Some Kentish Gravestones
& other notes
Cathedral Church of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Some M.I.s
with related concise wills, noted and photographs with and Index
at end
Inscriptions (M.I.s) of Rochester Cathedral compiled
by D. E. Williams 2019
to Kentish Gravestones & other notes introduction
Acknowledgements: I am grateful to Mr Jacob
Scott of Rochester Cathedral for the use of his excellent
photographs of the Cathedral ledger stone inscriptions and for
some translations from the Latin, from the same source. See also
a paper in Arch Cant featuring arms on monuments in Cathedral,
which is, Rochester Cathedral Heraldry Before A. D. 1800
by A. W. B. Messenger, Archaeologia Cantiana, Vol. 39, 113-129
1927. also my
thanks to Ted Connell for hosting this work, attaching the
photographs and for compiling the index.

Rochester Cathedral from the North West 1818
1. Gothic Tablet North Wall of Nave
(Baker is actually buried in St. Mary Magdalene, Gillingham)

To the Memory of
Many years a Magistrate of this City
This tablet is erected by his Friends and fellow Citizens
in testimony of their Respect and Esteem
The whole course of his life was marked
by talents and energy,
which raised him to eminence in his profession
by Integrity and Kindness
which endeared him to all who knew him,
and by true Christianity
which was best evinced by his benevolent action,
the improvements of this his native City
and the promotion of the welfare of it's inhabitants
were objects which he ardently pursued,
zealous in whatever he undertook,
yet prudent in the choice of means,
his efforts were crowned with success
and his liberality diffused,
what his industry had won,
his fellow Citizens envied not the wealth
which was often the prop of humble merit
and the resource of the unfortunate.
Died November 6th 1836 Aged 75 Years
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated
30th June 1833
Samuel Baker of Boley Hill. Esquire
Directs he is to be buried with his late wife in the north
chancel of St. Mary Magdalene, Gillingham.
His debts, funeral and probate costs to be first paid from his
personal estate, any deficiency from his real estate.
To his friend Sir Robert Smirke*
his two large china jars and best china desert set as a small
token of esteem and friendship.
To his son, George, his silver tureen
presented to him by the Kent Fire Office for services rendered,
also his old silver tankard which he kept as a remembrance of
his grandmother, Sarah Fox, his best and oldest
friend in early life.
To son, Thomas, his Encyclopaedia Britannica
and silver pint jug which was his father's.
To each of his daughters and son William,
all of his writing in remembrance of his wife and to each a set
of books in remembrance of him.
To son, William a golden piece of
? of 5 guineas which was his
To grandson George, son of George, Britain's
Antiquities and all books and papers left by his late son Robert.
To sister Ann Baker £500
To Mary Baker, widow of his late
brother, Robert, £100.
To nephew, Samuel Baker, £200.
To his trusty servant, Richard Waterhouse,
To son, William, £2,000; he had given to
each of his children, upon marriage, £2,000.
To sons, George and Thomas, £1,000
each for their trouble as his trustees and £6,000 upon trust,to
invest in Government or Real stock and divide equally among the
4 children of his late son Samuel, at 21 years of age.
Also to sons, George and Thomas, £6,000 upon
trust, to invest in same manner for the benefit of his two
grandchildren, children of his late daughter, Sarah Dick.
To his sister,
? Baker, an annuity of £120 for
To Mary Baker an annuity of £50, for
To Richard Waterhouse and his wife Sarah
an annuity of £50 for life.
To Mrs Rebecca Rogers, sister of Sarah
Waterhouse, an annuity of £20 for life.
His Manors, houses and lands, freehold, leasehold,
personal estate not before give, to sons, George and Thomas,
also estate vested in him as trustee and mortgagee, upon trust,
to sell.
Rest and residue of the above, upon trust, for his children, George,
Thomas, William, Katherine, wife of Peter
Gunning, Esquire; Ann wife of Edward Burton,
Esquire and Elizabeth, wife of Edward Day,
Esquire, equally divided.
He and son George have for some years
carried on business as timber merchants and builders in
partnership. He has considerable capital in the partnership,
there now follows how George will reimburse his
investment and rate of interest.
Witnesses: James Simmons, Solicitor,
Rochester, Edward Birch and Edward Brooks,
his Clerks
Codicil,10th February 1836
Concerning £2,000 of the £6,000 left to his 2 grandchildren, Sarah
and Thomas Dick, their father Captain Dick
to receive the interest, for life, in addition to the £100
annuity. After his death, the principal to be divided equally
between his children.
£500 left to his sister, Ann, is revoked
and her annuity increased to £160.
£50 to be paid to his servants Ann Desborough
and William Marsh, in addition to wages due, as a
token of his regard for their service.
Witness:Edward Burton
Codicil 30th August 1836
He has given sons, George and Thomas, £6,000,
upon trust, to benefit his 4 grandchildren, children of late
son, Samuel. He now wants to make provision for Samuel's
wife, Sarah, who is now wife of William Pitman
of Lewisham, Esquire, a Captain in the Royal Navy. His trustees
are to pay, from the £6,000, an annuity of £100 to Sarah,
for life; she is not to sell or mortgage to annuity, nor is it
to be liable to husband's interference.
He revokes the bequest of £6,000 and interest
given to his trustees and gives his trustees, £3,000 for the
benefit of grandson, Thomas Dick, subject to the
payment of an annuity of £50 to his father (who lives in
Greenwich and is a Post Captain in the Royal Navy).
If Thomas Dick, Junior, dies under 21
years, the £3,000 will go into testator's residuary estate.
To his trustees the £3,000 will be used to
purchase Government Stock and after paying the £50 annuity to
Captain Dick, they will pay the dividends to testator's
grand daughter, Sarah Georgiana Dick,
another daughter of his late daughter, Sarah Dick,
for life.
After the death of the latter grand daughter, the dividends to
the benefit of her children at 21 years of
Witnesses: Charles May Simmonds,
Solicitor, Rochester, William W
? , his Clerk and William Marsh,
Servant to Mr Baker
Affidavit 22nd November 1836
George William Baker of Montague Place, Russell Square,
Esquire, is sworn.
He was well acquainted with Samuel Baker,
late of Darland, Gillingham and Boley Hill, Rochester, Esquire.
He has seen his write and knows his signature; he has carefully
examined the will and believes the will and codicils are in his
testator's and that additions are in his hand.
Proved 29th November 1836
Smuel Baker was Mayor of Rochester in 1797 and
*Sir Robert Smirke, R. A., Architect of the British
2. Ledger in the Nave
MARY Wife of
died January 18th 1834
Aged 63
departed this life on the
20th day of September 1841
in the 74th Year of his Age
having been Organist
of this Cathedral Church
nearly fifty years
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 5th February 1834
I Ralph Banks Organist
of the Cathedral Church of Rochester do make
this my last Will and Testament I give and bequeath unto my dear
Rebecca Banifold Widow of the late John Benifold
after my just debts & funeral
expenses are paid all my Property and Effects whatsoever
and where
soever and all sums of money due to me or may be due to me at or
my decease And I appoint the above named Rebecca Benifold
sole Executrix
of this my last Will and Testament Witness my hand this
fifth day of
February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
& thirty four
Ralph Banks Signed sealed and delivered in the
presence of us Jos
Benifold John Butcher Proved 11th October 1841
3. Marble Tablet on North Wall of Nave, formerly
attached to a Pillar

Francis BARRELL 1679
Quem vel ablque nominaese
Satis ad Elogium ubi ipsemet notus
Ubi ignotus vereor ne quid Satis
Parem nempe est
Quod inter jervientes ut aiunt ad Legem
Nemo peritior juris amantior
Cautior in coneiliis aidatior in Fero
Non inter humanus leges divinorum oblitus
Sibi apud Deum
(Non minus quom aliis apud homines)
Vehementissimus Orator
Justitiom pietate confecrabat
Hinc illa vivi boni aeque ac justi Opino celebris
Hinc illud undequaque negotiorum agmen
Et pondus
Solis istis non impor humeris
Nom praetor clientes fere innumeras
Etiam civitatis hujus acc Eccleaiae
Judicrali curavit omnia
Multo majoru statim curaturum
Jam enim Nationlibus Comitiis accingebatur
Recens Electus
Aeternum electus as meliora
In caelis aeternum celebranda
Eo (urgente marbo) properavit
Aetatis suae 52
Salutis humanae 1679
Francis Barrell was called to the Bar at the
Middle Temple in 1651 and was Recorder of Rochester, 1673-79 and
of Dover, 1676-79; he was Member of Parliament for Rochester in
4. Ledgers in the Nave
Here lyeth interr'd the Body of
Law and Recorder of this Cittie
who dyed the 15th of September
1679 Aged 52 Years
Here lies
the Body of
the Wife of
Sergeant at Law
who dyed ye 14th of January1707
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 16th September
(Some parts of this will are difficult to read)
Francis Barrell of Rochester, Sergeant at Law.
He has enjoyed his estate by God's blessing, which has exceeded
what he deserved. He talks of his sickness, losses and troubles
he has undergone in the world.
He gives his estate to his wife and children. His wife is his
He gives to his executor, in trust for his two daughters, Elizabeth
and Katherine, his lease of one ?????? he holds of the
Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, London. This to be sold when
daughter, Katherine is 18 or sooner if daughter, Elizabeth
desires the same, the proceeds to be equally divided between
If unsold the rents to their benefit?
From residue?, for Elizabeth, £40 per annum for
maintenance and education, until her sister, Katherine is
18 or Elizabeth married. (this last portion is not
If Elizabeth marries before Katherine is 18, she
will have the whole residue until Katherine is 18.
After Katherine is 18 the daughters to have the whole
interest and benefit of the lease, equally shared.
To daughter, Elizabeth, an extra £50 on her day of
marriage, if she marries with the approval of his executor.
To daughter, Katherine, £200 on day of her marriage, if
she marries with her mother's consent. This money to come from
his personal estate at the first fall and selling of wood on his
ground called Park Wood, part of his Manor and farm of
The interest from the money until she marries to go to the
maintenance and education of his youngest children, as he wife
thinks fit.
If his wife dies before the marriage of his daughters, the money
to be paid to his daughters within six months
If either daughter dies unmarried, then her portion to be
equally divided between his youngest children.
He gives his wife, whose love to him he can never enough
acknowledge and is unable to requite, all the jewels by her
????????????, broad gold and old gold by her usually kept as her
To his eldest son, Francis, who is a resident of the Inns
of Court and applies himself to the study of law, all his law
books and as many of his other books, to the value of £20 he
may choose, with the assistance of someone of judgement.
He gives and forgives his brother, George, £50 of the
principal money he owes on bond and all other money owed.
If God shall enable him, he to pay the residue of the bond to
daughter, Elizabeth as a further increase in her portion,
Executor to give the poor of Rochester, £5, and to the poor of
Maidstone, where he was born, 40 shillings; to the poor of
Bridgewater in Somerset, where his father was born, 40
To each of his servants, besides the Clerk and Katherine Evans,
20 shillings each over and above their wages.
To his Clerk and Katherine Evans, 20 shillings and
After his debts and funeral costs are paid. The residue of his
goods and personal estate ???????????
Son Francis to be executor after his wife's death.
To eldest son, Francis and his male heirs the Manor and
farm called Ashenfield?, in Wye, Crundale and Hastingleigh. In
default of male heirs then to his other sons in seniority and
their male heirs, Robert, Henry, and Edmund,
in default of male heirs from all his sons, then to his own
right heirs.
To his wife, ????????, on condition of her Jointure and in lieu
of her Dower Rights, several pieces of land in Egerton, Pluckly
and ????????, which he purchased from John and Richard
Burlmy?, now occupied by John Barnard;
also a piece of land he purchased from from John and Robert
G??? in Egerton and intended to let with Stonehouse Hill farm, for
her lifetime. Also Stonehouse Hill and Brownes, ?????, with his
hop garden in Egerton.
After the death of his wife, this estate to his son Francis
and his male heirs, in default of male heirs, then as above,
through his brothers. Again if there are no male heirs, to his
own right heirs.
Gardener, late occupied by Edmund Cozens?. Also land he holds on lease from the Dean and Chapter of Rochester,
purchased from Christopher Denman, and another parcel
occupied by Widow Middleton, other land also occupied by Widow Middleton
next to Brompton, next to the lane leading from Frindsbury to Cliffe, now
a parcel of Widow Middleton's farm, ????? used with Brompton Farm.
She to keep property in good repair and lease renewed. After her death, to
son Francis and his male heirs, in default of male heirs, to his
own right heirs, as above.
To son Robert, his Manor and farm called Merriams in Leeds and
Langley, occupied by John Evenden.
To son Henry, his Manor or reputed Manor of Goddington (at
Frindsbury) and land except three pieces occupied by Widow Middleton,
and not Gavelkind?
To son Edmund, his houses or cottages, lands and woods in St.
Margaret's, Rochester and Chatham; at Borstal and Little Horstead,
occupied by [ ] Ward, John Wooden
and [ ] Paulin.
His wife has power during her life and minority of his of sons, Henry
and Edmund to sell the houses and lands, or part, to his two
youngest sons, if she thinks it best for their advantage and benefit. To
his wife, while his three youngest sons are under 21, the rents for their
maintenance and education.
To son Henry, from after his mother's death, an annuity of 20
Marks, for life, from his land at ?????? in Egerton, Pluckley, Little Chart
and P???????, which he has power to charge by levying a fine.
To son Edmund, after his mother's death, an annuity of 20 Marks
from the same land.
Witnesses: Elizabeth Head, Samuel Woodroue?,
and John Holmden?
Proved 10th May 1680
5. Marble Tablet, North
Wall of the Nave, formerly attached to Pillar
This monument
was made by Robert Taylor c. 1690-1742

Inter suos prope jacet
Natus 26th Jan 1662
(Cum uxor clarissimo ilia ANNA ex KITCHELLORUM
Paternorum ille virtutum aeque
Nominis ac officii
Haeres nequaquam degener
Amabile quidem posteris exemplar
Perfecte expressit
Morum sanctitate vitae piete
Celestium appetitu
Terrestrium (quorum diu pertasum suit)
Praecipue autum mirisico quodam pudore
Quern ita feliciter temparavit
Ut viri probi modestiae
Strenui oratoris (Greek)

