  Index to Volumes 20 to 45   page 202

N0TE.—Place-names occurring under the headings of Bridges, Churches, Religious Foundations, etc., are not cross-referenced; nor are Personal names under headings of Abbacies, Archbishoprics, Bishoprics, Armorial Bearings, etc. Names with the prefix a, atte, de, etc., should be sought under the name itself, and not under a, atte, etc.

Grove, continued, Nicholas, 43, 245; Ralph, 25, 268, 274.
Grovefield, Herne, 28, 85, 112.
Grovehull, John de, R. of Ripple, 27, 237.
Grovehurst, 21, 132, 133; 22, 199; 23, 114; manor, 44, 81; 45, 21.
Grovehurst (Grofherst, Grofhurst, Groveherst), Henry de, 26, 303; Joan, 26, 86; nun of Sheppey, 40, 61, 62; wife of Thomas
Grovehurst, 44, 95; 45, 21; John de, brass (?), 31, 147; Richard, 26, 86; 40, 62; Robert de, of Goudhurst, 29, 238; Thomas, 44, 95; will, 45, 21; William de, 20, 165.
Groveley, William, 28, 90.
Grubb, —, shoemaker, gamekeeper to Princess of Wales, 24, 156.
Gruer, —, 22, 219.
Grumpridy, Humphrey, 28, 290; Richard, 28, 290.
Grym, Gryme, Grymes, see Grim.
Grymesby, see Grimsby.
Grymsdich, see Grimsditch.
Grys, Roger, of Dover, 29, 286; Thomas, 29, 106.
Gudheue, see Goodhewe.
Gudlesfelde, 20, 72.
Guerard, Joan, m. John Philipp, 28, 84; Thomas, 28, 84.
Guernsey, St. James, 22, 99.
Guerric, see Faversham, Abbots of.
Guest, see Rochester, Bishops of.
Guestling (Gestling) (Sussex), 22, 161; 26, 230.
Guestling, Court of, definition, 28, 30-32.
Guggild, Roger, 27, 167.
Guildford (Gillford), 20, 151, 248, 277; 27, 51; 31, lxvii; 37, 104; Church, see Churches; St. Martha’s Chapel, see Religious Foundations.
Guildford, East (Sussex), 30, 185.
Guildford Level, reclamation of, 45, 263.
Guildford Marsh, map of, 30, 223.

Guildford (Gildeford, Gildford, Gilford, Gilforth, Gillford, Guildeford, Guildeforde, Guilford, Guldeford, Guyldeforde, Gylleforde), family, 43, 74, 75; mentioned by Shakespeare, 43, 76; arms, 21, 226; 26, 98; 29, 326; 40, 91; 43, 76; emblem, 44, 128; Anne, 37, 109, 120; see also Pympe, Anne; Barbara, 33, 109; Bennett, m. 1, Lewis Clifford, 2, William Boys, 30, 80; 37, 120; Dorothy, m. Sir Thomas Walsingham, 21, 287; Earl of, see North, Lord; Edmund (Edward), 21, 223; Edward, 21, 106, 225; 28, 24, 167, 174, 176, 277; 33, 109; 36, 130; will, 31, 32, 265; Knight of the Shire, 21, 221, 225; Elizabeth, m. Thomas Isley, 28, 176, 239; wife of Roger Guildford, 25, 273; George, 20, 7; 28, 167, 176; 31, 239; 33, 109; 43, 75, 76, 130; 44, 130, 131; Henry, 20, 7; 21, 225; 24, 183; Knight of the Shire, 21, 225; Sir Henry, 25, lvi; 32, 29; 43, 76; portrait, by Holbein, 43, 76; Isabel, 37, 120; Jane, m. Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, 28, 176; Joan, m. John Dudley, 33, 109; John, 33, 109; 38, 41; Sir John, 21, 287; 22, 230; 27, 51; 28, 166, 176; 30, 80, 150; 31, 215; 37, 105-106, 107, 109, 118, 120; 40, 91; buried at Tenterden, 31, 266; will, 31, 32, 265-266; Lady, 27, 97; Philippa, see St. Leger, Philippa; Richard, 37, 105, 107-108, 109; Sir Richard, 21, 225; 28, 167, 174, 176, 239, 277; 37, 103, 108, 112, 115, 120; 43, 74, 76; Sir Robert, 43, 75; Roger, 25, 273; Sir Thomas, 43, 77; William, 21, 216; Knight of the Shire, 21, 215, 220; Sheriff of Kent, 40, 91; —, 28, lxxxiii; 37, 108.
Guilds to protect woolmerchants, 22, 211.
Guilty, Margaret, 20, 46.
Guines, destruction of Protestant church, 22, 215.
Guise family, 39, 126.
Guisnes, Manasses, Count of, 45, 69.
Gulbregge, Stephen, 42, 42.
Guldeford, see Guildford.
Gullam, see Gillam.
Gulliford, Robert, V. of Congresbury (Somerset), 28, 319.
Gullison, John, 30, 29.

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