Some Kentish Gravestones
& other notes
Mary's Church M.I.s, Eastry
with Index of names and
places at end
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St Mary's Church, Eastry 1870
Monumental Inscriptions of Eastry Church,
from a book, Memorials of the Royal Ville
and Parish of Eastry, published in 1870 by William Francis Shaw, Vicar
of Eastry. At the time some of the inscriptions on the tablets and gravestones
inside the church were illegible, so Shaw consulted a now unknown manuscript by
one of the Boteler family.
Kindly typed up by Pat
In the Chancel
1. Sacred to the Memory of John BROADLEY, Gent, many years Surgeon at Dover, who
died July the 4th 1784, aged 79. A man of the highest Honour and liberality of
sentiment; of the strictest integrity, and most approved ability in his
profession, of general knowledge, and particularly distinguished for his taste
in the polite arts. Frances his Wife, daughter of Isaac and Christian BARGRAVE,
in testimony of her affection and in grateful remembrance of his merit, has
caused this monument to be erected.
2. In the family vault near this tablet are deposited the mortal remains of
William BRIDGER of Eastry Court in the parish Esquire, who expired the 19th
January 1855 aged 81 years, leaving an afflicted widow and four daughters to
lament their irreparable loss. His piety was sincere and unobtrusive: His
amiable and upright character endeared him to a large circle of friends. Also of
Christian Tournay his widow, daughter of Robert Tournay BARGRAVE, of Eastry
Court, Esquire, who departed this life 9th September 1858 aged 75 years.
"Them which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him".
3. Near this place lie the remains of Charles BARGRAVE, Esqr. who died Novr 1713
Aged 62; Elizabeth his wife who died Decr 1732. Dame Frances LEIGH, relict of
Sir Francis Leigh of Hawley in this county, who died Feb. 1726 aged 60; Isaac
Bargrave Esqr, eldest son of the said Charles and Elizabeth, who died March 1727
Aged …. Christian, relict of the said Isaac Bargrave, and daughter of the
aforesaid Sir Francis Leigh and Frances his Wife, who died Octr 1772, Aged 74;
Isaac Bargrave Esqr, only son of the aforesaid Isaac and Christian, who died
24th of May 1800, Aged 77. Sarah his wife, daughter of George LYNCH, M.D. who
died the 16th of April 1787 Aged 63. Christian, wife of Robert Tournay Bargrave,
Esqr, and daughter of the Revd. Claudius CLARE and Christian his Wife who died
the 23rd of September 1806 Aged 55. Robert Tournay Bargrave, Esqr who died the
19th May 1825 Aged 68 Years. Bargrave the only Son of William and Christian
BRIDGER, who died the 13th Augt. 1822, Aged 9 years.
4. A Coat of Arms. Near the remains of her husband is interred Frances BROADLEY.
A sound understanding and a retentive memory were faculties for which she was
distinguished. And from Christian principles and motives, she was religious and
charitable. This testimony of esteem and affection is recorded by her Brother
5. A coat of Arms. Here is interred all that was mortal of Mrs Christian KIRK. A
woman from a religious principle and hope, patient and resigned during a long
Illness which removed her out of this world 28th Feby 1796, in the 78year of her
age. She was the elder and last surviving daughter of Isaac and Christian
BARGRAVE. The Revd. Claudius CLARE was her first husband. Her second Robert
Kirk, Esqr, a Captain in the Royal Navy. Who from his affectionate regard and
concern for an excellent wife inscribes this memorial. Where also are deposited
the remains of the above Captain Robert Kirk who died the 20th of May 1802, aged
6. On a Brass Plate. To the Glory of GOD. In memory of John Fuller SPONG, B.A.
of Caius Colle Came and Curate of this Parish who died Octr 13trh 1844, aged 25.
These four windows are erected by his only surviving sister.
7. Edward BOYS M.D. and Elizabeth, his wife placed this memorial of their
beloved infant Edward George Boys. Born 15th January, died 15th July 1801.
8. Under the Chancel Arch. (A Coat of Arms). Sacred to the memory of The Revd.
Ralph Drake BACKHOUSE, M.A. late fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, 12 years Vicar
of Eastry with Worth, and Rural Dean. He departed this life December 24th 1853,
aged 52 Years, leaving a widow and seven children to lament his irreparable
loss. This tablet is erected by them, as a record of their deep sorrow for their
bereavement and their warm attachment to a beloved husband and father.
9. On the floor of the Chancel. On a slab of grey stone, now almost obliterated.
(A Coat of Arms). Here lyeth interred the bodie of Josua PARAMOUR Gent, he was
buried Aprill 2nd 1760 aged 60 Yeares.
10. A Coat of Arms. On a Plum Pudding Stone abutting to the above eastward were
cut a coat of arms, very much defaced in Mr Boteler’s time but now wholly
11. Southward of the above is a small oval piece of marble bearing this
inscription: E.G.B. 1801.
12. On a stone adjoining to the above northward is the following inscription on
a brass Plate:
Here lyeth intoombed the body of Sr Roger NEVISON, Knight, who deceased the 25th
Day of July in ye Yeere of our Saviours Incarnation 1625.
13. On a stone adjoining the above northward are the effigies of a man in armour
and a woman, also the following inscription on Brass Plates: (Coat of Arms) Here
lyeth the bodie of Thomas NEVYNSON of Eastrye Esquier who died ye xxxvii day of
July 1590 beynge att the tyme of his death Provist Marshall and Scoutmaster of
ye est partes of Kent & Captayne of ye lyghte horses of the lathe of St
Augustines, who had to wife Anne the daughter of Richarde TEBOLDE, Esquier
deceased by whom he had issue six sonnes and four daughters.
Under the inscription have been brass plates for the sons and daughters, now
torn away.
14. On a grey Stone by the side northward of the foregoing, almost obliterated:
Here lieth buried Anne THEOBALD, the wife of Thomas NEVINSON and Edward FAGGE,
Esquires, the mother of thirteene children by them both, happy both in her
choice and issue but in her death, the end of mortal happiness, most happy. She
died the 21st of November 1594.
15. Heading the gravestone of Sir Roger NEVINSON is one of black marble, on
which were formerly the portraitures of a man and woman in brass, together with
other plates. All now torn away and lost. This was probably to the memory of
Lady Mary NEVINSON, wife of Sir Roger, by whom she had issue 7 Sons and 6
Daughters. Against the north wall, near the east end of the chancel, is affixed
an helmet of iron with the Nevinson Crest, from which formerly depended a
banner. The helmet remains; the lance and pennon have been lost.
The following are in the North Aisle of the Church:
16. (A Coat of Arms). Near this place are interred the remains of Margaret, wife
of the Rev. Dr PENNINGTON Rector of Tunstal in this county and daughter of the
Rev.Dr CARTER, late of Deal. She was born October 17th 1725, and died February
18th 1798. In grateful remembrance of the best of wives and the best of mothers,
and impressed with a deep sense of her many virtues her husband and only
surviving children Thomas and Montague have caused this tablet to be erected.
(This tablet was removed from the south side of the Chancel to its present
position in A.D. 1865).
17. A Coat of Arms. In memory of William DARE Esqr late of Fenderland in this
Parish who died the 7th September 1770 aged 35 years Also of Eleanor his Wife,
who died January the 6th 1806 aged 73 years. And of Mary READ sister of the
above Eleanor who died April the 27th 1812, aged 75 years. (This tablet was
removed from the south aisle of the Church in A.D. 1865).
18. A Coat of Arms. In a Vault in the middle aisle of this Church are deposited
the remains of Captain John HARVEY, late Commander of His Majesty’s Ship the
Brunswick, who, after gloriously supporting the honor of the British Navy, on
the memorable first of June MDCCXCIV, under Earl Howe, died at Portsmouth on the
30th of the same month, in consequence of the wounds he received in the
engagement, aged 53 years. The House of Commons to perpetuate his most gallant
conduct, on that day of victory unanimously voted a monument to his memory in
Westminster Abbey. His untimely death only prevented his being honoured in the
Flag Promotions which took place on that occasion. In him his afflicted family
and numerous friends have sustained an irreparable loss. His public character
being only equalled by his private virtues. Also of Judith his wife, daughter of
Henry WISE Esq. of Sandwich; She departed this life on the 4th of September
1817, in the 75 year of her age. This monumental tribute to departed worth
equally displayed in both their parents, is affectionately raised and inscribed
by their surviving children, Henry Wise, John, Edward, Mary, Fanny and Sarah. (This
monument was removed from the south side of the Chancel in A.D. 1865).