Non officeret
Gabdia tandem maxime exoplate
Comlexus est
Obiene 11th June 1724
Francis Barrell was educated at Eaton and Brasenose
College Oxford; he was called to the Bar; the Middle Temple in 1685. He
was Recorder of Rochester 1692-1724 and Member of Parliament for Rochester
6. Ledger in Nave, from Latin
She died
Aeatat 62 Aeateat 50
Look Traveller on another Couple
That most special Woman
who springing from the KITCHELLS and the
illustrious family of LOVELACE
Stood as most Worthv
to be received into the Family of BARRELL
And into this Choir of Excellent Ashes
Yet as to have she conducted herself
Towards the Needy, her Neighbours and her Relations The
general grief of her mourners clearly show
As as to those she treated her most delightful Children
The Witnesses are Five most Dear Tokens
The sweet Remains and the Picture of their beloved Mother
How she was to her most loving Husband can hardly be told
His tears, his sighs, his unspeakable grief all confess it
How she conducted herself towards God indeed
the Angels who applaud her know very well
Such a one as her so loaded with Virtues
Her Husband miserably bereft, alone, without her
Owned her properly beloved while alive
And he bewailed her death inconsolably
He destines his own Ashes too
to this marble and this common urn?
So that he may sleep peacefully
together with the faithful Consort
of his Cares and Virtues
may rise again and
may receive the Last Hurrah!
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 17th June 1723
Francis Barrell of Rochester, Esquire.
To his eldest daughter, Anne, his two farms and land at Biddenden
or adjacent parishes, which he purchased from the heirs of Messrs Adderley
and Luckhurst, one of which is let to Willard at £70 4s ?d
and the other to Marchant at £25 10s 3d; also his share in the
Parsonage of Charing and Egerton, for ever. He also gives her the arrears
of rent from the above due at his death.
To each of his daughters, Katherine Frances and Elizabeth,
£1,500; they to have interest at 4% until the principal is paid to them.
To daughter, Katherine, the furniture of her own closet and of his
bedchamber, except only his?
plate and plate case.
To daughter Anne, the furniture of her closet and bedchamber.
To son, Francis at 23 years of age, his manors and lands, for him
and his heirs, in default of heirs, to testators own right heirs, for
ever, subject to a charge of £2,000 for daughter Anne's benefit,
over and above all her other shares of his estate.
on Francis to be allowed, for his maintenance and education, £80
per annum, until he is 20 and from that age, £100 per annum until he is
23, when he will take the estate.
He appoints his brothers, Henry and Edmund and daughter Anne
as his executors and trustees; to enable them to pay his legacies, he
gives them the rents and profits of his real estate, except that given to
daughter Anne, until son Francis is 23.
His personal estate, woodland and timber to his trustees, in trust, to pay
his debts and legacies; trustees to have power to invest any part of his
personal estate of any farms or land, at their
To his brothers, 25 guineas each, for mourning. If son Francis
dies, he gives his case of books to his two brothers, Henry and Edmund,
he does not want them sold but to continue in the family.
If any of his three daughters dies unmarried, without disposing of any
part of their legacy, then that legacy to son Francis, he paying
the surviving sisters, £200 each.
His two youngest daughters shall not marry without the consent of his
brothers, or one of them, or lose their fortunes; in such case their
fortune to be divided between the siblings, as his brothers direct.
His executors to dispose of his two South Sea Bonds of £100 each for the
benefit of Mrs Elizabeth Cameldon, in such manner as they
and Mr John Baynard think fit, forgiving and releasing her
of any money she may owe him.
He gives his brother, Henry, the use of the rooms in his house
which he now uses.
In case his brothers die or omit to prove his will, he makes son Francis
executor along with his sister, Anne.
To each of his children, £10 each for mourning.
To the poor of St Margaret's parish, Rochester, £5, to such of his
servants with him at the time of his death, 40 shillings each.
He desires his son to contribute to the Charity School in St. Margaret's.
Witnesses: T. Baynard, John Baynard and Jane
29th April 1724: He republishes the will having made some small
alterations in legacies and executor-ship.
Witness: William Prat
Proved 21st October 1724
7. Ledger in the Nave
Let the Piety
Worth and Goodness
be in lasting remembrance
He was the son of FRANCIS BARRELL
Serjeant at Law
He was Chapter Clerk
of this Church thirty five - years
and died 10th September 1754 Aged 83
This stone was laid
in Grief and
Much Brotherly Love
by E.B.
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 4th May 1745
Henry Barrell of Rochester, Gentleman.
He has left a paper with instructions for his funeral.
To nephew, Francis Barrell, his third share in Merriam's
Farm in Lees and Langley, which came to him from his late brother, Robert
and is now occupied by John Evenden; for ever.
Also to Francis, his manor and farm at Frindsbury and Stood, given
to him by his father, also a small piece of land in the middle of a field
on the farm which he bought from Alderman Bryan, late occupied by
Widow Hunt, this to Francis and his lawful heirs of his
body, in default of heirs then to testator's niece, Catherine Marshall,
wife of Joshua Marshall, Esquire, for ever.
Also to nephew, Francis, all the furniture in the bed chamber and
little parlour that he uses in his house and £50 for mourning for him,
his wife and children. Also £100, in trust, for the support of the
Charity School in St. Margaret's, for teaching poor children of the parish
to read.
To niece, Ann Barrell, eldest daughter of his late brother, Francis,
all his share in the Parsonage of Charing and Egerton, held on a lease
from the Dean and Chapter of St Paul's London. And all his share in the
ship, Speedwell , for ever and £100 and £10 for mourning.
To niece, Catherine Marshall, £200 from his personal
estate; to nephew, Joshua Marshall, £50 for mourning for
himself his wife and children; to niece, Frances Page, £300
and £20 to nephew, John Page, for mourning for himself and
his wife; to niece, Elizabeth Lowth, £300 and to nephew, William
Lowth, £20 for mourning for himself and his wife.
To each of his nieces, Ann Charlton, Jane Faunce
and Mary Barrell, daughters of his brother, Edmund,
£100 from his personal estate; to nephew, Thomas Faunce,
£10 for mourning.
To the servant with him at his death, £10 over and above wages due.
All ready money, mortgages in fee or terms of years, other securities and
interest, his rights, titles and interest in his manors, houses and land
in the above mortgages and securities, with rest and residue of his real
and personal estate, to his brother Edmund, for ever, subject to
payment of his debts, legacies and to observe the conditions of the
mortgages, etc. Brother, Edmund is his executor.
Witnesses: Joseph Brooke, William Yates and William
Codicil 17th April 1746
He gives Catherine Marshall the furniture of his bed chamber
in her house and, to nephew, Edmund Marshall, all his books,
when his parents think fit.
Witnesses: Ann Barrell and T. Duck
Proved 24th September 1754
Note in margin dated 11th August 1813
Henry Barrell was late of Chislehurst. His will not
administered by Edmund Barrell, was granted to Christopher
Bedingfield of Gravesend, Gentleman on behalf of Sarah Smith,
of Rochester, Spinster, concerning rights to the advowson of the Vicarage
of St James, Grain, with remainder of term of 1,000 years, granted by an
indenture dated 14th February 1739.
Jane Hay, formerly Faunce and wife of William Hay,
Esquire, was the executor of Edmund Barrell, but did not
administer the will of Henry Barrell, as she could as Edmund's
executor, she died intestate, so Henry's will no longer had a
legitimate administrator until Bedingfield applied in 1813, 59
years after Henry's death.
8. Ledger in nave
The ledger of Henry's brother, Edmund Barrell, is
taken up with a long, florid Latin tribute to his wife, Mary, who
died 2nd July 1710, while giving birth to their 5th child. She was born in
1674 and was the daughter of William Upcott of Devon. Edmund
Barrell's name is squeezed into a space at the bottom of the
ledger, just big enough for one line and tells us he died 16th March 1765.
Edmund Barrell was educated at Brasenose, Oxford and was
ordained in 1700. In 1702 he was appointed General Receiver of Norwich
Cathedral and Treasurer in 1703. In 1705 he was appointed Prebendary at
Rochester Cathedral and Vicar of Sutton at Hone; in 1720 he also became
Vicar of Boxley. He resigned from Sutton at Hone in 1762 and his grandson,
Edmund Faunce succeeded him.
Two of Edmund Barrell's scientific papers were published, in
1717, in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, "An
Account of two late Northern Auroras, as they were observed at the
Vicarage of Sutton at Hone, Kent by the Reverend Edmund Barrell,
Prebendary of Rochester" and in 1753, a letter to Sir Hans
Soane, concerning the Shock of an Earthquake felt in the
neighbourhood of Sutton; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 28th August 1760
Edmund Barrell, Prebendary of Rochester and Vicar of Boxley.
He desires to be buried in the Cathedral in the grave of his late wife, (Mary);
his funeral not to cost more than £20.
The picture of the Rev Thomas Spratt, late Archdeacon of
Rochester and Vicar of Boxley, drawn by the eminent painter, Mr Dahl,
to remain, if possible, in the Vicarage (at Boxley), for a memorial of
him; Spratt built the Boxley Vicarage; it was given to the testator
by the late Richard Wyatt Esquire, for that purpose.
The great seat in the garden, the marble table in the arbor, the
"stout" pedestal of the dial with brass dial plate and the great
stone roller; the pipes laid in the garden and court yard, all in the
Vicarage, to be left and remain in the manner they are now and are to the
use of his successor, Vicar of Boxley, (except the ? pipes ? water is laid
into his house, now employed by Edmund Alexander), which he
hopes future Vicars will suffer to remain there for the same use, provided
the Vicars, at their own expense keep the same repaired.
To his successors at Boxley, all the books and papers relating to the
Tythes and profits of the Vicarage, also his books in the study, excepts
those his grandson, Edmund Faunce, wishes to take for
himself, and the great quarto bible to grand daughter, Jane Faunce.
Also to his successors, ? drawers and frames ?, and boards once belonging
to Archdeacon Spratt; the table of the sideboard in the parlour,
the dresser in the kitchen and pantry in the Vicarage, not to be taken or
uncovered ?, from there.
A lease of the barns, stables, etc., made by the Dean and Chapter of
Rochester, to his late brother, Henry for a term of three lives and
the peppercorn rent of 1 shilling and 6 pence, to be given up and conveyed
to his successor at Boxley, free of charge.
His house in Boxley, held on a lease from the same Dean and Chapter, to
his daughter, Mary, wife of James Young, for ever. If
his daughter survives her husband, she to have an annuity of £15 form his
freehold and personal estate.
All his manors, houses, lands, ready money, securities for money, debts,
goods, chattels and personal estate, subject to payment of his daughter's
annuity and funeral costs, to grand daughter, Jane Faunce,
for ever; she is his executor.
Witnesses: William Gates, William Gates,
Junior and William Baker.
Proved 30th March 1765
9. Mural Heart Shaped Tablet, North Wall of Nave

To the Memory
the last male heir of a Family truly Respectable
as well for their Virtues as for the Station which they held in Society
He first married
by whom he left issue only two Daughters
who married two brothers
the Sons of JOHN DODSWORTH Esq of Yorkshire
His second Wife was FRANCES
Daughter of THOMAS BOWDLER Esq
His third Wife was FRANCES
Daughter of WILLIAM HANBURY Esq of Herefordshire
His Virtues were many
His Charity to the Poor
His steady attachment to his Friends
His Tender Regard to his Family
Made him Beloved when living
and his death to be greatly regretted
He died the 23rd Day of February 1772
Aged 65 Years
To the Memory also
of the above mentioned
who died universally regretted
the 21st Day of January 1786
Aged Seventy Nine Years
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 16th July 1770
Francis Barrell, formerly of St. Margaret's Parish, Rochester,
now of Upper Grosvenor Street, St. George, Hanover Square, Esquire.
By an indenture of lease and release, dated 10th and 11th of July 1760, he
has conveyed and settled all his freehold and leasehold estate, in
Brompton, Strood and Frindsbury, formerly occupied by Andrew Long
and his executors, now or late occupied by John Boghurst, to
his daughter, Catherine Barrell, for ever; also to Catherine
all the arrears of rent due from the above.
To his good friends, Joseph Brooke, Esquire of Boley Hill,
Rochester and George Sayer, Esquire, of Pett, Charing, his
Manor of Ashenfield and all his houses, farms and land in Wye, Waltham and
Crundale; also houses and land in Brompton, not before given, late
occupied by Richard Ironmonger, Harbledown, Egerton, Smarden,
Biddenden, ? , Leeds, Newnham, Wychling, Shorn, Higham, Hoo, Seasalter,
Frindsbury, Hollingbourne, Rochester and his house in St. Nicholas, Cole
Abbey, London, upon trust, for benefit of his wife, Frances, for
her lifetime.
After her death, his estate in Smarden, Leeds, Newnham, Wychling, Shorne,
Hoo, Higham, Halstow, Hollingbourne and Rochester, to son in law and
daughter, Rev Francis Dodsworth and Ann, and the
survivor, for their lives, to receive the rents and profits.
After their deaths, to their first son, in default, then to the 2nd, 3rd,
4th son, etc., if the next son or sons die before they are entitled to
inherit. In default of any son surviving, then to their daughters equally
shared and their heirs. In default, to his daughter, Catherine Barrell,
for life. After he death, then as in the above manner to her children but
in default of any surviving children, then to his nephew, Rev, Edmund
Marshall Vicar of Charing, for ever.
His Manor of Ashenfield and land in Ashenfield and Waltham and Crundale,
Houghton, Harbledown, Egerton and freehold estate in Brompton, occupied by
[ ] Denton and Frindsbury , occupied by William Wilkins;
woods in Biddenden and his house in Distaff Lane, St. Nicholas, Cole
Abbey, occupied by John Horton, Sugar Baker and all houses,
lands, woodlands, not before given, after the death of his wife, to
daughter, Catherne Barrell, or ever.
To his sisters, Ann Barrell and Catherine Marshall,
£50 each for mourning.
To his trustees, 20 guineas each as a token of his love and esteem.
To Rev. Edmund Marshall, £50 for mourning.
To Rev. Francis Dodsworth and Ann his wife, £500
To daughter Catherine Barrell, £1,500 and his diamond ring,
"with her dear brother's hair".
To William Ashley and Elizabeth Farley, his
two upper servants, 20 guineas each, if with him at his death.
Rest and residue of ready money, securities for money, plate, rings,
jewels, watches, books, household goods, shares in the Public Funds or
other securities, rents, arrears of rent and other money owing to him,
after payment of his debts, funeral costs and legacies, to his wife, Frances,
for ever. His wife is his executor.
Witnesses: Charles Castel, Senior, William Mogers
and Charles Castel, Junior.
Proved 5th March 1772
10. Ledger in the Nave
Here lyeth the Body of
formerly Mastr. Attendant of
his Majts. Yard at Chatham
who departed this life the 16th
of September 1724 Aged 85
As also JUDITH his Wife who died
August the 5th 1727 Aged 85
Here lie the Remains of ANN the Wife of
JAMES BOURN Gent who departed
this life on the 29th day of Novr. 1728
in the 47th Year of her Age In the same
grave is interred the Body of JAMES BOURN
who died the 22nd of Jan 1732* having
lived about 40 Years
* Date in Julian calendar, 1733 in modern calendar
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 13th August 1724
Sampson Bourn, Gentleman of St. Margaret's Rochester.
He is "ancient" and "infirm in body"
To his wife, Judith, for her lifetime, and for as long as she
remains his widow, all of his real estate. She to keep it in good repair
and in letting condition.
After her death or remarriage, the property to his son, James and
his heirs, for ever.
To his daughter, Constant Guppy, £50, one year after his
death, if she is not living then, the £50 to be equally shared by his
To his daughter, Elizabeth Randall, wife of Richard Randall
of Gravesend, Shopkeeper, £50, within one year of his death. Also to
Elizabeth, £10 for mourning for her and her husband.
To son James, £10 for mourning for him and his wife.
To each of his three grandsons, James, Sampson and Lother,
sons of James and to grand daughters, Anne, Judith
and Martha, daughters of James, £20 each at their
respective ages of 21 or day of marriage if earlier for the girls.
To grand daughter, Esther Bourn daughter of his late son, Sampson,
£10 within a year of his death.
To grand daughters, Constant Guppy, Katherine Guppy
and Judith Guppy, £20 each within a year after his death.
To grandchildren, Michael Randall, Esther Randall
and Judith Randall, £20 each, within a year of his death.
To grandchildren, Sampson and Sarah Ward, £10 each
within a year of his death.
His legatees to be released from any debts they owe him, on condition that
they withdraw ant claims against him they may have entered into.
To cousin, Sarah Gourney, £5, within a year of his death.
Rest and residue of money, goods, chattels, rights, credits and personal
estate, after his debts, legatees, funeral and probate costs are paid, to
his wife and son. James, equally shared; they are his executors.
Witnesses: Sarah Dawsett, Richard Mitchell and
Francis Warner
Codicil 14th August 1724
He had bequeathed his daughter, Elizabeth, £50, he now revokes
Witnesses: Mary Mayer, Mary Mayer, Junior and Francis
Proved 24th December 1724 Power reserved to Judith Bourn
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 18th September 1732
James Bourn, of St, Margaret's, Rochester, Gentleman.
Desires to be buried in the Cathedral near the bodies of his parents,
cost of his funeral not to exceed £50.
To his wife Mabell, £10 for mourning.
To his six children, Anne Warner, James. Sampson,
Leader, Judith Bourn and Martha Bourn,
£10 each for mourning.
To his executors, £10 each for their trouble.
To his three sons, £100 each at 21 years, if any die before they are 21,
his legacy to be equally shared by his other children at 21 years of age.
To his two daughters, £300 each at 21 years of age, if one dies before
then, her share to the survivor
but if both die before they are 21, their legacies to his daughter, Anne
and his sons at 21 years of age.
Rest and residue to daughter, Anne, if she is dead at time of his
death, then to the other children, equally
Appoints son in law, Rev Ferdinand Warner and William
Mason of Watling Street, London, Gentleman, his executors.
Will was not witnessed.
Affidavit 16th February 1733
Henry Storker of Exchange Alley, London, Watchmaker and Samuel
Herring of St. Edmund the King, London, Woollen Draper, are sworn.
They state they were well acquainted with Bourn, late of Sheerness,
for several years and had seen him write and were well acquainted with his
writing. They have carefully examined the will and believe it is in his
hand and bears his signature.
Proved 5th April 1733
Granted to Ferdinand Warner, William Mason
having renounced executor-ship.
11. Ledger in the Nave
Widow of JOHN BOWDLER, Esq.
(Many years a Captain
in the Royal Navy)
Died 21st of May 1787
in the 54th Year of her Age
is interred
beneath this stone
her Daughters
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 25th December 1786
Caroline Bowdler of Rochester, Relict of John Bowdler,
She is infirm in body. Directs she is to be buried in the Cathedral as
near her late daughters as possible and a "plain and substantial
monument to be erected".
Her debts and funeral expenses to be first paid.
She is entitled, as administrator of her late husband's estate and
representative of her late daughters, Caroline and Anne, to
£4,000 Capital Stock in the 3% Annuities in the Public Stocks, by an
indenture, dated March 28th 1749; she respects the indenture and the High
Court of Chancery will decree what her rights are.
She gives her sister, Ann Hicks, wife of Richard Hicks,
£30 per annum charged on £1,000 of her Capital Stock, for life; the
reversion of the annuity, after her death, to her son, George Hicks,
for ever.
To her servant, Eliza Spillett, as a reward for her long and
faithful service, £30 per annum, charged on £1,000 of the above stock,
for life. After Eliza's death, the principal and annuity of the
stock, to testator's brother, Dr. George Hicks, if he is
then dead, then to his next male heirs, for ever. These annuities to be
paid after settlement in the High Court of Chancery and not before, except
the annuity to Eliza Spillett. Also to Eliza Spillett,
£5 for mourning and £5 for a ring?
To brother, George Hicks, £700, £100 for his own use and
the remaining £600, in trust, for his sons, George and William,
towards their maintenance and education.
To her sister, Jane Falrouse?, £10 for mourning.
If the costs of the Court of Chancery and her debts, exceed £300, the
difference to be made good by brother George Hicks, sister, Anne
Hicks and nephew, George Hicks, (her residuary
legatees), in equal portions.
Brother Dr George Hicks and nephew, George Hicks
of the Navy Office are executors.
To nephew, George Hicks, all the residue of her effects,
subject to her debts and incidental charges being first paid.
Witnesses: Ann Elvy, Richard Pullen and Matthew
Proved 10th July 1787
12. Large Marble Tablet above Steps, South Wall, South Aisle of Choir

Quod fuit mortale heic juxta
Situm est
Hoc etiam Augusto major
Quod in humani generis salumtem
Tantummodo vixerit
Nec JULIO minor
Morborum enim turmas aiis inexpugnabilles
Veniens Videns
Victor medicus
Nunc Durobrovis luge
Luge Cantium
Nunc exuktate febrres
Et dim malorum cohors
Agite triumphos
Qui vos cohibere potuit
Captivus duxit
Ex humanis cum (Greek) ΈΥΌΑΝΆΣΙΑ

Divorum numero jam adscriptus
Aetatis anno
Reparatae salutis
Haec ne neccias viator
Conjugii memor
Curavit pientissima conjus
(Ex illustri DERINGORUM familia oriunda)
Charierimi mortis confortium
Inter coetesles animas
Valete posteris
Ego quidem valeo
13. Ledger in North Transept, below where
preceding monument once hung
Non Rex Sed Me[ ] Loc Mamore Cae[sar]
Gloria Paec[ ]Artis Honos
Hippocrates Caesar [ ] Tande Ossa Dedetre
Jam Medicina [ ] Que Viviator Obi
14. Ledger in North Transept
Memoriae Sacrum
AUGUSTINI CAESARIS Medicinae Doctoris Qui Anno
Dom MDCLXXXIII Augusti Die VII Mortatitate Valedixit
Probably the nephew of the above, who is mentioned in his will
Consistory Court of Rochester Will Dated 10th September 1677
Augustin Cesar, of Rochester, Doctor of Physic.
He is aged and weak in body.
All his house and farm called West Court in Gillingham and
Chatham; also the house and land now occupied by George Sterlng,
in Hartlip and the house and land in Upchurch and Halstow,
occupied by Thomas Hooper, Esquire and Francis
Pope; also his house in Rochester, occupied by Ann
Willmott, Widow, to his wife, Alice, for life.
After he death, he gives West Court and the other estate to the
eldest son, Augustin, of his late brother, Joseph,
and his heirs by his now wife, Alice.
If Alice outlives his nephew, he gives her West Court for
life. If they die leaving no heirs, he leaves the estate to
brother Joseph's other children, Julius, Tiberius,
Elizabeth and Catherine Cesar, equally
To Robert Aldridge grandson of his late sister Elizabeth
Aldridge, Widow, £100, also 5 years rents of his house
in Rochester, occupied by Ann Willmott, after the
death of his wife or £50 in lieu of the 5 years of rent.
To Mary Browne youngest daughter of his sister, Margaret
Fludd, 3 months after his wife's death,£100. If Mary
Browne dies with no lawful issue, then the £100 to be
equally shared by Julius, Tiberius, Elizabeth
and Catherine Cesar,
To Mary, wife of Cornwell ? Bradshaw and to
Christian wife of Laurence Raynes, the
money he borrowed from them on behalf of his sister, Elizabeth
Aldridge, £150, 3 months after his wife's death; £50 of
which for Mary Bradshaw is in the hands of her
His sister, Margaret Pimm is indebted for £50 for
the security of which, there is is a mortgage ?, he gives the
£50 after the death of his wife, to Alice, wife of his
nephew, Augustin and her children by him.
There is £160 owed to him by Abel Beeching of
Langley near Maidstone, £60 of which was the money of Christian
Raynes, when she was unmarried so the £60 to her.
The other £100 due from Beeching, after the death of
testator's wife, to cousin Merrit Head, son of Sir
Richard Head, Baronet, on condition that he ?
collects the full sum of £160, pays the £60 to Christian
Raynes and keeps the £100 for himself and his children.
To nephew, Augustin Cesar, all his Greek and Latin
books of Divinity, Logic, Mathematics, Histories and Grammar,
except 6 folio volumes of Grotius* and the works of Bronius*
in one volume, which he gives to Laurence Raynes,
To his nephew, Augustin Ceasar, all English books,
except those his wife chooses to keep.
To Ann Willmott, £13 for mourning for her and her
His wife, Alice is sole executor; his wife to have the
rest and residue of his estate, after paying his debts, legacies
and funeral costs.
Witnesses: Robert Dixon, Elizabeth Dixon
and James Dixon.
Proved 22nd January 1678
* Hugo Grotius, 1583-1645, a Dutch legal scholar,
who helped to lay the foundations of International Law base on
"natural law".
* Maybe, Caesar Baronius, 1538-1607, Cardinal and
Historian of the Christian Church, Annales Ecclesiatici.
14A. Ledger in North Transept
of H. M. Navy
died 3rd January 1801
Aged 58 Years
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 11th March 1796
William Cayley, Captain, Royal Navy.
To his brother John, of Brompton, Yorkshire, Esquire,
£3,000, upon trust, to invest in Government or Real Securities
and pay the dividends to Mary Leibenwood?, of
London and his three "natural" children, by her, Frances,
Caroline and William, in equal shares during their
mother's lifetime, and after her death, the capital to his
children, equally shared.
To brother John, £400, upon trust, to
invest as above and pay dividends towards the maintenance and
education of his "reputed" sons, Thomas Allen
and William Miller by Dinah Allen
and Elizabeth Miller. When they are 18, they will
equally share the £400. If they both died before then, the
£400 goes into the residuary personal estate.
To brother John for his trouble as Trustee
and Executor, £100.
Residue of real and personal estate, to his
brothers, Arthur, Digby and John and
sisters, Dorothy and Frances Cayley,
equally shared.
Witnesses: John Rood of Portsmouth,
Wine Merchant, C. Buttesworth of Portsea, Attorney
and C. J. Hector of Portsmouth, Attorney.
Proved 10th January 1801
14B. Ledger in North Transept
Here lyes the Remains of
who dyed
February the 5th 1741*
Aged 70 Years
*1742 in Modern Calendar
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 22nd December 1741
Mary Davidge of St Nicholas, Rochester.
To Anne Richards of Compton
Beauchamp, Berkshire, £50; to cousin, Susannah Davidge,
£50; to brother in law, Robert Bayley, £30; to
brother in law, John Poynton, £20; to God son, Thomas
Langley, £5; to Jane Bouckhorn, £5.
To the poor of St Nicholas, Rochester, £5, to be
disposed of by Robert Bayley, if he is dead, then
by the Minister and Churchwardens of St Nicholas.
Residue of her personal estate, after legacies,
funeral and probate costs are paid, to her sisters, Mary Bayley
and Margaret Poynton, they are her executors.
Witnesses: William Stubbs and the
mark of Ann Filkin
Proved 9th March 1741 (1742)
15. Diamond Shaped Ledger in South Transept
Died the 28th of November 1804
Aged 75 Years
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 6th March 1799
Elizabeth Evans of Rochester, Spinster.
She appoints David Jones the Elder, Esquire, of
Barton Street, Westminster her executor. She gives him £50, 4%
Bank Annuities, part of her stock, and to Bridget, his
wife, her first cousin, £50 of the same stock.
To Thomas Evans, son of Dr John Evans
of Shrewsbury and grandson of her first cousin, John Evans,
£100 of the same stock. This legacy to go to Dr Evans,
in trust, for Thomas.
If Thomas dies before he is 21, then the legacy to his
To her first cousin, Thomas Wilkinson, £50 of the
same stock and she gives and forgives him the money he may owe
to her.
To her friend, Mrs Frances Fairway, of
Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, Widow, 5 guineas.
To her servant, Mary Jeffery, if with her at her
death,, 10 guineas.
If any of the legatees die in her lifetime, their legacy, except
that owed by Thomas Wilkinson, shall fall into the
residuary of her personal estate. If Wilkinson dies in
her lifetime, she gives to his executors all money he may owe
Rest and residue of ready money, securities for money, money in
Public Funds, leases, debts, goods, chattels and personal
estate, not before given, after her debts, legacies, funeral and
probate costs are paid, to Susanna wife of Edward Soan
Twopenny of Rochester, Gentleman, daughter of her first
cousin, Bridget Jones.
Witnesses: D. B. Lewis and [
? ] Wickham
Codicil 27th January 1803
She had appointed David Jones, Senior as her
executor. He has since died. She now appoints his son, also David
and gives him his father's legacy of £50 4% Bank Annuities.
Rest of will ratified.
Witnesses: As for will
Proved 15th December 1804
16. Ledger in the Nave
Here lyeth the Body of
RICHARD FOGGE of Temeridsone
in this County, Esq who after commanding
severall of her Maties Ships of War dyed
in her Service the 24th day of November
1708 in the 58th Year of his Age being then
Capt of the Rupert
Here lyeth also interr'd MARY
the Relict of the said XPHER FOGGE
who departed this life ye XXIII day of June
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 2nd May 1695
Christopher Fogge of Tilmiston, Mariner, Commander of
H.M.S. Oxford
To his wife, Mary, all ready money, debts, jewels,
household goods, rights, credit, goods, chattels and estate. His
wife is his executor.
Witnesses: Edward Searle, Roger Catherall
and Elizabeth Catherall
Proved 27th November 1708
17. Classical Tablet with Fine Profile Relief, South Transept
This monument was made by William
Brisley of Rochester, 1793-1855,
see St. Margaret, Rochester,
on this