19. A Coat of Arms In memory of Mr Richard KELLEY, late of this parish who died
the 5th of May 1768, aged 89 years and is interred near this place. Also of Mary
his wife who died the 6th of Decr 1775 aged 72 years.
20. Near this place lie interred the remains of William KELLEY, son of Richard
Kelley, late of this parish; he died 18th July 1799 aged 59 years.
21. At the bottom of a stained glass window is the following: In memory of
Thomas CASTLE born 3rd May 1790, died 29th April 1860.
22. A Coat of Arms. Juxta Sepultus Est Gulielmus Boteler ARMIGER, S.A.S. Hujusce
Parochiae, quae eadem illi Natalis erat, ab adolescentia ad provectiorem usque
aetatem incola vir literis humanioribus deditus historiae et topographiae Cantii
Peritissimus: In magistratu, caeterisque muneribus publicis fungendis, firmus et
sedulous: In privata vita, summi in sous amoris; Integerrimae erga omnes fidei:
Cantuariae mortuus est iv die Septembris, A.D. MDCCCXVIII. Aet lxxiii. Uxores
Duxit, Priorem, Saram, Thomae Fuller, Armigeri Filiam: Alteram, Mariam, Johannis
Harvey, Armigeri, et Regi e Navarchis, Filiam; ex illa Filius Unicus, Gulielmus
Fuller, ex hac sex Filii, Ricardus, Henricus, Johannis Harvey, Thomas, Edwardus,
Robertus, Quinque Filiae, Maria, Eliza, Julia, Agnes, Bertha; Suscepti, aliis
Immatura morte abreptis, patri superfuerunt. Maria, uxor altera, mortua est xxiv. die Octobris A.D.
MDCCClii. Aet. lxxxix. et Juxta Sepulta.
23. On a brass plate. In memory of William Fuller BOTELER, Q.C. who died 23rd
Octr 1845 aged 68 years.
24. On a brass plate. In memory of William BOTELER, son of the above William
Fuller, born 23rd October 1810, died 6th July 1867. "Remember me O my God
for good".
25. A Coat of Arms. Near this place are interred the remains of Sarah the wife
of William BOTELER of this parish, and daughter of Thomas FULLER, Esq., late of
Statenborough. She died January 9th 1777 aged 29, leaving issue (alas) one son,
William Fuller Boteler.
26. A Coat of Arms. To the memory of Thomas BOTELER, Esq., Commander, R.N. Fifth
son of the late W. Boteler of Eastry, Esqr. Who having lost the greater part of
his officers and men in H.M.S. Hecla while on a survey of the western coast of
Africa, fell himself a victim to that pestilential climate admist difficulties,
which even to the last his high sense of duty impelled him to resist with
unshaken constancy, fortitude and perseverance. He died off the Old Calabar
River 28th Novr 1829, aged 32.
27. This tablet is erected to the memory of Lieut. Colonel Richard BOTELER, of
H.M. Corps of Royal Engineers, who after many years of service at home, and in
Africa, South America, Spain, Portugal and Canada, and last as commanding
engineer at Halifax in Nova Scotia, perished at sea in H.M. Packet Calypso on
his passage to England on leave of absence, in the beginning of the year 1833,
at the age of 46 years. And also to the memory of The Revd. Edward Boteler, M.A.
sometime Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge and afterwards Vicar of the
parish of St. Clement, Sandwich, who departed this life August 9th 1831 aged 32
years, and is buried in the vault beneath.
28. In the vault beneath are deposited the remains of Charlotte BOTELER, the
wife of William Fuller Boteler, Esqr. Q.C. She died Novr the 18th 1839 aged 57
years. Her husband hath caused this tablet to be erected, to record her deep
piety towards God, and her great goodness as a wife, a mother, and in all other
relations of life, and to testify his grief for the loss of his affectionate,
and faithful, consort and friend through a period of upwards of thirty years.
This tablet is also sacred to the memory of Anne Boteler their youngest
daughter. A child carefully trained by her mother in her own steps of piety and
virtue, and of a rare union of strength and simplicity of character. She died in
Gower Street in the county of Middlesex, May the 1st 1839 at the age of 19
The following are in the south aisle of the Church.
29. Sacred to the memory of Captn. James REMINGTON, of the H.E.I. Companys 12th
Regt. of Bengal N. Infantry, eldest son of David R. Remington, Esqr., of the
City of London and Martha his wife. He died at Cawnpore in the East Indies
September 16th 1842 aged 34 years. The Officers of the 12th Regt. deeply
regretting the loss of an affectionate companion and friend have caused this
tablet to be erected, as a record at once of their sorrow and of the high
estimation in which he was held by them for his many manly and generous
30. Thomas PETTMAN, born 1733, died 1809. Deservedly esteemed for his many
Christian virtues. This tablet is erected as a memorial of affection by his son.
Also William, son of the above, born 1768, died 1830. Elizabeth his wife, born
1766, died 1819. Also 3 sons and 1 daughter of the above William and Elizabeth
Pettman. by Thomas, born 1790 died 1853; Edward, born 1796, died 1851; William,
born 1798, died 1818; Susan, born 1791, died 1818.
31. In a vault in the Church Yard at the western entrance to this Church are
deposited the remains of Sarah the wife of Mr Thomas PETTMAN of this parish, who
died the 30th of July 1797, aged 64. Also Thomas, son of the above named Thomas
and Sarah Pettman, who died the 12th of March 1783 aged 21 years. Also of Sarah
Susannah, daughter of the above named Thomas and Sarah Pettman, and wife of Mr
Edward COWLEY, who died the 25th of July 1792, aged 27 years, with her infant
child. Also of Elizabeth, daughter of the above named Thomas and Sarah Pettman,
who died the 2nd of July 1799, aged 31 years. Also of Philip, son of the above
named Thomas and Sarah Pettman, who died in his infancy.
32. A Coat of Arms. In memory of Thomas BOTELER, late of this parish, gentn, who
died the 24 Sepr. 1768, aged 54 years. Also of Richard, son of the above said
Thomas Boteler by Elizabeth his wife, who died the 29th of Jany. 1773, aged 33
years. Also of 7 other children, 5 of whom lie buried at Eythorn, who all died
in their infancy. Also of Elizabeth, wife of the above said Mr Thomas Boteler,
and daughter of Salmon MORRICE, Esqr. of great Betshanger. She died the 6th of
August 1775, aged 65 years. This monument was erected in the year 1774 by their
surviving children (viz) Sarah, Elizabeth, Mary & Catherine.
33. A crest. Sacred to the memory of The Revd. Philip Brandon BACKHOUSE, M.A.
Chaplain to the Hon. E.I.C. Bengal Establishment, formerly Vicar of St Mary’s
Sandwich, tenth son of the late Revd. J.B. Backhouse, M.A. Rector of Deal. He
died at Agra in the East Indies, after a few hours’ fevere suffering on the
30th March 1841, aged 33 years. His afflicted widow has caused this tablet to be
erected as a tribute of her affectionate regard for his memory, and to testify
her deep sorrow for her bereavement.
34. A Coat of Arms. M.S. Revd. Drue-Astly CRESSENER, A.M. Hujus Ecclesiae, per
annos xlviii, Vicarii Viri sane Plurimis nominibus memorandi; Nulla literarum
studia non libavit; Theologiae suae, sacrisque paginis penitus incubuit,
Ecclesiae Anglicanae, fideique Catholicae propugnator impavidus Ceolebs, parcius
forsan, sed honeste parcius vitam instituit: Non ut inutiles coacervaret opes,
sed ut benificentiae, ut pietatis officiis largiori manu administraret. Deo
servatori, insuper, arisuqe ejus tam in hac, quam in altera illa ecclesia de
Worth, vasa argentea dicavit. Et quod omnium longe palmarium est, doctrinam
Christi vitae integerrimae sanctimonia morumque simplicitate primitiva exornavit.
Obt. Sept. xxvii, A.D. MDCCXLVI Aetat LXXXII.
35. A Coat of Arms. Here lieth interred the body of Jane, daughter of John
PARAMOR of his parish, Gent, and Jane his wife, and wife of John HAYWARD of
Sandwich, Gent, who departed this life the 18th of April A.D. 1720 aged 24
years. Also the body of the said Jane, wife of the said John Paramor, who
departed this life the 3rd day of May 1732 aged 57 years. Here lieth the body of
John Paramor of this parish, Gent, who departed this life the 25 day of April
Anno Domi 1737 aged 65 years. This monument was removed from the south side
of the Church A.D. 1865.