Sacred to the Memory
Inspector General of Army Hospitals
After a service of nearly thirty five years
in almost every quarter of the Globe
this Able and Distinguished Officer returned from Ceylon
exhausted by his Able and Zealous Discharge of Duty
to his King and Country
and died the following year lamented
as he had lived respected throughout the British Army
His Remains are deposited within the walls of this Cathedral
and in the vicinity of the Military Hospital
which he had superintended for several years
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 16th November 1836
James Forbes, M.D.
He appoints Sir James McGrigor, Bart., Inspector
General of the Army Medical Board, Duncan Davidson
of Tillyrhetly?, Advocate of Aberdeen, John Chalmers,
Esq., of London, Stock Broker, Patrick Davidson
and Alexander Davidson , sons of Duncan Davidson,
as his trustess.
He mentions several land holdings in Perthshire but gives no
indication of size.
Trustees to pay £1,000 to Jane, Janet and Margaret
Chalmers daughters of the late John Chalmers
of Westfield; £500 to Miss Jean McGrigor daughter
of Sir James McGrigor and £100 to each trustee.
Residue to be laid out by trustees on security in Government
stocks for the benefit of is only child, Elizabeth Ann
Forbes, she to have the interest for life, on condition
that if she marries, the interest is to be secured by deed, so
the stock and interest will not fall under her husband's
After his daughter's death, the stock or principal to be equally
divided among her children at 21 years of age. If she dies
unmarried or leaving no childless who live to 21, trustees to
pay the Chalmers' sisters, £6,000; Sir James McGrigor,
£1,500; to John Chalmers, £1,000; to Captain David
Forbes, son of the late Robert Forbes of
Castleton, £1,000; to James Forbes Thomson
and £500 to Margaret Thomson.
£100 each to Duncan Davidson, Patrick Davidson
and Alexander Davidson; £200 to Agnes Forbes,
widow of the late William Forbes, Esq., of
Callendarond; £100 to Elizabeth Forbes, widow of Robert
Forbes; £100 to Janet Igre?, Forbes
daughter of Robert Forbes; £500 to James Forbes
son of Robert Forbes. In case of any of their
deaths, the residue to the Chalmers' sisters.
He appoints his trustees his executors.
Witnesses: John Anderson, Writer in Aberdenn and John
Whyte, Writer in Aberdeen
Codicil 31st October 1837 at 5 Maddox Place, London
Trustees to pay on the first Whitsun or Martinmass after his
death, £500 to Jane, Janet and John Chalmers,
children of John Chalmers of Westfield
£1,500. to Jane, Janet and Margaret Chalmers
Codicil 31st October 1837
If his daughter dies with no children and under 25 years,
then after payment of his legacies the residue to be paid to Jane,
Janet and John Chalmers. If Jane and
Janet die unmarried and childless their legacies to go by
their will to other descendants of their late father, John
and his wife Agnes.
If Jane and Janet marry they can have absolutely
the disposal of 1/3 of their share.
Witnesses: Theodore Gordon and James Davidson
Codicil 31st October 1837
If his daughter marries and pre deceases her husband the
trustees to make some provision for him, either an annuity for
life or a cash payment. He confirms the will.
Witnesses: Theodore Gordon, M.D., 5 Duchess
Street, Cortland Place, London and James Davidson
2 Montague Street, Russell Square.
Codicil 3rd November 1837
To Sir James McGrigor, £500 and another
should his daughter die unmarried or before she is 25.
To Captain David Forbes of the 91st Regiment and
£200 to his brother, Lieutenant James Forbes of
the 11th .
His executors to arrange "handsomely" by money, plate
or otherwise with his medical friends , including Dr Forbes
and Dr Kamus of Ceylon; he has made no use of the Ceylon
subscription and it may be applied to a different purpose?
The same applies to the Benevolent Institution attached to the
department; a few pounds for rings may prove acceptable to some
friends. He dies in peace with all mankind.
No witnesses.
Codicil 4th November 1837 5 Maddox Street,
Appoints Dr Theodore Gordon of Fuchen Street
?, Regent Street, a trustee and executor, jointly with the
Witnesses: William Fitch, 5 Maddox Street and James
Boys of London, Gentleman.
Proved 8th January 1838. Power reserved to Duncan, Patrick
and Alexander Davidson
18. Marble Bust on Marble Pedestal, South Transept
This monument was made by Samuel
Joseph, 1791-1850

Equitas Aurati
Coll apud Edinbi Regal Medicorum
Necon Chirurgorum
M.D., F.R.S., K.C.H..
Princip Exercitus Britannici Medic Inspectoris
Haec Effigies Memorle
Vitam quidem variis in orbis partibus Regis patrleque
Servus degebat medicus inter milites tam in belli
Congressu promptus quam in valeludinario peritus
Postquam aliis domi forisque muneribus
Perfunctus erat locum in medicorum
Concilio militari secundum gessit
A quo
Tantum amicis sociisque boni
Protulit quantum sibi
Honoris patrlaeque commodi
Moribus integer animo facilis urbanusque veri atque
Justitlae tenax istor sibi amicos quamplurimos
Comparavit qui uno animo moerentes
Hoc Marmor
Natus A.D. 1767 Mortem Obiit A.D. 1833
Sir William Franklin was appointed as Third Mate
to the 43rd Regiment of Foot in 1787 and Surgeon to the 15th
Regiment of Foot in 1790. In 1794 he was appointed Apothecary to
H. M. Forces in the West Indies and in 1795 award degree of M.D
at King's College, Aberdeen. In 1796 he became an Assistant
Inspector of Army Hospitals.
1799 saw him embarked on the Duke of York's Helder
Expedition, the following year, he was Assistant Inspector
General of Army Hospitals. In 1801 he went to Egypt and was
appointed Head of the Medicine Department in Malta, where he was
a Member and President of the Malta Board of Health. Much of the
next years he was in Malta, in 1804 he became a Fellow of the
Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. In 1806 he married Concetta
Tricanji in Sicily.
In 1810 he was appointed Principal Inspector of the Army Medical
Department. He was one of two Principal Inspectors on a salary
of £1,200 per annum. He served under Sir James McGrigor
(see the will of James Forbes).
In 1830 he was appointed Principal Inspector General of the Army
Medical Department and President of the Army Medical Officers
Benevolent Society.
In 1833 he retired on half pay and following the death of his
wife, he lived with his daughter, Mary Concetta
and her husband the Reverend William James Early
Bennett. He died in 1833, apparently from apoplexy.
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 16th April 1831
Sir William Franklin, Inspector General of British
Army Hospitals, of Charlotte Street, Portland Place, St.
To his eldest son, William Richard, his freehold
house on the east side of Church Street, Greenwich, leased to Charles
Speare Foswill, Chemist and Druggist and his
leasehold house, 24 Charlotte Street, now in his own occupation.
Also to son William, the silver vase and pedestal and
large silver waiter, which were presented to him by the Medical
Officers of the British Army, in case his son dies with no male
issue, the bequest of the vase to go to his second son, Henry
Francis and his male issue; if there are no male issue,
then to his fourth son, Charles Creganne?, or his
male issue. If son William dies with no male issue, the
waiter to go to his brother, Robert Moss but if Robert
dies in William's lifetime, with no male heirs, then to
son Charles,. The waiter should stay in the male branch
of the family for as long as possible.
To son, William, his gold chronometer by Grant.
To his daughter, Mrs Mary Concetta Bennett,
£800 stock of the 3% Bank Annuities.
To Sir James McGrigor* of Camden Hall, Kensington
and his son in law, Rev William Early Bennett
of Devonshire Street, Portland Place, £9,000 in the 3% Reduced
Bank Annuities, upon trust; when each of his sons is 21, they
to share equally £7,000 of the stock and when his daughter Frances
Concetta is also 21, or on her day of marriage, they to
transfer the residue of £2,000 of the stock to her.
In the meantime the interest on this stock to go to his
children's maintenance and education. Trustees can use up to
£500 to pace any of his sons in a profession or advancement in
the world, this to be taken as part of their legacy.
He may not have the gross sum of £10,000 at his death in Bank
Annuities, if so the amount to be made up from his personal
He gives £50 each to his trustees as a small acknowledgement
for their troubles.
Rest and residue of his personal estate to son William.
He appoints son William a trustee and executor when he is
Witnesses: Samuel Weld, of Saville Place, Francis
P Hooper and J Dawson.
Codicil 7th March 1833
To son Henry Francis, all his medical books
and his silver tea pot made in Malta.
To son Robert Moss, his silver coffee pot and to
son Charles his silver ewer and milk jug.
To daughter Frances two small silver waiters.
No witnesses.
Affidavit 28th December 1833
Thomas Tanner of the Army Medical Board Office,
Berkeley Street, Berkeley Square and George Somers
Clark of the same place, Gentlemen, are sworn. They were
well acquainted with Franklin, late of Devonshire Street,
Portland Place, Knight Commander of the Royal Hanoverian Order.
They were familiar with his handwriting and signature. They have
carefully examined the codicil and are confident it is in his
Proved 31st December 1833
* Sir James McGrigor, see James Forbe's
19. Ledger in South Transept
[In] Hope of a Joyful Resurrection to Eternal
Here lye interred ye Body of EDWD GREGORY
of Rochester, Gent younger Son of EDMOND
GREGORY whilst he lived of Bagington in the
County of Warwick, Esq and of ANN his loving
and beloved Wife Daughter of ROBERT ROBSON
whilst he lived of Little Chilton in ye County
[Palan]tine if Durham, Esq they has issue two Sons
and three Daughters, viz HENRY, EDW, KATHERINE
whereof only the said EDW now survives She
dyed first the 26th October 1678 and he dyed
the 20th November 1682
"Pietas ergo posuit hoc illoium observantissimus filius"
Here lye interr'd Mrs ELIZABETH
who departed his life the 8th of
December 1728 Aged
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 14th October 1682
Edward Gregory the Elder, of Rochester, Gentleman.
He desires to be buried in the Cathedral as near as possible to
his late wife.
His estate has been diminished by the "late dreadful fire
in London" and other considerable losses.
To grandson and God son, Edward Gregory, ,
"the possible prolonger and supporter of my name and
family", £300 at 22 years of age.
Fulfilling his promise when his God daughter, Anne Gregory
was born, he gives her £500 at 21 years or day of marriage, if
To his grandchildren, Sarah and Elizabeth Gregory,
£150 each when they are 21 or their day of marriage, if sooner.
If any of his 4 grandchildren die before they can inherit, their
share to be equally divided between the survivors; he includes Mary,
wife of Jeremy Gregory, he has not named her
before because he has already provided for her.
To each of the 3 children of his niece, Mary Erule
?, as attain 21 years, £10.
To God nephew, Thomas Robson, £5 for a ring or
anything else he wishes to keep in remembrance of testator.
To his nephews, Francis Gregory, Rector of
Hamilton, Abraham Gregory, Prebendary of
Gloucester and Lincoln, Thomas Gregory of
Rochester, ( the latter?, sons of late nephew, John Gregory,
Archdeacon of Gloucester ), John Gregory, Rector
of Hampstead?, Francis Gregory and William
Gregory and his respected friends, Sir John Godwin,
Captain Lawrence Wright, Captain Thomas Manley,
Henry Sheafe and John Bonny, 20
shillings each to buy a ring in remembrance of him.
To the poor of St Margaret's parish, Rochester, £3, to be used
by the advice of Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor, within
10 days after his death.
To his servant, if with him at the time of his death, 20
shillings over and above her salary.
Rest and residue of money, goods, chattels and personal estate,
to his son, Edward, who is his executor.
Witnesses: nJames Axe, John Wymshurst,
George Russell and James Thurston.
Proved 8th January 1683
20. Fine Marble Wall Hanging with Bust, South Transept
This monument is generally accepted to
be the work of Grinling Gibbons, 1648-1721

Juxta situs est
Obiit 18th die Septembris Anno Salutus 1689 Aetat 80
Haec urbiam antiquissima cunos ei dedit et tumulum
Hinc ad Parliamentariam saepius comitia missus
Regi et patriae summa fide diliqentia
Inteqritate inservit
Corus omnibus benignus et huma
Conditione tactus panperibus sublavandis
Plurima elargitus est
Tres duxerat uxores satis elegantes
Duas bebe faecundas ex quibus nemerosam prole
Undecim liberos foelix pater a se progenitus viait
Et retos natorum
Quorum princeps a primogenenito nepos
Hoc sepulchrale marmor avi memoriae sacrum
Sir Richard Head, a Lawyer, was Member of
Parliament for Rochester,1667-78. He is best remembered for
hosting King James II, when he fled England from Head's
house in Rochester after the Glorious Revolution in 1688. The
King presented Head with an emerald ring as a token of
gratitude. The house still exists as number 69-71 High Street has
a later stockbrick frontage,
there is a plaque on this building to mark the event.
A recent City of Rochester Society newsletter,
carried an illustrated article about some surviving wall
paintings from the 17th century in the house. The house has a
plaque commemorating King James the Second's departure out of
England from the house in 1688.
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 10th September
Sir Richard Head, Baronet of Rochester.
Desires to be buried in the Cathedral or St. Nicholas in
Rochester; £3 and 40 shillings in bread for the poor of St.
Nicholas on the day of his burial.
To Thomas Barton, William Laughton
and John Moyse, a gold ring of 20 shillings value
each, they were his servants and his butler.
Also to John Moyse, £23 for writing his will and
a bedstead and bed????? and chest of drawers in John Moyse
chamber in Clifford's Inn, London.
To his servant Rebecca Gay, £10 and to other
servants with him at his death, 40 shillings each besides wages
To his grandson, Richard Head, son of his late
son, Henry, all his law books.
To his brother in law, Sir George Ent????mart,
his wife and Lady Prise, relict of his late
brother in law, Sir Herbert Prise; to sister Dixon,
sister Needler, cousin and friends Thomas Morton,
Esq., Philp Bartholmew and his wife, Samuel
Franklin Esq and his "good and virtuous" wife,
a gold ring each to the value of 20 shillings.
To his brother Samuel Head, £20, he has settled
houses and land on him, producing an income of £20 per annum,
for life.
To cousins, Austen Head and William Head,
sons of his late brother, William, of London, Woollen
Draper, £20 each and to the children of his late brother, John,
£10 each; to his sister, Susan Young, £20, to
her sons and those of late sister Ann Vallance and
daughters of sister Young, £10 each, one year after his
To Lady Barrell, relict of his late eldest son Francis
and to Elizabeth Head, relict of his late son, Henry
and Elizabeth Head, relict of his late son, Merrick,
Doctor of Divinity, £20 each to buy each a piece of ?
To son in law, Thomas Poley, £20 "to show
the world that he is in charity with him, although he has in
many respects disobliged me".
To William Boys and his sister, Samaris Alexander
and her husband, William, £10 each.
To his "pretty" grand daughter, Sarah Lynch,
£20; he has given his bond to pay her £500 within a year after
she is 21 or 4 years after her marriage. To her husband John,
as a testimony of respect to him, £20. To great grandson, Elmore
Lynch, £100, 3 months after his marriage or after he is
21, which ever happens first.
To grandson, Richard Head, son of his son, Henry,
£400, 6 months after he is 21.
To "pretty" grandchild, Elizabeth Head,
daughter of his late son Merrick, £400 3 months after
her marriage or at the age of 21 whichever is sooner.
To grand daughter, Elizabeth Wilford eldest
daughter of Sir Robert Faunce, £20, he has given
her on her marriage £200; to her husband Robert Wilford,
as a testimony of respect, £20.
To great grandsons, Robert Wilford and Edward
Wilford, £50 each, 3 months after his death or day of
marriage, if earlier.
To his daughter Jane Boys, £1,500 and to her
husband, John, £1,000; to their children, John
and Ann, £400 each at 21 years. Until then they both to
have £20 per annum for their maintenance and education If they
both die before they inherit, the £800 to his daughter Jane
To "pretty" grand daughter, Elizabeth Pris
daughter of his daughter Jane Boys, relict of Herbert
Pris, Esq £800 3 months after her marriage or at 21
years, whichever is earlier. In the meantime, her mother to have
£40 per annum for her maintenance and education. If Elizabeth
should die before she inherits, then £450 part of the £800, to
his daughter, Jane Boys, if living, The £350
residue to grandson, John Boys, but if he is dead,
then the £350 to his daughter Jane.
To grandson, Richard Head and son in law, John
Boys, in trust, for the benefit of his daughter, Frances
Poley, an annuity of £60 for life. From his personal
Also to Frances Poley, £300, within one month of
the death of her husband Thomas, for her maintenance and
her "pretty" daughter and her sons. If Frances
dies before her husband, then to William, Elizabeth
and Bridget Poley, his grandchildren, £100 each,
that is the above £300 intended for their mother, 3 months
after their marriage or at 21, whichever is earlier.
To Richard, Elizabeth, William and Bridget
Poley, £200 each, 3 months after their marriages. Or at
age of 21 if earlier. Also £15 each per annum during the life
of their mother and after her death, £5 more making £20 each
for their clothing, eduction and maintenance.
To his wife, Dame Ann all rents and arrears of rent due
at his death, from his estate near Canterbury, his coach horses
and their fittings, her set of plate, 1 silver comb box, 2
silver powder boxes, 2 silver patch boxes, 2 little silver
greasing? pots, 1 silver pin cushion, 2 little silver
candlesticks, a looking glass with silver frame, 2 silver
brushes, 1 silver comb brush; also all wine, beer, ale, corn,
hay and other provisions, horse meal. She is to have the use of
his house, outhouses, barns, yards and gardens, all his plate,
hangings, bedding, pewter, brass, linen, woollen and all other
household stuff, while she remains his widow. After her death or
remarriage or departure from the house, then all the property
and it's lease to son in law, John Boys and
daughter Jane Boys. Also all plate except that
given to his wife, household furnishings, utensils, etc., to
daughter, Jane Boys and her daughter, Elizabeth
Prise, equally divided.
To grandson Dawes Head, son of his son, John,
£300 at 21 years of age; also the lease and estate and interest
in his house in St. Swithin's Lane, London, purchased from Thomas
Manley, rent free, during remainder of the lease, (about
40 years). Also the lease of 2 houses near Rochester Bridge ,
now or late occupied by William Lavender; also the
new stables of the latter.
In case Dawes dies before he is 21, his legacy to
grandson, Richard Head son of late son Henry,
he paying yearly rents. Dawes to the custody of his wife
during his minority.
To his wife, Dame Ann, his watch and emerald ring.
To grand daughter, Elizabeth Head, daughter of
late son John the annual rents of "The Dolphin"
at Milton near Gravesend by the quay called Town Quay, and a
house near there leased to James Bennett for 99
years, for her maintenance until she is 21 or married if sooner.
If she lives to 21 or marriage, he gives her these properties,
she paying rents and to observe covenants; if she
dies before then her legacy to his daughter, Jane Boys
and her husband.
To grandchild, Francis Head, only surviving son of
his late son. Francis, the lease of his Manor of
Nashenden in the parish of St. Margaret's, Rochester, Wouldham
and Burham; also the lease of his Manor of Courtlodge at Stoke
and the Mill House and wharf; also the lease of his house called
"The Lyon" and his portion of the tithes called Malmes
Porron in Stoke and a house and land in Allhallows and Stoke
late occupied by John Cutter; also the lease of
three houses in Borstal, St. Margaret's, Rochester, some late
the inheritance of Thomas Nicholls and mortgaged
by him to Mrs Jane Needler, and then conveyed to
testator. Also the Rectory and Parsonage of Denton near
Gravesend and all the glebe land, tithes and profits, on
condition that he pays the yearly rent due under the lease.
There were several debts, some considerable to him by mortgage
of several houses and lands made to him by several persons, some
by lease and some by conveyancing. He gives all the mortgages
and securities and houses and land, except those already given,
all ready money, arrears of rent and debts owed to him by bond,
to grandson, Francis Head. He or his executors to
pay the legacies, his debts and as his executor to pay for his
funeral and to erect a monument to him, his wife and children's
memory in Rochester Cathedral or St. Nicholas church; pay for
mourning and give gold rings to those he has recorded on paper.
Any surplus to grandson, Francis; he calls upon God to
bless his family.
To his wife, for life, in lieu of her jointure and dower rights,
an annuity of £150, from his new built house, farm and land and
marshes at Allhallows, occupied by John Gauntbridge;
and from his house, salt marsh and land at Stoke, St. Mary Hoo,
Allhallows and West Cliffe, now or late occupied by John Goodwin;
also houses and land , which on his marriage were conveyed by
him to his wife, for life, for her jointure; also from his house
and land at Northfleet, Gravesend and Milton.
He gives his house and land at Higham Ridgeway and part of
marshland at Chalk, 2 cottages and grounds in same place, to is
executors and son and daughter Boys and daughter, Frances
Dawes Head for ever, upon trust; they to use rents
to repair properties and use residue to provide "good and
wholesome wheaten household bread" every Lord's Day after
the evening service and distribute it in St. Nicholas church,
Rochester, to such poor parishioners in the greater need and
necessity as the Mayor, Aldermen and Churchwardens and Overseers
think fit, by 2 shillings per week; any surplus of the rents to
be divided equally among 8 of the most ancient poor men and
He gives his 2 pieces of land in Gillingham, now or late
occupied by William Jarvis and his house, barn and
cherry garden called Mill Hill in Denton and the "White
Horse" in St. Nicholas, Rochester,
house and stables adjoining Paynter's Lane, house and land near
Spittle Hill in Strood, lately leased to Thomas Rugg
and Matthew Marshall, house and land in Hoo now or
lately occupied by Thomas Osmer and all land
called Wicox Corner and meadows adjoining near, Hoo Common, now
or lately occupied by John Hasling; house, barn
and farm in St. Mary Hoo, now or late occupied by John
and Andrew Richards, to grandson, Richard Head.
His son in law, Thomas Poley and his wife have
been lent £300 to purchase an annuity 53 shillings and 4 pence
and a portion of tithes from his land of ? ,at
Hordon on the
Hill, Essex, with Poley's consent he took the conveyance
in his own name, he has agreed to convey the same to Poley
and his heirs if he and his heirs pay testator's executors
£300, 2 years after the money was lent and £80 per annum for
interest in meantime.
Since he lent the money, he has discovered Poley is in a
low condition, so he fears his £300 will never be paid back. So
he gives the rents, lands, houses and tithes and all the land to
his executors and son in law, John Boys and his
wife Jane, in trust, for Poley's daughter and
heirs of her body. For their maintenance, he gives his Manor of
Windhill and house and land at Allhallows, houses, land, salt
marsh and fresh marsh at Stoke, St. Mary Hoo, West Cliffe and
St. James, Grain, not before given. Also houses in Northfleet
and Gravesend lately the inheritance of William Childe;
"The Ship", "Saracen's Head" and "Black
Boy"; stables, houses, land and yards at Milton near
Gravesend; houses conveyed to him by the late John Wild
in Gravesend and Milton; 3 houses in Chapel Lane, Gravesend;
house and land in Frindsbury, which has been settled upon his
wife, for life, for her jointure.
All his land , arable and pasture in Hoo, near the Four Elms,
now or late occupied by Studly Middleton; house,
land and woods at Stockbury and Aylesford; houses and land at
Cliffe conveyed to him by the late Thomas Kempton;
houses and land in Rochester High Street, now or late occupied
by John Wymshurst, Charitie Rogers,
Widow, Francis Luxford and John Jones;
also house in the High Street, adjoining John Wymshurst;
house behind those of Luxford and Jones, much of
it the inheritance of John Wilde; house and land
at Isle of Candie or Canvee, North Benfleet, Essex.
These properties charged with the annuity to his wife, the
remainder and reversion of the property to his grandchildren and
sons, Francis, Henry and Merrick on their
marriages, to his grandson, Francis Head, for life
and after his death to his first son, in default then to each
successive son in priority of birth.
Grandson, Francis can appoint to any woman he marries,
for life, property he thinks fit as a jointure, chargeable with
the annuity to testator's wife. In default of heirs of Francis,
then to grandson, Richard Head for life and after
his death, to his sons in order of seniority as above. Richard
can appoint his wife, for life, over the property; in default of
any heirs of Richard, to the testator's own right
Witnesses: Christopher Yeo, Ben Jobson,
John Moyse, Robert Allen, John
Bigg and Richard Sheafe
Proved 28th September 1689
21. Grandiose Monument with figures of Eternity and Time, in Coade
Stone, South Wall of Nave
Made by Thomas Banks, R.A., 1735-1805

"Deus Major Columna"
In a vault
near this Monument
is deposited all that was Mortal of
Late the affectionate Wife of
Sir JOHN HENNIKER of Newton Hall
and Stratford in the County of Essex, Bart.
He represented Sudbury in the first Parliament
of his present Majesty and in two successive
Parliaments, the Town and Port of Dover
in this County
She was the eldest Daughter of Sir JOHN MAJOR,
of Worlingworth Hall in the County of Suffolk and Member for
and Coheiress with her surviving Sister ELIZABETH Dowager
of HENRY Duke of Chandos
two Sons JOHN late Member for New Romney
and BRYDGES TRECOTHICK Lieutenant Colonel of his
Majesty's 9th Regiment of Dragoons
and one Daughter ANN ELIZABETH Countess of
are left with the disconsolate and much afflicted Husband to
mourn her loss
who after 45 years of conjugal felicity in the practise of every
resigned her soul to God at Bristol Hotwells the 18th of July
1792 aged 65
Her second Son MAJOR, Merchant of London died the 3rd of
February 1789 and lies
buried at Streatham He left five children viz JOHN MINET,
JACKSON all infants now living
22. Ledger, near above
Here rests in Peace
All that was mortal of
late Wife of Sir JOHN HENNIKER, Bart
of Newton Hall in the County of Essex
She departed this life the 18th of July 1792
Aged 65
23. Large monument, with figures and Medallion profile of Henniker,
similar in scale to the latter,
South wall of Nave.
Made by John Bacon, Junior, 1777-1859

The Remains of
the Right Honourable JOHN LORD HENNIKER of an
ancient family in this County
are placed here by his desire in the same vault with those of
his beloved Wife Dame ANN HENNIKER
He succeeded to the dignity of BARONET by the original
on the decease of Sir JOHN MAJOR in February 1781
and was created by the BEST of SOVEREIGNS, BARON HENNIKER
of STRATFORD UPON SLANEY in the Kingdom of Ireland in July
Humble to his GOD loyal to his KING, Kind to his relations,
Benevolent to all
at the age of seventy-nine in steadfast HOPE of Immortality
he completed his life of unbroken Integrity the 18th day of
April 1803
"Piety was in him blessed with Prosperity
Virtue crowned by Honour"
This Monument was created to his Memory by his two surviving and
affectionate Sons
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 6th January
John, Lord Henniker, Baron Henniker of
Statford upon Slaney, Ireland and Newton Hall and Stratford
House, Essex.
Desires that his funeral is decent but no pomp or ostentation or
that he "lies in state", nor any ? hung with black cloth and wishes to be conveyed in an hearse
hung on springs to the Cathedral.
His remains to be laid as close as possible to his late wife and
a "slip of stone" be put under both coffins, so that
when those wooden coffins, now under his wife's, rot, his and
his wife's coffin will be supported.
To his son the Honourable John Henniker Major,
his house, numbered 1, at Broadstairs and all the furniture and
domestic articles, coach house, stables, gardens, also the
? ,
south of the village leading from the Ramsgate Road to the
cliff; summer house at ? Castle and grounds and land on which it
stands, for ever.
His house, number 2, adjoining on the south to number 1, at
Broadstairs and all furnishing and domestic articles and land,
north of St Peters, Broadstairs, to his son the Honourable
General Brydges Trecothic Henniker and his
heirs, for ever.
Also to Brydges and his heirs for ever, his share of a farm at
Moulton in the Isle of Thanet.
His Manors, houses and farms in Suffolk, to son, John and
his heirs for ever; also to John, his copy-hold house,
called Stratford House, where he now lives, also furniture,
carriage house, linen. China, wines and other domestic articles
(except plate and gilt dishes and plates) and his
leasehold Manor called Westham in Essex, subject to payment of
rent and observance of covenants.
To son, Brydges, his Manor of Newton Hall in Essex and Moat
House Farm, Thaxted Road, let to
[ ] Barfield with timber and woods in Great Dunmow and
High Easter belonging to farm already given to him by deed of
To grandson, John Minet Henniker his farm
called Woodridden and woods and a field let to Matthew Prior;
also his share of the tontine he purchased in his grandson's
name, for ever.
To grand daughter Mary Ann Sykes, formerly
Henniker and Elizabeth Dale Harcourt,
formerly Henniker, all his share of the tontine, which
stand in their names.
Also to son, Brydges and grandson, Major Jacob
Henniker, two shares of the tontine standing in their
To his sister in law, Dowger Duchess of Chandos, his gilt
cup and cover, two ewers and dishes, gilt desert dishes, plates,
knives, fork and spoons. All other plate to son, John.
Also to John, his Manors at Chobham?, Essex and Compton
Martin and Chairot, Somerset; also his
farms, Landwick Olberry and Jacques in Rochford and Wakering,
Essex, after John's death then to his children.
If son dies leaving no lawful children, then the last bequest to
his brother Brydges.
To son, Brydges, his Manor of Grindon?, Staffordshire
and all land in that county, for life; after his death, to his
lawful children, if he leaves no children, then to the right
heirs of Brydges.
His leasehold Manor of Romvill?, held of the Dean and Chapter
of St. Paul's, London, in Essex, to son Brydges, subject
to payment of rent and observance of covenants.
To son, John, his Manors of Eastham and estates in West
Ham, in Essex, for ever.
To nephew, John Nicholson the Elder, £20; to Abel
Chapman?, Isaac? , Sir Philip Stephens?,
Benjamin Fouls, ?, and Stephen Parker
of Broadstairs, a ring each.
Executors to purchase out of his personal estate, £1,000 of 5%
Bank Annuities in their names and dividends to the education of
grand daughter, Ann Henniker until she is 25 or
married, with her father's or mother's consent, when the £1,000
will be transferred to her. If she dies without leaving lawful
children then the money goes into the residuary of his estate.
Executors to purchase £2,000 of the same stock in the name of
his daughter in law, Mary Henniker, widow of his
late son Major Henniker and pay her the dividends
for life or remarriage. After her death or remarriage, the
£2,000 to go into his residuary of his estate.
Executors also to purchase £2,000 of the same stock and pay
dividends to Madam the Countess de Castelbury, wife of
the Count de Castelbury, for life.
Executors to purchase £400 of the same stock and pay the
dividends to Ann Garrett of Bethnal Green,
Spinster, for life, but if she marries the payment will cease
and fall into his residuary estate.
Executors to purchase £1,000 of the same stock, and pay the
maintenance and education of Charles, son or reputed son
of Ann Garrett, who is known by the name Charles
Robinson and is about 12 years old, until he is 25, when
the executors will transfer the £1,000 to him. If he dies
before he is 25, the money to go into testator's residuary
To Paul Fraser and all male and female servants
who have been with with him for 3 years and upwards, a year's
wage over and above wages due. To his boy, William Taylor,
Rest and residue to sons John and Brydges, equally
shared .............................
Witnesses: Hugh Bantock, Robert Mogger,
both of Stratford and J. Bugg, New Broad Street,
Codicil 19th February 1803
Son Brydges has an account interlined in testator's
ledger; whatever the balance maybe , he is forgiven of whatever
sum the balance is in testator's favour, he also gives him his
diamond ring.
He gives Mrs Brand, alias Chalice, his servant,
£20, more than expressed in his will, i.e., a years wages. To
his sister's servant, Hannah, £10.
March 4th 1803
Republished and witnessed by Hugh Bantock, Robert
Mogger and Thomas Oliver
Proved 14th May 1803
24. Mural Monument, South Wall of Nave