36. The following is on a brass plate beneath a memorial window. Sacred to the
affectionate remembrance of a good sister, wife and mother, Thomasina Fanny
KENRICK, wife of John Bridges Kenrick, Esqr. Died Feby. 22nd 1859. The gift of
her sister C.M. Josephine TOKER.
37. A Coat of Arms. In the vault near this place lie the remains of Anne Maude
HARVEY, youngest daughter of The Revd. Richard Harvey and Catherine his wife.
She died 10th March 1850 aged 81 years. Also those of her sister, Frances Ann
Elizabeth Harvey who died 4th June 1852 aged 88 years.
38. To the memory of Mrs Ann HARVEY, daughter of Solomon Harvey, Gent., formerly
of this parish who departed this life the 12th of April 1751 aged 64 years.
Mary, the widow of Mr Henry ELLIS, and youngest daughter of the said Solomon
Harvey, died in London the 8th of August 1776 aged 73 years and was buried in
the Church of Allhallows, Staining. She left issue one son William Ellis A.M.,
Rector of that parish.
39. A Coat of Arms. In the family vault near this place lieth the body of John
Springett HARVEY, a Bencher of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple and
for several years one of the Masters in Ordinary, and Accountant General of the
high Court of Chancery, who departed this life the 1st Day of August 1833, in
the 80 year of his age, leaving issue by Matilda his wife (daughter of Mr
William Burton RAYNER, and widow of the Revd. John LIGHTFOOT) one son, Richard
Springett Harvey. In the same vault lieth the body of the above named Matilda
Harvey who departed this life the 28th day of December 1835 in the 76 year of
her age.
40. The porch and part of this south aisle were rebuilt and the Church was
repewed, at the expense of the above named Richard Springett Harvey during the
years 1854-7, in acknowledgement of which two stained glass windows were put up
in this aisle by subscription of the inhabitants in June 1857.
41. A Coat of Arms. In memory of Thomas FULLER, Gent, of Eastry who died 24th
June 1748 aged 79 years. and Mary his wife (daughter of Richard and Elizabeth
TERRY), who died 16 November 1748 aged 78 years. They left four children, John,
Thomas, Mary and Elizabeth. Also of their two sons, John Fuller, Gent of Eastry,
who died 12th October 1760 aged 64 years; and Thomas Fuller Esqr, of
Statenborough, who died 17 May 1773 aged 67 years; and of Mary Fuller, a
daughter of the last mentioned Thomas, who died 28 March 1754 aged 18 years.
Also of Mary Fuller of Eastry, daughter of the first mentioned Thomas Fuller,
who died 11 July 1783 aged 86 years. (This monument was removed form the
south side of the Chancel in A.D. 1865).
42. On a pillar adjoining to the foregoing in marble. (A Coat of Arms). Near
this place in a vault lieth the body of Catherine, wife of John SPRINGETT,
citizen and apothecary, of London. She died the 16th December 1762 aged 74
years. Also of her grandson, Richard Maud HARVEY, son of the Revd. Richard
Harvey, Vicar of this parish. He died 26th Decr. 1758 aged 4 months. Also of the
said John Springett. He died Jany. 13th 1770 aged 73 years. (This was erected
in A.D. 1763).
On the adjoining pillar eastward, and opposite to the last-mentioned, a
similar neat marble monument.
43 (A Coat of Arms). To the memory of The Revd. Richard HARVEY, who was 14 years
Vicar of this parish. He died 6th March 1772, aetat: 42. Also of Catherine his
wife, only daughter of John SPRINGETT. She died 25th May 1809, in the 85 year of
her age. They left issue 2 sons and 4 daughters, John Springett, Richard, Mary,
Sarah, Frances Ann Elizabeth and Ann Maude.
The following are on the north wall of the nave.
44. (A Coat of Arms). Sacred to the memory of Edward GEORGE of Statenborough
House in this parish, Esqr. who departed this life April 19th 1810 aged 69
years. His duty to the Almighty was exemplified by the fortitude, and pious
resignation, with which he sustained a long and severe illness. To his neighbour
he ever conducted himself with the strictest honour, and was on all occasions
the poor man’s friend. To record his virtues and her affection, his grateful
widow erects this monument. Also of Mary George, relict of the above mentioned
Edward George, who departed this life April 28th 1820 aged 50 years.
45. A Coat of Arms. Sacred to the memory of James HATFEILD, Esqr. late of this
parish, who died 10th Jany 1842, aged 62 years. He was the eldest son of John
Hatfeild, Esquire, late of Norwich, banker, and has left surviving a widow and
daughter, who as a small tribute of affection for one of the best of husbands
and kindest of fathers, have caused this tablet to be erected. Also Sarah, widow
of the above- named James Hatfeild, Esqr, who departed this life the 13th of
February 1846 aged 75 years.
The following are on the south wall of the nave.
46. (A Coat of Arms). Robert BARGRAVE, Esqr. of this parish died 17th Decr. 1779
aged 84. Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Sr Francis LEIGH of Hawley in this
county, died 2nd July 1737 aged 32. Robert Bargrave their only son, Proctor in
Doctors Commons died 14th Feby 1774 aged 39. Whose sole surviving daughter
Rebecca, wife of James WYBORN of Sholden, hath caused this tablet to be erected.
47. A Coat of Arms. In the vault, with the remains of his father Captain John
HARVEY, R.N., and of his mother Judith, are deposited those of their eldest son
Henry Wise Harvey, of Harnden, Esquire, in this parish, who died 13th May 1852,
aged 83 years; also the remains of Margaret his wife, who died 14th June 1847
aged 76 years. And those of their five daughters, Catherine died 23rd June 1808,
an infant. Elizabeth, the wife of Captain George HILTON, R.N. died 25th February
1819, aged 26. Margaret died 28th December 1819 aged 16. Mary died 8th September
1820 aged 24. Fanny died 8th April 1824 aged 23.
48. In the vault beneath are deposited the remains of Sarah, relict of the late
James Leigh JOYNES, Esqr.. of Gravesend in this county, and third daughter of
the late Revd. Richard HARVEY, (Vicar of this parish), and Catherine his wife.
Obiit 27th October 1843 aged 84 years.
The following are on stones in the floor of the church, beginning at the west.
49. On a grave stone near the west door on entering the nave: Near this
place lies the body of Richard KEBLE of this parish, yeoman, died 21st August
1740 aged 61 years. Also Mary relict of the above died 28th August 1765 aged 82
years. Also Mary their daughter, wife of Thomas PETTMAN of this parish died 25th
December 1735 aged 27 years, leaving issue Thomas and Susanna. Also Thomas Keble
of this parish, yeoman, son of the above died 23rd April 1763 aged 48 years;
also Martha, relict of the above died 2nd March 1787 aged 73 years. Also 2
children, Richard died 12th August 1756 aged 5 years, Edward died the 9th March
1773 aged 19 years; Thomas and Mary survive them. Near this place lies the body
of the above Thomas Keble of this parish, yeoman, died 15th October 1798 aged 49
years. Also Ann, relict of the above died 11th March 1802 aged 54 years; also 2
sons, Bunce died 11th December 1792 aged 4 years; Thos Herman died 12th Decr
1792 aged 11 years. Left surviving John, Ann, Mary and Richard.
50. Here lieth the body of Richard KEBLE, late of this parish, died 20th Feby
1816 aged 30 years. Also on the right, lieth the body of Ann Mary Keble, late of
this parish, died 20th October 1821 aged 40 years. Also on the right lieth the
body of John Keble late of this parish, yeoman, died 22nd December 1832 aged 53
51. The entrance of the family vault of Captain John HARVEY.
52. On a grave stone in the middle aisle: Here lyeth the body of Ralph RENNALLS
of this parish, yeoman who departed this life the 28th day of Feby 1661 aged 73
53. In the same aisle eastward adjoining to the above: Here lyeth the body of
John KELLEY, gent, who departed this life the 18th day of January in the year of
our Lord 1669 aged 80 years; and also of Daniel Kelley, gent, his son, who
departed this life the first of June in the year of our Lord 1733, in the 87
year of his age.
54. In the passage from the body of the church to the chancel on a gravestone of
black marble: The body of Anne, the wife of John AUSTEN & daughter of
William NAYLER and Anne FINNIT, being aged 68 yeare, dyed Feby 19th 1656, lyeth
here waiting for the resurrection of the just.
55. In the cross aisle, at the east end of the body of the church, are three
adjoining gravestones with Coats of Arms and inscriptions on brass plates: Here
lyeth buried the body of William BOTELER Esqr. who died the 22nd of May Ao. 1614
aetat. suae 50 Christus mihi Vita: mors mihi lucrum.
56. On a gravestone of black marble: Here lieth the body of Thomas BOTELER, late
of this parish, gent, only son of Richard and Susan Boteler, gent, who departed
this life May 12th 1737 aged 61, leaving issue by Elizabeth his wife, who also
survived him, three sons and three daughters. Likewise the body of Elizabeth,
wife of the above Thomas Boteler and daughter of Ralph & Elizabeth PHILPOTT
who died 14th June 1749 aged 61 years.
57. On an adjoining gravestone: Here lyeth the body of Richard BOTELER, gent,
who departed this life the 22nd of May 1682 aged 52 years. Here lieth the body
of Susan Boteler, wife of the above Richard Boteler, gent, and daughter of
Saphire & Margaret PARAMOR, of this parish, gent, who departed this life
Sept the 11th 1724 aged 82 years.
58. In the cross aisle above-mentioned there are three other gravestones
belonging to the Boteler family besides those already mentioned. On these there
were formerly brass plates with Arms and inscriptions, now torn away and lost.
One of these has since been recovered from another church, where it had been
turned over and used for some other family. It has the following inscription:
Armigeri Qvi mortem obijt Tricessimo rtij anno dom: 1580. et Richardi BOTELER ri
filij eivs qvi mortem obijt tricessimo varij anno dom: 1600. et reliqvit
qvinlios et dvas filias svperstites. from which it will be seen that a portion
of the plate and of the inscription are lost. Concerning these memorials of this
family Mr Boteler says: "Some of them with arms retained their places
within memory, and becoming loose, were afterwards thrown carelessly with some
others in a hole under the staircase of the tower, where they remained till a
knavish sexton thought proper to sell them to a brazier at Sandwich for old
brass. I have no difficulty in assigning them to the memory of Henry BOTELER who
died anno 1580. Richard, his son (the brother of William mentioned above), who
died anno 1600, & Thomas, his grandson, who died 1651. All of whom were in
possession of and lived at Heronden. Henry was the first of this family who was
buried at Eastry, their more ancient burying-place for many preceeding
generations being in St.Peter’s Church, Sandwich".
59. At the south end of this aisle there is another gravestone (marked o in the
plan), which, from its coffin-like shape, is doubtless of considerable
antiquity. Mr Boteler says concerning it: "I have no doubt but that it is
the stone mentioned by Philpot that had formerly the Arms and portraiture of one
of the family of Heronden affixed to it, though from time to time its surface is
so scaled off as not to leave a trace of it. There is no other in the church
will admit of the conjecture; its situation near the chancel answers his
description; besides the Botelers, in whom this family ended, appropriating this
aisle to their burying-place, strongly favours the opinion; from the extinction
of this family the stone cannot be of later date than the time of Richard II
(A.D. 1377-1399), probably not much earlier".
There are in the church the following vaults, viz:
60. In the chancel: the vault numbered 1 in the plan, being for the BARGRAVE
family, in which also many of the BRIDGERS have been interred. There is also a
vault on the opposite side belonging to the PARAMOURS, which is not shewn on the
plan, as the entrance is unknown, because the timber that supported the stones
of the entrance of this vault giving way, it was bricked up in A.D. 1788.
61. In the church: Mr Robert BARGRAVE’s vault numbered 2 in the plan.
No.3 being the HATFEILD vault.
No.4. The GRAVILLE or STATENBOROUGH vault – very large.
No.5. The BOTELER vault.
No.6. A very small one made in A.D. 1770 for the interment of W. DARE, Esq.
No.7. Capt. John HARVEY’s vault.
No.8. A vault for the families of SPRINGETT and HARVEY.
Inscriptions on gravestones in the churchyard
We now come to the churchyard. In the year 1847 a piece of ground was taken from
the Hammel Close, by the permission of the Dean and Chapter, added to the
churchyard, and consecrated by the Archbishop. This new ground is already nearly
Opposite the south porch there is an ancient yew tree which, amongst the old
inhabitants of Eastry, goes by the name of "the Palm tree" – it was
so called in Mr Boteler’s time – and has in all probability borne this name
since the day in which it was planted. The origin of the name would appear to be
that in ante-Reformation times branches of yew were used instead of palm
branches in the services of the church on the Sunday next before Easter,
commonly called Palm Sunday. In the same way, in other parts of the country,
branches of willow, with the catkins on them, are called "palm", and
were probably used as a substitute for the real Eastern palm trees in former
There are in the churchyard the following vaults:
62. A vault belonging to the family of PETMAN near the western entrance of the
church, under the gravel path, on the south of the main path to the west door.
This is of considerable size, and was enlarged some 50 years ago.
63. A vault holding some 8 or 10 coffins, belonging to the BAKER family,
commonly called SHARPE’s vault, at the extreme north-west corner of the
churchyard, adjoining Eastry Court.
64. A vault belonging to the family of RAE, of Walton House, made to contain 9
bodies. This was made in A.D. 1843, and is on the north side of the church.
65. The SAYER vault, on the south side of the church, and east of the south
porch, constructed in 1851 to hold some 9 bodies.
66. A large vault belonging to the family of RAMMELL, lying on the south side of
the church, to the west of the chancel door
67. The FULLER vault, which has not been opened within memory, lying on the
south side of the church, east of the chancel door.
68. Mary, wife of John MATSON, and only child of Stephen GOLDFINCH, died 22nd
May 1701 aged 29.
69. Stephen GOLDFINCH, died Nov. 18th 1722 aged 83.
70. James HARVEY, died 18th January 1820 aged 90. Esther, wife of the above died
24th Jany 1819 aged 84.
71. Mary, wife of John ELGAR, died Novr 12th 1796 aged 67.
72. William SMEETH, 28 years the faithful bailiff of Henry Wise HARVEY, Esq. of
Harnden in this parish, by every branch of whose family he was much respected.
He died on the 15th of February 1831. Aged 62 Yrs.
73. Mary Ann, wife of Morris UPTON, died 8 April 1796 aged 27. Also 2 children
died in their infancy, viz. John and Mary.
74. Susan, wife of Robert MANN, died 27 August 1861 aged 24.
75. Elizabeth, wife of John MOAT died 10th July 1793 aged 36.
Also the above said John Moat died 5 June 1794 aged 39.
76. Sarah, wife of Robert GARDENER died 27th Novr 1830 aged 28.
77. Thomas MANN, eldest son of Thomas & Elizabeth Mann, died 28th June 1839
aged 20 Ys. Also Thomas George, eldest son of James and Lucy Mann of Sandwich,
grandson of the above Thomas & Elizabeth Mann, died 6th January 1861 aged 8
78. Betty, wife of Thomas MANN died Novr 3rd 1864 aged 68. She is not dead but
sleepeth in hopes of a joyful resurrection. Also the above-named Thomas Mann
died 16th May 1869 aged 77.
79. William, son of John & Mary MOAT died 22nd December 1821 aged 10 yrs.
Also Mary Ann, their daughter died 3rd May 1829, aged 1 yr, 8 mhs.
80. Robert MANN, son of Thomas & Betty Mann died 3rd December 1826 aged 1 yr
& 9 months. Robert Thomas Richard, eldest son of Robert and Sarah Mann died
18th April 1867 aged 19 months.
81. Lawrence MARSH died 23rd February 1812 aged 69. Also Mary, wife of the above
Lawrence Marsh died April 30th 1861 aged 68.
82. Jane, daughter of Thomas & Charlotte FORD died July 2nd 1825 aged 17.
83. Charlotte SEATH, relict of the late Thomas FOORD, born 9th Novr 1777, died
17 May 1850.
84. Thomas FOORD died 20th June 1809 aged 45.
85. Simon COCK died 27th July 1814 aged 75. Also Sarah his wife died 21st May
1819 aged 80.