A latere DANIELIS et
A.S.E. Filius natu tertius ROBERTUS HILL
Ciu virtutes quare in utroque summae gravitet asmulantis
Diuturnius exercendi tempus unice defuit
Vixit annos XLII menses IX sibi sans suis parum
XIII kal Decembres A.D. MDCCXXIX
Dolentibus etsi non (Greek)
amicus diem obiit supremum

Bene de omnibus optime de se meriti fratris
Ne cum corpore interiret itidem et nomen
Hoc (Greek)
F. C. monmentum et pignus amoris
THOMAS haeres ex semisse
"Aeternum salve frater savete porete Quern quondam
assidue yivi coluistis honore
Quos tenet in sancto subdita terra sinu Defunctus logum
protegat iste locus"
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated
8th November 1729
Robert Hill, of Rochester Cathedral Precincts, Gentleman
He is the youngest living son of Dr Daniel Hill,
late Prebendary of Rochester, deceased.
To his brother, Frederick Hill, £500
from his personal estate.
To his eldest brother, Thomas Hill and
friend, John Sheafe of Chatham , Gentleman, £500,
upon trust, to invest out at interest and pay the dividends to
his brother in law, Robert Rogers and his wife, Elizabeth,
sister of testator, for their lives. After both their deaths,
then on trust, to go to his niece, Frances Rogers,
their daughter. If Frances dies before his sister, the
£500 to her mother.
To Thomasine Hill, widow of his late
brother, Henry, £100.
To Elizabeth Sheafe, eldest sister of
John Sheafe, £400 and to John Sheafe, 10 guineas.
To Elizabeth Burr, his servant maid,
his ? bed and everything belonging, all his clothes and linen,
when she demands it.
To his man servant, John Hiles, his
lead coloured suit, when he demands it.
His third part of several freehold houses given to
him by the will of his late father, rest and residue of his
personal estate, goods and chattels, to his brother, Thomas,
he to pay his debts, legacies, funeral and probate charges.
Brother Thomas and John Sheafe
are executors.
Witnesses: Mary Ives, Caleb Parfect
and Richard Sheafe.
Proved 3rd December 1729
25. Ledger in
Lady Chapel
to the Memory of
Anno Domini 1729 married the Widow of
his bosom friend
To whose children
Two Sons and three Daughters
His Conduct
Affectionate and Bountiful
in the most tender
parental sense
In his Publick Trust
of providing for is Majesty's sick and wounded
at this Port,
so fair,
so just
such his care for them
was one
solely observant of
(Image of Good Samaritan)
"Abi Fac Simile"
(The Seal of his Office)
that thought for
or Justice to
was his last as well least concern
He departed this life the 20th of May 1759 Aged 74 Years
much regretted as greatly belov'd by all who knew him
being a kind Neighbour, sincere Friend, in disposition
above guile and in practise an exemplary Christian
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated
27th November 1758
Frederick Hill of St. Margaret's, Gentleman.
Appoints his "son and daughter in law",
Captain Thomas Knackston and Mary Knackston,
They, in the space of one year of his death, to
sell his real estate in Southfleet and Brompton in Gillingham
and Chatham or elsewhere in Britain.
The money from the sale to be equally divided
between his daughter in law, Hannah Beckwith ,
wife of Edward Beckwith; Mary Knackston;
Thomas Knackston and Frances Powney,
wife of Robert Powney, and his grand daughter, Frances
Flight, wife of Major Thomas Flight.
To Mary Knackstone, the remainder of
years left on lease of his house, with the use of his plate,
household goods, pictures, china, books and furniture, for life,
as long as she resides in the house.
In case of her death or not wanting to live in the
house, before the lease expires, then the remainder of the lease
and contents, to Hannah Beckwith, for life.
If Hannah dies or declines to take the
house, then to Thomas Knackston, for life. If he
dies or declines to take the house, then to Frances Powney
for life. If she dies or declines the house, then to Frances
At the end of the lease, all his plate, goods,
pictures, china, books and furniture, to be sold and the
proceeds to be equally divided between Hannah Beckwith,
Mary Knackston, Thomas Knackston, Frances
Powney and Frances Fligh.
To his niece, Frances Soame, wife of
] Soame, £200.
To God daughter, Henrietta Soame,
daughter of Frances, £50.
To God daughter, Elizabeth Page, £20
at 21 years of age or day of marriage, if sooner.
Also to Hannah Beckwith, one of his
diamond rings, she chooses.
His gold repeating watch to Thomas Knackston.
To Frances Powney and Frances Flight,
5 guineas each for a ring.
After payment of his debts, legacies, funeral and
probate costs, all the rest and residue of ready money, money on
mortgage or in Public Funds and personal estate to be equally
divided between Hannah Beckwith, Mary Knackston,
Thomas Knackston. Frances Powney and
Frances Flight.
Witnesses: J. Soan, B. Graydon
and William Stubbs.
Proved 6th June 1759
26. Ledger in South Transept
Here Lyeth
in Hope of a Joyfull Resurrection to Eternal
Life the Body of Mr JOHN JOLLY
who dyed ye 5th day of May
Domini 1700
Aetatis 32
"Ego hodie tu cras
Memento Mori"
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated
3rd May 1700
John Jolly of Rochester, Gentleman.
He is weak in body.
To Walter Edwards of St. Dunstan in
the West, London, House Carpenter and Agnes his wife,
£10 each for mourning.
To Thomas Jolly, his kinsman, £10
for mourning and £10.
To his wife, Dorothea, for ever, all the
rest and residue of ready money, debts, credits, goods,
chattels, plate, household goods and personal estate, after his
debts, legacies, funeral and probate costs are paid. Wife, Dorothea
is his executor.
Witnesses: Prudence Lock, Mary
Johnson, T. Trembley and Richard Sheafe.
Proved 8th May 1700
27. Ledger in North Transept
Sacred to the Memory of
one of the Aldermen of this City
who died the 25th day of May 1805
in the 73rd Year of his Age
Wife of the above
who died the 21st day of October 1807
in the 74th Year of her Age
fifth Son of the above
Attorney at Law and Deputy Clerk of the [Justices ?]
of this County
who died the 21st day of November 1810
in the 35th Year of his Age
third Son of the above
one of the Aldermen of this City
who died the 22nd day of October 1833
in the 67th Year of his Age
eldest Son of the above
who died the 17th day of February 1832
Aged 88 Years
William Nicholson was Mayor of
Rochester, 1805 and is buried in St. Margaret's churchyard. See
St Margaret's Church, Rochester, on this site. Samuel Nicholson,
Junior was Mayor of Rochester in 1820.
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated
Samuel Nicholson of Rochester, Gentleman.
First, all his debts and funeral costs to be paid.
His house in St. Margaret's Street, Rochester and
use of his household goods, furniture, plate, linen, china,
books, pictures, prints and other things, to his wife, Catherine,
for life; he recommends her to sign an inventory and deliver it
to his executors. She to live in house, rent free.
After her death, the property to his son, John
for remainder of lease.
The furniture, articles and things in the house,
after his wife's death, to his children and grandchildren, as
his wife shall direct in writing; in default of direction, then
to be divided between his children.
His 2 freehold houses in Rochester High Street,
occupied by Mrs Hodson and Mrs Dixson, to his wife
for her lifetime and after her death, Mrs Hodson's house
to son Samuel, for ever. Mrs Dixson's house to
son, John, for ever.
His house in ?
Road, Rochester and the unfurnished house in the same road,
occupied by Mr
? , to his wife, for the years
left on the lease, after her death, to son, William. A
piece of ground near the latter house, to son Samuel, for
remainder of lease.
A house in New Road, Rochester, occupied by Mr Belson
and Mr Farquhar, with a right of way for a carriage and
horses into New Road and Nag's Head Lane.
To son William, water works in Rochester,
held on lease from the Dean and Chapter of Rochester and houses
in Bull Lane and a small house on the Common held on lease from
the City of Rochester, subject to rents and covenants.
The house occupied by Captain Belson and a
house in Nag's Head Lane occupied by his son Samuel Nicholson,
to Samuel for remainder of term.
A house in St. Margaret's Street, where his brother
in law, George Woodriffe resides, to George
Woodriffe, for remainder of lease. After the death of George,
to his sister Elizabeth Woodriffe, after the
deaths of both the Woodriffes or in case they leave the
house, then to son, John.
During the lives of the Woodriffes, son John
to pay the rents.
His houses in Love Lane and St Margaret's Street,
subject to the estate, before given to his wife, for life and
the Woodriffes, to son John for remainder of term
left in lease.
Three pieces of land at Upnor with buildings upon
them to son William, on condition that he pays his
executors within 7 years of his death, £300. If William
does not pay , then the land to his executors, upon trust, to
sell, the proceeds to be held, upon trust.
To his executors, £1,000 in the 3% Consolidated
Bank Annuities, upon trust, they to pay the dividends to his
brother in law, George Woodriffe, for life and
after his death, pay them to his sister, Elizabeth, wife
of George Woodriffe, for life; after her death,
the £1,000 to his son Samuel.
To daughter, Catherine, wife of Samuel
Baker of Rochester, £200 as a token of his affection and
regard, she has been amply provided for.
To brother, John, £50 and to niece, Sarah
Woodriffe, £100.
To nephew, William Brand, £50 and to
niece, Betsy, late Betsy Brand, £10.
The rest and remainder to sons, William, Samuel
and John, upon trust, that part of his estate not
consisting of money, to be sold and the money invested in
Government or Real securities, the annual interest to be paid to
his wife, for life. After her death, they to raise £5,680, upon
trust; the sum of £2,600 to be invested as before, for the
maintenance and education of his 3 grandchildren, Ann, Catherine
and Edward Batten children of his late daughter, Ann,
until the two girls are 21 or married, if earlier, with the
consent of his trustees and Edward is 21.
If they all die before they can inherit, then the
fund to his 4 children, equally shared.
Trustees can use fund to place Edward into
any trade, profession or business.
If they all survive, the income from the fund to
his daughter Sarah, free from her husband's control.
After her death, the fund to be paid to her children as directed
by her will at 21 years of age or day of marriage for the
daughters, if earlier. If the children die before they can
inherit the fund to his children and and Batten
grandchildren, equally shared.
From the £5,680 he gives £5 to son William,
£200, to son Samuel and £230 to son John.
Surplus of his estate and effects to his children and Batten
grandchildren, shared equally.
Executors to make the house in New Road complete
and habitable, provided son William is not called upon to
pay the £4,000 to testator by a bond until 4? years from
testator's death, provided William pays the interest.
His wife can let any of the properties left to her for a term
not exceeding 5 years.
He appoints his sons as executors.
Witnesses: Mary Toftie,
Ordnance Hotel, Westminster Bridge, Edward Robinson
and Christopher Lee, Lincoln's Inn.
Proved 10th June 1805
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 20th November 1809
John Nicholson of St. Margaret's, Rochester,
To his dear friend, Rebecca Tempest, Spinster, now
lodging with Mr Roafe in Dale Row, Chatham near Fort
Pitt, his house in Rochester High Street, occupied by Robert
Dixson, for ever.
Also his half share in a house in Cross Street, The Brook,
Chatham, occupied by [ ] Cameron.
His library to be sold by auction, from the proceeds, £100 to Rebecca
Tempest; the rest to his residuary legatee.
His house in New Road, Rochester, to be sold by auction and his
debts paid from the proceeds and residue to his brothers and
sisters, William, Samuel Katherine Baker
and Sarah Batten, equally shared.
To his brothers his leasehold houses in Love Lane in St.
To Rebecca Tempest, his leasehold buildings with
stables, in Rochester High Street, occupied by himself and
Rest and residue, subject to payment of any of his outstanding
debts, to his brothers and sisters, equally shared; any dispute
to be settled by his friend, the Recorder of Rochester, whose
decision will be final, the parties involved to pay expenses.
He appoints his brothers and sisters executors" in full
confidence from their known integrity and talents".
Witnesses: The mark of Sarah Case, J. Barnard,
Clerk to testator and Charlotte Case.
Proved 14th December 1810
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 14th September
Samuel Nicholson, of Rochester, Gentleman.
He desires to be buried in Rochester Cathedral, if the cost,
in the opinion of his executors, is not too great. His funeral
to be a walking one, with no hearse or coach and as plain as
His freehold house with outbuildings, yards and garden in
Rochester High Street, lately occupied by George Gammon,
to his brother, William, nephew, William Henry
Nicholson and nephew, George Stewart Nicholson,
upon trust, during the life of his reputed niece, Rebecca
Tempest, now or lately residing at Putney Heath, Surrey,
to pay half the rent from the house, free from the influence of
any future husband.
In case of her death in the lifetime of his housekeeper, Barbara
Whiffin, then upon trust, to go into the residuary of his
personal estate, upon further trust, during the life of Barbara
Whiffin, for her use and benefit, independent of any
future husband.
After her death, in case Rebecca Tempest survives
her, then upon trust, for the benefit of Rebecca Tempest.
After the deaths of both women, the house to be sold.
To Barbara Whiffin, all his clothes, bed,
bedding and furniture of his bedroom; 2 of his best silver table
spoons; 4 of the best silver tea spoons.
To Rebecca Tempest, the portrait of his late
brother John. The several drawings and pictures by Rebecca
Tempest and frames are her property and are to be given
to her.
The portrait of his late brother, Thomas is to be
To friends, John Dudlow of West Malling and
his daughter, Ann Dudlow, £5 each; to George
Mann Burrows of Montague Street, Russell Square,
Doctor of Physic and his son, Henry Nicholson Burrows,
£5 each; to Robert Taynton of Bromley, Surgeon,
£5; to Miss Elizabeth Maudsley of Putney Common,
Surrey, £5.
To Barbara Whiffin, £25 and £15 for
To his servant, Hannah Sole, £7 and £10 for
His leasehold house and garden at Nile Terrace, Rochester,
occupied by by George Belson and all his leasehold
houses, to those entitled to them at his death, subject to
payment of rents and observance of covenants.
Ready money, securities for money, goods, chattels, personal
estate, after payment of his debts, funeral and probate costs
and legacies, to his trustees, upon trust, to sell his residuary
personal estate, other tan his leasehold estate and call in all
debts and invest the money in Public Funds or Real securities.
Barbara Whiffin to have half the income from the
investment and from his personal estate, for life.
Rebecca Tempest to have the other half during
their joint lives.
After the death of Barbara Whiffin, if Rebecca
Tempest survives her, she to have the whole income.
After they have both died, trustees to transfer the funds as
A quarter to his brother, William; a quarter to the
living children of his late sister, Katherine Baker,
equally shared; a quarter to the living children of his late
sister, Ann Batten, equally shared; the remaining
quarter, to the living children of his late sister, Sarah
Batten, equally shared.
Concerning his niece, Katherine Maddocks, daughter
of his late sister, Ann Batten, her share to be
paid to her for benefit, free from the influence of any future
If the legacy to Barbara Whiffin does not come
to £52, the deficiency to be made up from the other half of the
fund but income not to exceed that sum.
Appoints William Nicholson, William Henry
Nicholson, George Stewart Nicholson
and Rebecca Tempest, executors.
Witnesses: D. B. Lewis, Solicitor,
Rochester, James Lewis of Rochester and Charles
Dorrett of Rochester.
Proved 25th November 1833. Power reserved to Rebecca Tempest
28. Ledger in South Transept
died June 18th 1812
Aged 87
Son of the above
died March 27th 1837
Aged 88
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 21st April 1755
Robert Parker, of Rochester, Gentleman.
All of his estate to his wife, Mary, his debts to be paid
wholly or in part, according to his circumstances,
His wife is his executor and is to take proper care of his only
child, Robert, a minor and see to his education.
Witnesses: Robert Hardy, John Blackhall
and William Pearcy
Proved 20th November 1760
29. Railed Monument shaped as a Sarcophagus, East Wall of North