86. Sarah MOAT, wife of Henry RANFERT died 28th March 1793 aged 32.
87. Ann MOAT died 15th January 1835 aged 63.
88. Jane, daughter of Richard & Jane MARBROOKE died 18th August 1808 aged
89. Richard MARBROOK died 8th Feby 1830 aged 75.
90. Thomas FILLIS died Feby 20th 1802 aged 70. Also Sarah his wife died 4th Feby
1801 aged 67.
91. John PHILLIS died 13th March 1836 aged 66. Also Charlotte, wife of the above
John Phillis died 1st July 1850 aged 84. This stone was erected by their son Mr
James Phillis of Adelaide, Australia.
92. Ann, wife of John PITTOCK, died April 8th 1780 aged 38. Also the above John
Pittock died Octr 5th 1834 aged 87. Also Ann, his second wife died Octr 31st
1835 aged 84.
93. William PITTOCK died 7th Novr. 1775 aged 76. Also Elizabeth his wife died
1st June 1774 aged 80.
94. Ann, wife of Willm. PITTOCK died Feby 26th 1806 aged 77. Also the above W.
Pittock died August 18th 1811 aged 88.
95. William PITTOCK died March 12th 1841 aged 45. Also Susanna, wife of the
above died March 29th 1845 aged 52.
96. John DEVESON died March 29th 1853 aged 77. He left surviving Elizabeth his
wife and 13 children, viz: 10 sons and 3 daughters. Remembrance long will feel a
pang severe and o’er this grave affection drop a tear. Also Susannah DOWNARD,
daughter of the above died February 10th 1856 aged 38. Also Elizabeth, wife of
the above John Deveson died April 26th 1859 aged 81.
97. William BELSEY died September 15th 1803 aged 79. Dorcas, wife of the above
William Belsey died April 4th 1798 aged 78.
98. Susanna, wife of John SIMMONS died 13th October 1780 aged 62. Also the above
said John Simmons died Sepr 23rd 1800 aged 77.
99. Richard FAGG died 22nd April 1727 aged 55.
100. Edward FAGG died Decr 6th 1780 aged 61. Elizabeth his wife died 11th August
1778 aged 57.
101. Sarah, wife of Richard FAGG died 22nd Decr 1799 aged 50. Also the above
Richard Fagg died 20th March 1810 aged 64. Also three children died in infancy.
102. Ralph PITTOCK died Novr 25th 1813 aged 57.
103. Harriet, daughter of Willm & Mary Ann PITTOCK died 15th July 1809 aged
14 months. Also William their son died 11th Feby 1810 in early infancy.
104. Stephen CHURCH died Jany 16th 1798 aged 60. Also Mary, wife of the above
Stephen Church died October 19th 1832 aged 83. Likewise James, son of the above
Stephen & Mary Church died July 9th 1797 aged 21.
105. Jane ARNOLD died June 20th 1824 aged 83. Also William Arnold, husband of
the above died 8 June 1825 aged 85.
106. William LEDNER died 26th Feby 1795 aged 85. Also Sarah his wife died 16th
Novr. 1798 aged 82.
107. James HUDSON died 25th August 1819 aged 65. Also Mary, wife of the above
died Sept 11th 1846 aged 90. Also William, son of the above died Decr 6th 1846
aged 50.
108. Jane, daughter of Michael and Mary COCK died 10th November 1794 aged 25.
109. Richard SOAMES died 29th May 1805 aged 53. Also Sarah, wife of the above
died 8th Augt 1832 aged 80.
110. Richard SOAMES died 6th November 1850 aged 72.
111. Dilnot SLADDEN of the City of Canterbury, Solicitor, son of Isaac Sladden
of Selson in this parish died 25th June 1839 aged 25.
112. Elizabeth, wife of Isaac SLADDEN died 2nd March 1816 aged 34. Also the
above named Isaac Sladden died 25th March 1861 aged 79.
113. Thomas KELSEY, gent, died 29th August 1829 aged 85. Also Mrs Catherine
Kelsey, widow of the above died 20th July 1836, aged 86.
114. On a flat stone railed round. Thomas CASTLE died 29th April 1860 aged 69.
Also Caroline and Charlotte died in their infancy May 1821.
115. James HUDSON died Sepr 24th 1755 aged 48. Mary, wife of the above died Novr
22nd 1780 aged 77.
116. Thomas BEER died March 3rd 1804 aged 79. Also Mary, wife of the above
Thomas Beer died 25th May 1822 aged 88.
117. James HUDSON died January 14th 1816 aged 84.
118. Thomas MORRIS died 7th August 1835 aged 59.
119. This stone is erected in memory of Ann REWELL by the members of a family
resident in this parish to record their affectionate and grateful sense of her
long and faithful service, and to shew that integrity and diligence make the
possessor respected in life and lamented in death. She died 18th August 1829
aged 66.
120. Also Sarah MILLS died 2nd August 1862 aged 62.
121. Ann, wife of Stephen COURT, Clerk, and daughter of William AYNOTT, died
28th August 1826 aged 85.
122. Stephen COURT, 55 years Clerk of this parish died 6th June 1830 aged 86.
123. William AYNOTT died 26th July 1775 aged 70. William, son of the above died
1748 aged 15. Also Elizabeth, daughter of the above said William Aynott died
29th January 1774 aged 39.
124. Elizabeth AYNOTT died 30th April 1811 aged 97.
125. Edward TERRY died Feby 28th 1849 aged 71. Also Elizabeth, wife of the above
died Feby 15th 1834 aged 55. Also Elizabeth, daughter of the above died June
20th 1838 aged 17. Also Edward Hacklinge, son of the above died January 30th
1816 aged 3 yrs. Also 2 children who died in their infancy. William Terry, son
of George Terry died March 3rd 1849 aged 10 weeks.
126. John BARTON, late of Worth died 20th Jany 1763 aged 44. Also Ann his wife
died 29th June 1768 aged 45.
127. James FELLS died 3rd March 1849 aged 65.
128. Thomas FELLS died July 8th 1793 aged 47. Also Ann, wife of the above died
Jany 13th 1835 aged 79. Likewise Thomas, son of the above died Octr 14th 1835
aged 55.
129. John TANTON died 31st December 1794 aged 69.
130. Jesse BETTS died 21st February 1829 aged 42.
131. Ann THOMPSON, daughter of Thomas ADAMS of Updown died 9th October 1757 aged
132. Thomas ADAMS late of Updown died 8th July 1730 aged 69.
133. Elizabeth, wife of Mr John SOLLY died 24th Jany 1805 aged 71. Also the
above said John Solly died Feby 4th 1811 aged 76.
134. Elizabeth, wife of Richard RUSSELL died 12th May 1798 aged 38 Also the
above said Richard Russell died 15th October 1816 aged 63.
135. Elizabeth, wife of Richard SLADDEN died 17th June 1806 aged 26. Also James,
son of the above died 20th July 1806 aged 15 months.
136. Ann, wife of Charles POTT died 23rd Sepr 1806 aged 23. Also John, son of
the above died 17th March 1808 aged 18 months. Also the above Charles Pott died
29th Augt 1818 aged 33.
137. To the memory of 3 beloved infants of James and Mary BUDDLE of this parish,
who died at the respective ages of ten, nine and 20 weeks, William D. 8th Jany
1834, William George D. 10th Decr 1842, and Sarah Ann, died 13th April 1845.
138. Harriet, wife of William SOLLEY died 29th February 1832 aged 32 yrs. Also
the above named William Solley died 9th Feby 1847 aged 48. Also 2 children,
William and Harriet Elizabeth.
139. William HAMMOND died 20th Feby 1840 aged 87. Also Mary, wife of the above
died 13th Octr 1836 aged 83.
140. William COLLER died October 15th 1767 aged 39. Also Elizabeth his wife died
April 29th 1773 aged 59. Also Mary their daughter died July 25th 1769 aged 26.
141. William SILVER died December 20th 1841 aged 54. Also Ann, daughter of the
above died June 26th 1808 aged 5 months.
142. Joseph SILVER died 28th Feby 1801 aged 56. He left surviving Mary his wife
and nine children, who in grateful remembrance of the best of husbands and best
of fathers, have caused this stone to be placed here. Also Mary, wife of the
above died Sepr 6th 1816 aged 68.
143. Thomas PETTMAN died 9th May 1762 aged 60. Also Sarah his wife died 17th
August 1800 aged 90. Also Sarah, daughter of the above said Thomas and Sarah
Pettman died 18th June 1761 aged 16 yrs. And six other children who died in
their infancy.