John PARR 1792
Near this Place lie the Remains of
Store Keeper of the Ordnance at Chatham he passed between 50 and
60 years of his life in his Majesty's
Service and Discharged his Several Engagements in it at Home
and Abroad with the Greatest Assiduity, Integrity and Honour
He died the 21st of March 1792 Aged 76 Years
Mrs MARY PARR caused this Monument to be Erected
as a
Tribute of Affection to the Memory of a Much Respected Brother
30. Ledger in North Transept
Ordnance Storekeeper at
Chatham 32 Years
Born the 3rd of September 1716
Died the 21st of March 1792
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 25th May 1784
John Parr of Chatham, Storekeeper of His Majesty's
To his brother, Thomas Parr, his estate of
land at Whitley near Reading; also his house, garden and oast
houses at London Street, St. Giles, Reading, also his house at
Bury Street, St James, Westminster and his stock in the Bank
Consolidated Long Annuities, which is £200. In case his brother
dies, then the real estate and stock to his sister, Mary Parr.
Also to Mary, £12,000 in the Bank Reduced Annuities
Consolidated 3%; in case his sister dies, the £12,000 to his
Rest and remainder, after payment of his debts, to his
brother and sister, who are his executors.
Witnesses: William Saltonstall, Clerk of the
Cheque to the Office of Ordnance, Chatham, William Akid,
Clerk of the Cheque to the Office of Ordnance, Chatham.
Codicil 16th September
His brother, Thomas has died since the will was made,
so his sister, Mary is sole executor.
His body to be put in a leaden coffin and he desires to be
buried in Rochester Cathedral in any vacant place. A stone to be
placed over the grave with this inscription :
"John Parr, Ordnance Storekeeper at Chatham,
Died the [ ] day of [ ] 17[ ], Born the
3rd day of September 1716 Aged [ ] Years"
His funeral to be decent, without pomposity and he wishes
to be buried during Divine Service in the morning; the usual fee
and compliment to the church and officiating clergyman and rings
for friends.
No witnesses.
Affidavit 31st March 1792
William Akid and Thomas James Rudyard,
both of Chatham, Gentlemen, are sworn.
They state they knew testator and were well acquainted with him
for several years, having seen him write and make his signature.
They have carefully examined the will and codicil and are
certain they are in his hand and his signature is his.
Proved 3rd April 1792
31. Ledger in the Nave
Under this Stone
lies interr'd the Body of
who died 17th of November
Domini 1718
Aetatis 51
ELIZ. PICKERING Obt Novr ye 15th 1744 Aet 74
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 9th July 1710
Richard Pickering of Rochester Cathedral
Precincts, Gentleman.
He desires his funeral to be conducted with convenient frugality
and that none but his particular friends be present. He leaves
the place of interment to his wife, Elizabeth, who is his
To Rose Fielding, wife of [
] Fielding of Clerkenwell, Butcher, his cousin
germain on his mother's side and next of kin he has living, one
broad piece of gold commonly called a Jacobus, and to her
daughter, Rose Fielding, if living, another
To his good friend, Richard Head of the Precinct
of the Cathedral, Gentleman, his silver watch and chain and £5,
he desires him to assist his executor and give her his advice.
Rest and residue of ready money, goods, chattels, plate,
mortgages, bonds, bills and personal estate, after his debts,
legacies and funeral costs are paid, to his wife, Elizabeth,
for ever.
Witnesses: John Baynard, William Furner
and John Jackson
Proved 16th December 1718
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 30th April 1741
Elizabeth Pickering, late of Rochester, now of
Wouldham, Widow.
Her burial to have no pall bearers and to be in the Cathedral in
the same grave as her late husband. An addition to be made to
the gravestone of her age and day of death.
To Mary Dixon daughter of George Dixon
of Rochester, Joiner, by Elizabeth his wife, who was one
of her friends and formerly Elizabeth Withers,
£150 of South Sea Annuities, at 21 years of age but if she dies
before then, the £150 to her friend, Mary Dennis
wife of Rev ? Dennis, Rector
of Cobham, if she is then living.
Interest on the £150 stock to Mary Dixon from the
testator's death.
She gives her clothes to Mary Dennis, also her
silver tankard and £100; to her brother, Francis Withers,
£5; to the Rev George Pickering, £10; to his
sister, Barbara Pickering, £5; to her three God
daughters, Elizabeth Sheafe, wife of Henry Sheafe
of Strood, £5; Elizabeth Hawkns, £5; Elizabeth
Edwards, late Orton, £5, if they are living.
Rest and residue, of money, goods, chattels and personal estate,
after her legacies, funeral and probate costs are paid and an
inventory exhibited, to Sir Walter Roberts,
Rev Thomas Pickering is sole executor.
Witnesses: Walt Roberts and Mercy Miller
Codicil 15th September 1744
She has erased in the will "Dame Elizabeth Roberts,
wife of" and changed it to the name of her husband, Sir Walter
Witnesses: Mary Trevor and Ann Goodsall
32. Ledger in the North Transept -
Translated from Latin
Underneath are placed the Remains of
Sir RICHARD POLEY M.A. From Queen's College,
Cambridge and Fellow of the Royal Society also
one of the Gentlemen of the Antechamber to Kings
George II and George III
"Reader, if you chance to know his Family, you will find
he was the eldest Son of THOMAS POLEY of that
Ancient and
Landed Family of POLEY OF Boxted Hall in Suffolk
(which had come in more distant times from Meison in
Saxony) and of FRANCES his Wife, Daughter of Sir
Also placed underneath are the Remains of his Wife
ELIZABETH Posthumous Daughter of Sir ROBERT
WILFORD, Naval Captain, Strung from that Ancient and
Landed Family of WILFORD from
Illden in the Eastern part of Kent and [Daughter] of
his Wife and eldest Daughter of Mr ROBERT FAUNCE
Maidstone, that Splendid Gentleman from whom he
two Daughters only the elder of whom, ELIZABETH
survived her Mother
and remained the only Comfort to her Father
She died on the 20th day of May in the Year of Grace 1765 in
76th Year
and he died
(the last male heir of that Ancient Family)
on the 20th day of January in the Year of Grace 1770 in his
Nov 24th 1792
Aet 76
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 9th February 1758
Richard Poley, Esquire, of Rochester,
Gentleman Usher, Waiter to his Majesty.
He is of an advanced age (75th year).
Wishes to be buried in a decent but frugal manner, funeral not
to cost more than £50. The grave to be wide enough for 2
coffins abreast and deep enough for a 3rd coffin to be placed on
top of the other two. He wants an handsome black marble stone
with his own arms and those of his wife and the motto "Factior
est Quise" and a "proper inscription".
To his wife, Elizabeth, all the interest and dividends on
his Old South Sea Annuities and capital in the Bank of England,
with liberty to dispose of £200 of the principal.
If his wife survives their daughter, Elizabeth, she dying
unmarried and leaving no children by marriage, then his wife to
have the liberty to dispose of £400 stock in the South Sea
Also to his wife, a gold medal of King Charles II and his
Queen and $30 for mourning, free use of his plate, household
goods and furniture during her life. After her death, then to
their daughter and all South Sea Annuities and money in the Bank
of England.
To his sister, Weller, a gold ring of 1 guinea value; to
his brother and sister Parfect, a gold ring each of the
same value; to his brother Wilford, a gold ring, as
above; to nephew and niece, Weller?, a gold ring each,
as above; to nephew and niece, Childre, a gold ring each,
as above.
He appoints his wife and daughter as his executors.
Witnesses: Fran. Dayley, Mary Faunce
and Jno Sparkes
Proved 23rd February 1770. His wife had died and daughter
granted administration.
Note in margin dated 30th April 1821
The will was not administered by his daughter. So,
administration granted to Rev. William Weller Poley.
The executors of daughter, Elizabeth Poley, George
Childre and Robert Wilford died intestate.
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 9th October 1790
Elizabeth Poley of Rochester, Spinster.
She desires to be buried in the grave of her father and mother
in Rochester Cathedral.
To her cousin, George Children of
Tonbridge, Esquire, £200, part of her stock in the South Seas
Old Annuities.
To Jane Whitehead, George De
Passow and John De Passow, children
of her late cousin, James De Passow, £100
each of the same stock.
To her cousins, Jane Children and Frances
Weller, widow of George Weller, late of
Boxted Hall, Suffolk, Esquire, and the daughter and 2 sons of George
Weller, a mourning ring each of the value of 1 guinea.
To Mrs Mary Compling, niece of her
late mother, £300, and to Robert Compling, her
son, £300.
Her late father desired to give Queen's College,
Cambridge, £50 to buy books as the Master and Heads of the
College choose, she now gives them this sum.
To her friend, Mrs Elizabeth Brooke,
wife of Joseph Brooke, Esquire, a pair of her
silver candlesticks with her parents' arms engraved on them; and
all her G ?????, tortoise shell snuff box inlaid with gold and a
picture on the lid and tortoise shell box with gold rim and
To Joseph Brooke, £20 for a piece of plate;
to her cousin, Rev Thomas Lock, her large silver
waiter, with her arms and to him and his wife, Ann ?, a mourning
ring of 1 guinea value.
To Mrs Frances Obrion and Miss Elizabeth
East daughter of the late Robert East,
Esquire, £10 each.
To Mrs Amhurst, widow of John Amhurst
of Rochester, Esquire, a pair of her silver candlesticks,
engraved with her parents' arms.
To Mrs Martha Parfect, her small
silver Taper Candlesticks and a mourning ring of a guinea value.
To Mrs Campbell Elizabeth Lill,
grand daughter of Sir Richard Head, Baronet, her
silver watch, with the family arms of Head engraved on it and
the picture of Sir Richard and his two ladies.
To Mrs Dampien, eldest daughter of Rev
Doctor Law, Archdeacon of Rochester, her silver coffee
pot; to Miss Frances Law, his second daughter, her
ring set with one large and two small diamonds.
To George Children, all her books.
To her maid servant, Mary Martin, if
with her at her death, £50 and the bed and furniture in the
upper back chamber, except the contents of the chest of drawers,
and 2 pairs of servants best sheets and pillow cases, white
counterpane, her clothes, except her best laces and silver
plaques which she gives to Jane Whitehead; also to
the latter, all her plate and household linen, china and glass,
not already given.
To George Children and Robert Compling,
£500 stock in the Old South Sea Annuities, upon trust, to pay
the interest to Mary Martin, for life and after
her death, or if she does not continue in her service or she
dies before testator, to pay the £500, equally shared, between
the 3 children of George Weller.
To the maid servant who cooks in her service at
time of her death, £6 over and above wages due.
All her freehold houses, lands, ready money,
securities for money, household goods, chattels and personal
estate, after payment of her debts and funeral costs, shared
equally between George Children and Robert Compling,
for ever, they are her executors.
Witnesses: D.A. Grayling, Elizabeth
Mapletoft and John Sparkes, Attorney of
Proved 23rd March 1793. Robert Welsford
Compland, was by mistake, called Compling in the
Note in margin dated 11th August 1819
The will was not administered by Children or Compland
, administration granted to Rev William Weller Poley,
a cousin germane. Children survived Compland but
died intestate and
Isaac Cook and David Taylor,
executors of Children and John George Children,
natural son and sole beneficiary of his father's estate, have
renounced the execution of Elizabeth Poley's will.
33. Ledger in South Transept
Here lyeth the Body of
of London
who departed this life
Oct 15th An Dom1692
in the 63rd? Year of his Age
MARY his Wife
deceased Oct 23rd An Dom 1702
in the 73rd Year of her Age
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 30th October 1690
Thomas Robson of St. James, Westminster.
All his debts to be paid from his real and personal estate.
After his debts have been paid, he gives his real and personal
estate to his wife, Mary. He desires her to remember his
relations when making her will. She is his executor.
His kinsman, Edward Gregory, Esq., Commissioner of
the Navy at Chatham, his brother, George Harris of
Droitwich, Worcestershire, Gentleman, his friend George Mann
of St. James, Westminster and Edward Milles of the
Inner Temple, Gentleman, are overseers of his will; £10 to each
of them to buy a ring.
He desires his wife returns, by her will, his gilt cup and cover
to the survivor of his cousin, Gregory's family, a legacy
left to the testator by his uncle and Gregory's father.
His funeral to be of least show and expense.
Witnesses: Bartholomew? Harris, Richard Heton
and Rachel Ruston.
Proved 22nd October 1692
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 20th June 1700
Mary Robson, of St James, Westminster, Widow.
First, all her debts and debts of her late husband to be paid.
The Rev Dr Edward Maynard and friends, James
Witterange of Lincoln's Inn and Edward Mills
of the Inner Temple are executors.
To her niece, Maynard, wife of Edward Maynard,
her pendulum clock and great Indian chest at London and all her
goods at Bodington?
To her servant, Roberta Taylor, £5 for mourning,
if she is still with her.
Rest of her real and personal estate, to her executors to be
sold for the performance of her will, and surplus, after her and
her husband's debts and cost of her funeral are paid, to Thomas
Robson, son of Christopher Robson, brother
of her late husband, Mary Robson and Hannah
Robson, daughters of Christopher Robson, Rachel
Robson, Widow of Christopher, her nephew, Gowland
Harris, nieces, Mary Hill and Prisilla
Harris, nephews, George and John Mason,
nieces, Elizabeth Parke and Mary Mason,
nephew, Talbott Harris, nieces, Margaret, Mary
and Elizabeth Harris, sons and daughters of her
late brother, George Harris, her sister, Abigail
Holloway, daughter Maynard, Abigail Travener
and her executors, each to have, except her servants, (smudged).
Excepting Talbott Harris, if any die before they
are 21 or before they receive their legacy, that share to her
other legatees. Talbott Harris's share to his
mother, Mary until he is 21, towards his education.
Witnesses: Robert Hands and Jos Day
Proved 1st December 1702
34. Tablet on South Wall, South Transept