144. Mr Richard PETTMAN of the Town and Port of Sandwich, died 18th January 1810
aged 71. Also Ann Pettman, wife of the above died 26th February 1821 aged 87.
145. Richard WALLRAVEN died December 6th 1800 aged 67. Also Ann, wife of the
above died Octr 11th 1789 aged 66.
146. David LAWRENCE died 6th Sepr 1798 aged 68. Also Elizabeth, wife of the
above died 14 Novr 1806 aged 73.
147. Robert ATKINS died 24th Sepr 1807 aged 2 yr & 8 months.
148. Sarah, wife of Robert ATKINS died 27th Octr 1811 aged 51.
149. George HANCOCK died Jany 12th 1808 aged 76. Also Mary his wife died Decr
28th 1795 aged 63.
150. Stephen MARSH died May 23rd 1842 aged 55. Also Elizabeth, wife of the above
died June 25th 1823 aged 33. Also Pleasant Marsh, his 2nd wife died July 26th
1829 aged 35.
151. Margaret, wife of John STAPLEY, Esq. late an Officer of H.M. Ordnance,
Dover, who quitted this mortal life 28th April 1848 aged 65 years (asleep in
Jesus). Also Susannah VANDEPUT, daughter of the above died 17th June 1848 aged
32 yrs. Also John Stapley, husband of the above Margaret Stapley died 9th
October 1850 aged 69.
152. George MARSH of Deal died 15th July 1825 aged 43. Also Ann Marsh, wife of
the above died 6th April 1860 aged 78.
153. Jane FELLS, daughter of Thomas & Ann Fells died 11th November 1838 aged
47. Also Lydia, daughter of the above died Decr 5th 1843 aged 57.
154. Mr Isaac SLADDEN, late of Gore in this parish died 23rd September 1807 aged
40. Also Ann, wife of the above Isaac Sladden died 27th June 1811, aged43. Also
3 children who died young.
155. Thomas Staines SLADDEN, late of Gore in this parish died 15th October 1831,
aged 40. He left surviving Hester his wife with 8 children, 4 sons and 4
156. Solomon HARVEY, Gent, died 9 November 1733 aged 77. Also Catherine his wife
died 15th March 1740 aged79.Also their son Solomon Harvey, A.B. died 22nd April
1713 aged 23. This was erected by their beloved daughter, Anno 1742. Thomas
Harvey died 27th July 1696 aged 63. Also Mrs Sarah BARNARD, daughter of the said
Thomas Harvey, and late wife of Mr William Barnard, Citizen of London, died 25th
July 1696 aged 32. Also Ann, wife of the above named Thomas Harvey. Died 25th
September 1716 aged 85.
157. Marble slab railed round. Roberta, wife of Commander George SAYER, R.N.
died 2nd October 1851 aged 48.
158. Stone tomb railed round. Richard Shockledge LEGGATT, died 13th March 1853
aged 67.
159. Tomb railed round Thomas RAMMELL died Decr 16th 1759 aged 56. Elizabeth his
wife, and daughter of Thos & Mary FULLER died March 4th 1781 aged 72. Also
Mary, John & Jane, who died in their infancy. Also Susan died January 5th
1770 aged 18. Edward died May 6th 1785 aged 38. Mary died Novr 13th 1789 aged
41. Thomas died October 11th 1799 aged 59. Also Mrs Elizabeth, being the last of
the issue of the above Thomas & Elizabeth, died September 15th 1821 aged 78.
160. Ann, wife of Edward RAMMELL of Deal died 11th April 1785 aged 71. Thomas,
son of the above said died 11th Feby 1791 aged 30.
161. Bartholomew SPAIN died 11th Feby 1822 aged 42. Also Mary, wife of the above
died 5th March 1862 aged 76.
162. Hannah, daughter of Bartholomew & Elizabeth SPAIN died 25th November
1811 aged 25.
163. Richard, son of Bartholomew & Elizabeth SPAIN died 21st September 1811
aged 28.
164. Frances, daughter of Bartholomew & Elizabeth SPAIN died 21st February
1806 aged 18.
165. Bartholomew SPAIN died 15th June 1813 aged 68. Also Elizabeth, wife of the
above died 12 May 1817 aged 67.
166. Mr Sharp’s vault, flat stone. H.1701, T.H. 1724, R.H. 1708, K.H. 1827
167. John POTT died 24th January 1805 aged 60. Also 4 children of the above who
died in their infancy. Harriet Manger Pott, daughter of the above died 13th
August 1814 aged 22. Elizabeth Pott, relict of the above died 29th Feby 1832
aged 85.
168. Ann, wife of John POTT died 14th May 1771 aged 64. Also the above John Pott
died 7 May 1775 aged 60.
169. Mary, wife of John WOODRUFF died 10th Sepr 1727 aged 57. John Woodruff died
4th June 1737 aged 71. Also 2 children who died in their infancy.
170. Gibeon, son of Thomas and Susan RAMMELL died 1st August 1724 aged 15.
171. Susan, wife of Thomas RAMMELL died 12th May 1749 aged 74.
172. Thomas RAMMELL died 13th March 1725 aged 52.
173. Lydia, wife of Edward Emanuel KEBLE, born 6th Novr 1779, died 18th May
1859. Also the above named Edward Emanuel Keble, late of Sandwich died 3rd March
1867 aged 83. Ann, relict of Edward Keble died 14 May 1773 aged 47.
174. Thomas KEBLE died 14th February 1793 aged 44. Martha, wife of the above
died 15th Sepr 1785 aged 32. Also 2 sons, Edward & George who died in their
infancy. Harriet, daughter of the above died 11th March 1809 aged 30.
175. Sarah, wife of John HAMMOND died Novr 1st 1821 aged 86.
176. Robert SIMMONS died Jany 22nd 1809 aged 84. Mary, wife of the above died
October 29th 1809 aged 84.
177. Joyce, wife of Samuel FELLS died Jany 23rd 1807 aged 66. Also the above
named Samuel Fells died August 13th 1807 aged 66.
178. William MOAT died Feby 19th 1814 aged 92. Elizabeth, wife of the above died
June 25th 1813 aged 84. Also Richard, son of the above died April 8th 1826 aged
75. Sarah, wife of Wm. DRAYSON and daughter of the above Willm & Elizth
Moat, died Augt 10th 1853 aged 85.
179. Margaret, wife of Thomas HART of the City of Canterbury, wine merchant,
died 5th Decr 1813 aged 53.
180. Joseph BELSEY died 10th October 1801 aged 72. Sarah Belsey, his wife, died
20th May 1806 aged 68.
181. William Thomas WOOD died 21st Decr 1786 aged 23. Also 2 sons, Joseph and
182. Joseph BELSEY died June 9th 1789 aged 18.
183. Mary WELLARD died 13th Novr 1808 aged 64.
184. Elizabeth, wife of William DRAYSON died June 13th 1816 aged 57. Also their
son Thomas died Octr 18th 1803 aged 1 year.
185. Frances, wife of William COOKE died 11th October 1818 aged 40. Also John
HALL, father of the above died 19th April 1820 aged 60. Also Sarah, wife of the
above died 7th May 1836 aged 77.
186. Christopher HALL died 4th August 1762 aged 77. Ann, wife of the above died
3rd May 1765 aged 78.
187. S.R. died 7th April 1825 aged 9 months.
188. Mr Rae’s vault railed round.
189. Susanna, wife of Thomas BUSHELL, and daughter of Henry & Pleasant
Bushell died 2nd February 1838 aged 22.
190. Henry BUSHELL died 24th April 1835 aged 69. Also Pleasant, wife of the
above died April 19th 1846 aged 65. Also Mary, daughter of the above named died
22nd October 1850 aged 31.
191. John FERRIER died Feby 15th 1847 aged 66. George, second son of the above
died 11th April 1829, infant. Also Emma Jane & Caroline, twin daughters of
the above died in their infancy.
192. Maria, wife of William FAMARISS, died 10th March 1842 aged 62. Also the
above named William Famariss died 26th April 1867 aged 89.
193. Tomb railed round. Richard SINGLETON, born 9th Jany 1799 died 11th April
194. Tomb railed round. John Allen Willm WADE, Esq. died 19th September 1851
aged 39.
195. Elizabeth, wife of James LEAKE died Jany 27th 1814 aged 52.
196. John WILSON died December 30th 1840 aged 52. Maria, daughter of the above
died Jany 13th 1832 aged 7 months. John, son of the above died August 5th 1841
aged 18 yrs.
197. Robert NETHERSOLE died 6th May 1770 aged 66. Mary Nethersole, wife of the
above died 9th Septr 1771 aged 63. John Nethersole, son of the above died 14th
June 1767 aged 24.
198. Edward PAGE died 28th December 1861 aged 59. Also 2 children of the above,
George died 22nd March 1837 aged 7 yr. Mary Ann died 9th Feby 1838 aged 4 yr.
199. Tomb. Margaret, daughter of Saphire PARAMOR died 18th July 1721 aged 74.
200. Tomb. Saphire PARAMOR of Statenborough in this parish, Gent, died September
27th 1693 aged 77.
201. Tomb. Joshua PARAMOR of Statenborough in this parish died June 4th 1705
aged 66. Also Mary, wife of the above died Decr 4th 1727 aged 70. Margaret
Paramor, daughter of the above died March 31st 1764 aged 67.
202. Eliza, wife of Richard HARVEY, Gent and daughter of Mr Saphire PARAMOR died
6th August 1688 aged 35.
203. Thomas HARVEY, eldest son of Captain Richard Harvey died 30th October 1696
aged 19.
204. Thomas KITE died 22nd December 1795 aged 36. Also Thomas Kite, son of the
above died March 18th 1796 aged 6 yrs. And 2 children who died in their infancy.
Also Mrs Sarah Kite, wife of the above died 14th September 1826 aged 64.
205. Arthur, son of Thomas and Mary SUTTON died May 28th 1835 aged 5 years. Also
Hester, daughter of the above died Decr 11th 1841 aged 13. Also Harriet,
daughter of the above died April 6th 1842 aged 23.
206. Mary, wife of Mr Thomas SUTTON of Sandwich died 7th May 1850 aged 58. Also
the above named Mr Thomas Sutton died 4th October 1866 aged 71.
207. John WOOD died 20th October 1824 aged 36.
208. Tomb railed round. Jane, wife of Ephraim PRIOR died March 29th 1849 aged
209. Edward FAGG died December 8th 1851 aged 38.
210. Mary Jane HOILE died 4th Feby 1850 aged 31. Also Sarah STROTTEN, mother of
the above died 27th Decr 1851 aged 67.
211. James STANDEN died 1st April 1860 aged 74. Ann, daughter of the above died
30th March 1826 aged 4 yrs & 6 months. Sarah, wife of Henry Standen, son of
the above died 19th February 1862 aged 38.
212. William NOWER died 18th Jany 1858 aged 61. Ann Nower, wife of the above
died 9th April 1858 aged 58.
213. Hannah, wife of Francis HOPPER died Sepr 13th 1856 aged 27.
214. John FARRIER died 13th Feby 1858 aged 77.
215. Henry KITTAMS died 5th Sepr 1855 aged 53.
216. Ann, wife of John SETTERFIELD died 30th Jany 1861 aged 66.
217. +Susannah, wife of Thomas YOUNG died Decr 8th 1862 aged 56.
218. Tomb railed round. Sarah, only daughter of John & Susannah BOWES, born
30th May 1830, died 18th Feby 1853. Also John Bowes, father of the above named
Sarah, born 28th Jany 1792 died 4th Decr 1865.
219. Tomb. Thomasine Fanny, wife of John Bridges KENRICK died 22nd Feby 1859.
Clara Florence their daughter died 7 May 1859 aged 7.
220. Cranmer KENRICK, born 19th Jany 1849, died 11th July 1860.
221. William HORTON died 19th Feby 1867 aged 38. Also Ellen, Agnes and Lizzie,
daughters of the above who died in their infancy.
222. Tomb. Agnes, daughter of William and Mary BOTELER died October 8th 1857
aged 57.
223. Eliz. Corney ROMANIS died 26th Augt 1855 aged 41.
224. Elizabeth Barbara WYVER died 23rd Jany 1862 aged 62.
225. Tomb railed round. Henry UPTON died 4th August 1850 aged 64. Henry Matson,
son of Henry & Mary Upton died 26th Feby 1860 aged 33. Mary Upton died 1st
Novr 1863 aged 70.
226. Marble slab railed round. Elizabeth, wife of Captain George HILTON, R.N.
and daughter of Henry Wise HARVEY, of Hearnden, born in Sandwich 2nd October
1792, died in Canterbury 25th Feby 1819. Buried in Eastry Church. Also Eliza,
the only child of the above, born in Canterbury 15th May 1817, died in Brussels
26th July 1856. Buried beneath this tablet.
227. Flat stone railed round. Margaret Ann Maria, wife of Robert Gordon DUGLASS
Esq. Lieut. R.N., daughter of Henry Wise HARVEY of Middle Deal. Died 17th May
1858, aged 28.
228. Tomb. Sarah, daughter of William Fuller BOTELER and Charlotte his wife died
19th May 1857 aged 42.
229. Tomb. William BOTELER, born October 23rd 1810 died July 6th 1867.
230. Olliff Julia WYBORN died 15th April 1864 aged 9 yrs.
231. Marble tomb. Stacey GRIMALDI was born Octr 18th 1790 in the parish of St
James London, and died March 28th 1863 at Hernden House, Eastry, leaving a
widow, their six sons and three daughters.To the beloved and honoured memory of
Stacey Grimaldi, Esq. F.S.A. of Maize Hill, Greenwich, Kent, third in lineal
descent from Alexander Marquess Grimaldi of Genoa, who settled in England A.D.
1683. Stacey Beaufort Grimaldi, eldest son of the above, born in York Street,
London 30th September 1826, died in Otago, New Zealand, unmarried, 23rd Octr
232. Mary Elizabeth, wife of Henry FAMARISS of Wells Farm in this parish died
1st Decr 1855 aged 25. Also Elizabeth, daughter of the above, died in her
233. Jane Martha, daughter of Mark and Mary KINGSLAND died 9th August 1853 aged
18 yrs.
234. Mark KINGSLAND late of Wells Farm in this parish died 1st March 1853 aged
54. Also Mary, wife of the above died 18th April 1852 aged 43 yrs. Left
surviving 7 children viz: Mark William, Mary Elizabeth, William Thomas, Jane
Martha, Court, Emily & James.
235. William Charles Monlas COURTNEY, born May 8th 1865, died April 29th 1869.
236. Arthur-Mand, Carus-WILSON, born March 16th 1857 died October 15th 1859.
237. Mary, wife of James BUDDLE, died July 17th 1850 aged 45, leaving 3 sons
& 3 daughters. She was a good and tender mother, a true and faithful wife.
Also Susannah, daughter of the above died Sepr 24th 1852 aged 22 yrs. Also
James, husband of the above died Oct 6th 1864 aged 75.
238. Tomb railed round. Commander Charles Hougham BAKER, R.N. late of this
parish died 29th March 1854 aged 42 much beloved and respected.
239. Richard DEVESON died 12th August 1864 aged 64.
240. Phineas GILHAM, 20th Feby 1850 aged 52 yrs. Also Mary Gilham, wife of the
above, died 20th September 1868 aged 75.
241. Tomb railed round. Here lieth the mortal remains of the late Rev. Ralph
Drake BACKHOUSE, M.A., 12 years Vicar of Eastry with Worth, and 29 years a
zealous Minister of God’s Word. Born 6th January 1801, died 24th Decr 1853.
Seven Monuments in the Churchyard.
At the north side of the church in the angle formed by
the Chancel.
244. 1st. Here lieth buried Margaret, the eldest daughter of Joshua and Susan
PARAMORE, and wife to Bartholomew FLETCHER of Kent, Gent. She was born August
21st 1614, married September 18th 1632 and died July 10th 1633.
245. 2nd. Here lyeth entombed the body of Ann BONNER, late wife of Wm Bonner of
Lee in Essex, mariner, by whom she had issue one daughter. She was the daughter
of Joshua and Susan PARAMOR of Eastry in East Kent. She drew her first breth
April 26th in the year 1625 and drew her last breth the 4th of May in the year
246. 3rd. Here lieth interred the body of Saml PARAMOR, Gent, who departed this
life ye 22nd of April 1679 aged 29 years.
247. 4th. Here lyeth the body of Margaret, the wife of Saphyr PARAMOR of
Statenborough, Gent, who departed this life the 23rd of August 1679 aged 60
248. 5th. Here lyeth interred the body of Saphire PARAMOR of Statenborough,
Gent. He was buried 27 Sepr A.D. 1693 aged 77 years.
249. 6th. Here lieth interred the body of Joshua PARAMOR of Statenborough in
this parish, Gent, who departed this life June 4th A.D. 1705 aged 66 years,
leaving issue 3 sons and 4 daughters by Mary his wife, daughter of Mr Ralph
PHILPOTT of Word (Worth). Also Mary, the wife of the aforesaid Joshua Paramor died Decr
4th 1727 aged 70 years. Also Margaret, daughter of the above said Joshua and
Mary died March 31st 1764 aged 67 years.
250. 7th. Here lieth interred the body of Margt. ye daughter of Saphir PARAMOR
of this parish, Gent, who departed this life the 18th of July A.D. 1721 aged 74
On an altar monument near the middle of the churchyard on the north west side of
the footpath.
251. Here lieth the bodyes of Thomas FAWLCHNER and William Fawlchner, which
Thomas dyed 22nd day of Aprill 16../ William dyed ye../ of October 1616.
(The inscription is almost obliterated). Eastry Register: Burials 28 April 1610
Thomas Fawlcher, paterfamilias 11 Oct 1616, Wm Fawlchner Pat.
252. Richard PRETT died Decr 20th 1749 aged 50. Jane his wife died 2nd Octr 1753
aged 56.
253. William PARKER died 5 Feby 1782 aged 86. Elizabeth his wife died 11th April
1778 aged 86.
254. Ann Barton, wife of James BEAL, born 22nd August 1806, died 6th April 1855.
Also Susannah PHILPOTT, wife of Alfred T. WRIGHT, and daughter of the above died
12th Jany 1869 aged 23.
255. Mary BEAL died March 4th 1857 aged 76 years.
256. Joseph Patten BAKER, born 26th July 1813, died 11th Novr 1869.
Index of Names and Places
ADAMS 131, 132, 273
Allen 194
Astley 269
ATKINS 147, 148
AUSTEN 54, 262, 296
AYNOTT 121, 123, 124
E.G.B. 11
BACKHOUSE 8, 33, 241
BAKER 63, 238, 256
BARGRAVE 1- 5, 46, 60, 61,
277, 278, 281, 288
BEAL 254, 255
Beaufort 231
BEER 116
BELSEY 97, 180
BONNER 245, 273
BOTELAR 298, 299
BOTELER 22-28, 32, 55-58,
61, 222, 228, 229, 263- 265,
283, 290, 297-299
Brandon 33
BROADLEY 1, 4, 278
BUDDLE 137, 237
Burton 39
BUSHELL 189, 190
CATLIN 272, 276
Carus 236
CASTLE 21, 114
CLARE 3, 5
COCK 85, 108
Corney 223
COURT 121, 122
CRESSENER 33, 269, 285
DARE 17, 61
DEVESON 96, 239
Dilnot 111
Drake 8, 241
178, 184
DUFF 308
ELLIS 38, 284
FAGG 99-101, 209
FAGGE 14, 295
FAMARISS 192, 232
FELLS 127, 128, 153, 177
FINNIT 54, 262, 296
FOORD 83, 84
FULLER 6, 22, 25, 41, 67,
159, 228, 282, 290
GOLDFINCH 68, 69, 273
H 166
Hacklinge 125
HALL 185, 186
HAMMOND 139, 175
Harnden 47
HART 179
HARVEY 18, 22, 37-39, 40,
42, 43, 47, 48, 51, 61, 70,
72, 156, 202, 203, 226,
227, 273, 284, 286, 287,
304, 307, 308
HAYWARD 35, 257, 279
HILTON 47, 226
HOOD 308
Hougham 238
HOWE 18, 308
HUDSON 107, 115, 117
KEBLE 49, 50, 173, 174, 302
KELLEY 19, 20, 53, 266,
291, 300
KENRICK 219, 220
233, 234
KITE 204, 276
LAWSON 270, 303
LEIGH 3, 46, 48, 277, 287
MANN 74, 77, 78, 80
MARSH 81, 150, 152
MATSON 68, 225, 273
MOAT 75, 79, 86, 87, 178
Monlas 235
MORRICE 32, 283
MOT 276
MOTT 272
NAYLER 54, 262
NEVYNSON 258, 294
NEVISON 12, 14, 15, 258, 293
PARAMOR 35, 57, 199-202,
257, 265
PARAMORE 244-250, 273
PARAMOR 279, 280, 290,
292, 297
Patten 256
PETTMAN 30, 31, 49, 143,
144, 302
PHELPS 272, 276
PHILPOTT 56, 249, 254, 264,
PITTOCK 92-95, 102, 103
POTT 136, 167, 168
PRETT 252, 273
S.R. 187
RAE 63, 188
RAMMELL 66, 159, 160,
RENNALLS 52, 301
SAYER 65, 157
Sharp 166
Shockledge 158
SILVER 141, 142
SIMMONS 98, 176
SLADDEN 111, 112, 135,
154, 155
SOAMES 109, 110
SPAIN 161-165
SPRINGETT 39, 40, 42, 43
61, 287, 304
SUTTON 205, 206
TEBOLDE 13, 258, 294
TERRY 41, 125, 282
THEOBALD 14, 294, 295
Tournay 2
UPTON 73, 225
WADE 194
WILSON 196, 236
WISE 18, 226, 227, 286
WOOD 181, 182, 207
WYBORN 46, 230, 287
Adelaide, Australia 91
Addington, Surrey 287
Africa 26, 27
Agra, East Indies 33
Allhallows, Staining 38, 284
Betshanger 283
Blo-Norton, Norfolk 275
Boreham Wood, Herts 275
Canada 27
Canterbury 111, 179, 226
Cawnpore, East Indies 29
Deal 16, 33, 160, 227
Dover 1, 278
Douglas, Ayrshire 275
Eastry Court 2, 63
Eastry with Worth 8
Fenderland 17
Gore 154, 155
Hammel Close 61+
Harnden 72
Hearnden 226
Hernden House 231
Heronden 58
Selson 111
Statenborough 25, 41, 44,
200, 201, 248, 249, 282,
Updown 131, 132
Walton House 64, 275
Wells Farm 232, 234
Worth 249
Eythorne 32
Elmton, Eythorne 308
Genoa 231
Gibraltar station 308
Glenlivet, Banffshire 275
Gravesend 48
Great Betshanger 32
Maize Hill, Greenwich 231
Halifax, Nova Scotia 27
Hawley, Kent 3, 46, 277, 287
London 29, 42, 156, 287
Gower Street 28
St James 231
York Street 231
Lee, Essex 245
Norwich 45
Old Calabar River, Africa 26 |
Otago, New Zealand 231
Portsmouth 18, 286
Portugal 27
St. Eustatia 308
Sandwich 18, 35, 58, 77, 144,
173, 206, 226, 257, 279,308
St Clement 27
St Mary’s 33
St.Peter’s 58
Sholden 46, 287
South America 27
Spain 27
Tunstall 16
West Indies 308
Worth 126
H.E.I. Companys 12th Regt
of Bengal N. Infantry 29
H.M. Ordnance, Dover 151
Hon. E.I.C. Bengal
Establishment 33
Kent & Captayne of ye
lyghte horses 13, 294
Lyghte Horses of the Lath
of St Augustines 258
Captain 29, 258
Lieut. Colonel 27
Provist Marshall &
Scoutmaster 13, 258
Royal Engineers 27
Royal Navy 5
Admiral 308
Captain R.N. 18, 47, 61,
203, 226, 286, 308
Commander R.N. 26, 157,
238, 286, 308
Lieut. R.N. 227, 308
post-captain 308
Dutch Admiral 308
H.M. Packet Calypso 27
H.M.S. Brunswick 18, 286,
H.M.S. Hecla 26
H.M.S. Falmouth 308
H.M.S. Panther 308
H.M.S. Sampton 308
H.M.S. Triumph 308 |
apothecary 42, 287
bailiff 72
banker 45
brazier 58
Church Warden 276
Chaplain 33
Curate 6
Proctor in Doctors
Commons 287
Rector 16, 33, 38
Rev 3, 5, 8, 16, 27, 33, 37,
39, 42, 43, 48, 241 |
Rural Dean 8
Vicar 8, 27, 33, 42, 48
Clerk 121, 122
M.D 3
mariner 245
Solicitor 111
Surgeon 1, 278
yeoman 49, 50, 52
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