RONDEAU James 1768
Near this Place
are deposited the Remains of JAMES RONDEAU Esq
who departed this life on the 11th of February 1768
Also of ELIZABETH his Wife died the 24th of January
together with one Son and eight Daughters
Likewise their Grandson and Daughter
This monument is erected in token of relative affection
by their only surviving Daughter Mrs AMELIA RONDEAU
of this City
died on the 3rd day of April 1812 in her 84th Year
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 3rd November 1761
(I must confess, I found this will not easy to follow and
apologise for any lack of clarity)
James Rondeau of St. Margaret's, Gentleman.
Two freehold houses in Sittingbourne and half of a small farm in
Hoo, to his Daughter, Mary Devaux, Widow, for life
and after her death, to her two children, James and Elizabeth.
His Daughter can lease the houses for a term not exceeding 20
According to an indenture dated about 30th March 1710 between
himself of the City of Canterbury, Merchant and Elizabeth,
his then wife (since deceased) and Frances East of
Canterbury, Widow of the first part; John Wheatley
of London, Gentleman, of the second part and Edward Jacob
of Canterbury, Surgeon of the third part, all that house and
farm called King's Head and 40 acres of land in Strood and
Frindsbury. The house known as King's Head with 30 acres of land
in Sittingbourne and Milton, also the house and farm known as
Eoametts?, with 70 acres of land in Eastchurch, Isle of Sheppey;
the house and farm called Redd (Rede) at Strood and Frindsbury
and King's Head at Sittingbourne and Milton was for his use, for
life, for the support of then his wife, Elizabeth and
their children, to the benefit of his son.
His farm at Eastchurch to his son and Edward Jacob,
upon trust, to sell, they to purchase fee simple lands. If this
purchase can be made, the money raised by the sale of the
Eastchurch property is to be put out at interest until the
purchase is made, in the Bank of England or other good security.
If his wife Elizabeth died before him, leaving issue by
him and he does not marry again, then his heirs or executors and
administrators to lay out £4,0000 on the purchase of freehold
His wife died many years since leaving, by him, 2 Sons and 8
Daughters, James and Thomas, Frances, Ann,
Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, Susanna, Rebecca
and Amelia?, all of whom are now living.
Around 1720 he sold land and property on the Isle of Sheppey,
for £820, which as invested in Bank Annuities, which was put in
South Sea Stock but he lost £537 in the crash of the South Sea
Company, leaving £283. Since the making of the settlement?, he
has laid out in form of an annuity from the estate called Rede,
£250, this is part of the sum of £4,000 to be laid out after
his death in freehold property; he has many children and thought
it prudent to invest the residue of £10,000?, in freehold real
estate for the advancement of his children in the world.
King's Head farm is charge with an annuity of to 6 of his
daughters, Ann, Elizabeth, Sarah, Susanna,
Rebecca and Amelia, equally shared and from this
annuity, £35 to his eldest daughter, Frances, for life.
To the above 6 daughters, all stock, corn, hop poles, cattle,
implements of husbandry at Strood and Frindsbury, equally
To eldest son, James, £2,733 part of the sum of £3,750,
to purchase real estate; he has already advanced him £1,433 for
his advancement in the world; for which he gave testator his
bond. His executors to give this bond to his son and discharge
him from the interest.
He gives second son, Thomas, £700 for his advancement in
the world?
He has already advanced Mary Devaux, £600.
To sons James and Thomas, all household goods,
plate and linen, upon trust, they to permit his daughters to use
this, while they are unmarried and content to live together. If
they all marry they to share the same, equally.
He charges his personal estate with payment of his debts and
funeral costs, Funeral to be private and frugal as possible.
What remains of his real and personal restate, except the
revisionary interest of a considerable sum left to him by his
late brother, Claudius Rondeau*, to his 6 Daughters
equally shared. The money given to him by his brother Claudius,
to all his children, equally shared.
To his second daughter, Ann, her mother's gold watch and
£50; to daughter, Sarah, his repeating gold watch and
£50; to daughter Mary Devaux, £100 over and
above what he has already given her.
His late brother, Claudius left him £500 in 3%
Consolidated Bank Annuities, 6 months after his death, his
executors to transfer this to daughter Rebecca. If she
does not claim any interest, executors shall release her from
all her board and maintenance which he has provided and all
money due to him.
If any daughter dies in his lifetime, her share to be equally
divided between the survivors.
He appoints daughters, Ann and Sarah, executors.
He recommends his daughters to be kind and affectionate to each
other and that they cause no disputes over his will.
Witnesses: William Gates, William Baker
and William Gates, Junior.
Proved 19th March 1768
*Claudius Rondeau, who died in 1739, (Monument in St.
Dunstan's, Canterbury), was H. M. Resident at the Russian Court
in St. Petersburg, from 1730.
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated
Amelia Rondeau of Rochester, Spinster.
She wishes to be buried with her family in the Cathedral.
To William Bunce of Great Russell Street, Covent
Garden, Upholder (Upholsterer), all the new furniture made by
him and ordered by her late niece, Elizabeth Ann Devaux,
2 sets of curtains, 12 painted chairs and matching settee,
cotton cased cushion and 2 cushions to window seats, pair of
mahogany oblong card tables, chimney glass in burnished gold
frame, hearth rug, all these in her back parlour.
To her niece, Elizabeth Breese, Senior, of the
Tower of London, Widow, her gold watch with chain and trinkets.
To Ann Breese, daughter of the above, 2 pairs of
high candlesticks, snuffers and ? .
To Katherine Krull?, daughter of John Anthony
Barnard Krull of Rochester, Surgeon, all her
clothes, linen, rings and trinkets, except those with her watch.
After payment of her debts, funeral and probate costs, £500 to William
Bunce; £50 to William Carter of Charing
Cross, Stock Broker and Letter Office Keeper; £200 to Katherine
Krull; £20 to Ann Teaite wife of George
Teaite of Rochester, Gentleman; £20 to Mary Krull,
wife of John Anthony Barnard Krull;
£20 to Joseph Kemp of Strood for his long and
faithfull service; £20 each to Captain George Bunce
of H.M. 24th Regiment of Light Dragoons and Lieutenant John
Bunce of the same regiment.
To each of the following £400; nephew James Rondeau,
niece, Elizabeth Breese, nephew, William Rondeau,
now abroad, niece, Ann Holgham wife of Thomas Holgham
of Kenninington, Surrey, niece, Susanna Saunders
of Kennington, Widow, and niece, Kitty Shillito
wife of [ ] Shillito of
Her executors to invest £400in 3% Consolidated Bank Annuities,
upon trust, and pay dividends to nephew, George Rondeau,
now of London, for life, and after his death, upon trust, to pay
the dividends to his wife, if she survives him, for life. After
the death of the survivor, upon trust, to pay the £400 or the
stock to their children then living in equal shares.
By reason of the death of her great nephew, Jacob Quarrill
Breese of Gould Square, London, Gem Factor, in the
lifetime of her late niece, Elizabeth Ann Devaux,
the third part of the residue of the latter's personal estate
and effects, by her will, left to Jacob Quarill Breese,
subject to the life interest of herself, Elizabeth Breese
and William Bunce, developed upon and became
vested in the testator, (Amelia Rondeau), as only
next of kin to Elizabeth Ann Devaux.
So, she now gives all title, interest and share to Clara Breese,
daughter of Jacob Breese and another, posthumous
child at 21 years of age.
In case of the death of either of them, before they are 21 that
share to the survivor. If both die under 21, then the estate to Hannah
Maria Christopherson, wife of
[ ] Christopherson and her sister, Susanna Saunders,
Spinster, equally shared. If either die leaving no child, their
share to the survivor; if both die leaving children their shares
to their children, then living. In meantime executors to invest
Jacobs estate in Government Stocks or Real estate, upon trust,
for above stated purpose.
The sum of £784 6s 3d in the 3% Bank Annuities, purchased by
testator before Elizabeth Ann Devaux's
death, in the latter's name, to prevent any doubts, this was
intended as a gift to Devaux, in consideration of love
and affection for her and subject to her will and is part of her
residuary property bequeathed.
Her servants to be given mourning at direction of her executors.
William Bunce and Henry Robinson of
Cooper's Row, London, Surgeon, executors, to have £50 each for
their troubles.
They to have the residue of her personal estate and effects
equally shared.
She desires them not to dispose of her furniture which comes to
If her personal estate is not sufficient to meet her money
legacies, she wishes those legacies to be scaled down to match
that given to Jacob Breese's children.
By a Deed of Settlement dated about 30th August 1799 between her
late sister, Susanna Rondeau, Spinster, of the
first part, her late sister, Rebecca, Spinster of the
second part, herself of the third part and Elizabeth Ann
Devaux, Spinster and William Breese, both
since deceased, of the fourth part, certain freehold and
personal estates and effects of herself and her late sisters
were settled or agreed to be settled, in trust, for the benefit
of several persons, subject to the life interest of herself and
her sisters.
There are now, in her name in the Bank of England, £2,162 of
the 3% Annuities and £525 of the 3% 1726 Annuities, subject to
the Deed, except household goods, plate and furniture in the
house at Rochester at the time of the Deed, settled upon Elizabeth
Ann Devaux, except the painting of The Continence
of Scipio, settled on James Rondeau.
George, James and William Rondeau, William
and Elizabeth Breese, Ann Holgham, Susanna
Saunders and Kitty Shillito, need to claim
their entitlements.
Witnesses: S. Doorne, Gentleman of Rochester and John
Kidwell, Upholder of Rochester
Proved 2nd May 1812. A larger vale of the estate re-sworn by
executors in November 1812
35. Ledger in the Nave
In Memory of
(late of Deal)
who died the 14th day of June
Aged 78 Years
her Son (late of Rochester)
who died the [ ] day of July
Aged 67 Years
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 18th November 1804
William Lovell Ruffin of St.
Margaret's, Surgeon
To the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Members of the
Society for the Relief of Widows and Orphans of Medical Men in
the County of Kent, £100.
To the Treasurer of the General Kent and Canterbury Hospital,
near Canterbury, £100, upon trust, for the charitable uses of
the hospital.
After payment of his debts, legacies, funeral and probate costs,
his goods, chattels, money and securities for money, debts
owing, plate, household goods and personal estate, to his wife,
Elizabeth, she is his executor.
Witnesses: J. Simmons of Rochester and William
Bathurst, his Clerk.
Proved 22nd October 1812
36. Ledger in Lady Chapel -
From the Latin
Under this Marble repose the Remains of
who, filled with the Happiness and Hopes (would that it had been
of days} quietly yielded to hastening Death
on the 3rd November 1728
What limit in shame could be set
To the longing of such a dear one?
Yet it let it not shame anyone to go through his Virtues, so
they may decorate his Tomb in whatever way,
They that adorned his Life so conspicuously
Therefore, let this Stone Commemorate his unsullied and
immaculate sense of Duty
His supreme Honesty and wondrous Kindness
He was of the Glory of the Bar, once he attained it.
This he constantly and splendidly Embellished
With famous Character, unique Industry and
Traditional Good Faith
But what more need be said?
Friends, Dependants, Relatives keenly lament is Death
As they venerate his Ashes, believe the Man himself most
Worthy of every Praise
Him who always did everything Praiseworthy
His most Dear Wife and most beloved Children
Dutifully Consecrate this Stone
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 25th January 1724
Richard Sheafe of Rochester, Gentleman.
He desires to be buried in the Cathedral.
All his law books to be divided between his sons, John, Henry
and Richard. All his divinity and history books to be
divided between his wife and 6 children.
Ready money, debts and credits, arrears of rent, plate, linen,
household goods, chattels and personal estate to his wife,
Frances, to have free use while she is his widow, for her
support and of their unmarried children.
After his wife's death, or remarriage, the above estate to his 6
children, John, Henry, Richard, Elizabeth,
Frances and Sarah, equally shared. He requires
son, Henry, who is already married and others who may be
married during his life or that of their mother, , to bring back
in "hotch potch" all money and other things advanced
by their mother to them when married, in order to make all 6
children to have equal shares in his personal estate, after the
death or remarriage of their mother.
He appoints his wife and sons, Henry and Richard,
executors, desiring them to be loving and kind to each other and
their brother and sisters.
They should apply any part of his personal estate that his wife
thinks fit, for the marriage of his single children. Such
children advanced in marriage to abate so much as they share of
his personal estate, when it is distributed among them after the
death of remarriage of his wife.
After his funeral his executors to make an inventory of his
goods, chattels, debts and credits.
For the further support of his wife and unmarried children, he
recommends and desires that his sons, John and Richard
will live with their mother and unmarried sisters and carry out
the profession and business of attorneys at law that he had
carried out in, partnership, that they may assist in the support
of their mother and sisters, while they are single.
His house at Lower Halstow, occupied by John Barnes,
with adjoining house occupied by John Adsley, with
orchard and salt marsh or reed ground, also?, occupied by John
Pemberton, the Fruiterer; his house, barns, stables, cart
lodge, gardens, orchard and 30 acres in Hoo, occupied by Goodman
Cheeseman, and ground and wharves in Frindsbury occupied
by the Officers of his Majesty's Ordnance at Bird's Nest Fort
and all other houses and land in Kent and elsewhere, to his wife
and his 3 sons, upon trust, to sell all or as much as they think
fit and pay his debts and £10 per annum to his wife for life,
according to the will of John Wymshurst,
Gentleman, her late father. He has already paid the £40 each
given by his will to the 2 daughters of his brother in law, Joseph
Wymshurst. Any surplus to be equally divided among his 6
children after the death of his wife.
His wife to have the interest of the income. His real estate to
be sold to pay his debts if his personal estate is not
sufficient; if his real estate is sufficient, any surplus, after
his debts are paid and the annuity to his wife is arranged, the
surplus to his children in equal shares after the death or
remarriage of his wife. He wife to have the interest of such
surplus for the better maintenance of herself and their
unmarried children, during her widowhood.
Rents from his real estate, until sold, to his wife and
unmarried children, during her widowhood. After her death or
remarriage, the rents equally shared between all his children.
Witnesses: Mary Burgis of St Margaret's Bank, George
Warner of Chatham Key, Hoyman and Thomas Johnson,
Attorney of Chatham.
Proved 28th January 1728 (1729)
37. Ledger in the Nave
Died February 15th
Aetatis 49 Years
Widow of the above
died 20th June 1852
Aetatis 72 Years
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 23rd April 1828
John William Smith of Rochester, Doctor of Physic.
His freeholds in Kent, Middlesex and Hampshire or elsewhere in
England, to his wife, Mary, for ever.
His household goods, furniture, plate, linen, china, money,
securities for money, rights, credits and personal estate and
effects to his wife, absolutely; she is his executor.
Witnesses: J. Gibbs, Solicitor of Strood, George
Shaw and Thomas Pryer, Clerks to Mr Gibbs.
Testator signs will again with the following witnesses: D.B.
Lewis, Attorney of Rochester, D.B. Lewis
and James Lewis, his Clerks.
Proved 14th March 1833
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 24th May 1852
Mary Smith, formerly of St Margaret's, Rochester, now
of Bedford Square, Brighton, Widow.
Her body to be enclosed in flannel and lead and buried in the
Cathedral in the same vault with her late husband, Dr John
William Smith.
To her cousin, Maria Matilda Tilson of
Brixton, Widow, her silver candlesticks, 6 silver fish knives
and 4 knife rests, as an acknowledgement for her kind attention
to her during her illness.
To Maria, wife of her friend, Thomas Tilson,
? , her small silver tea pot and ? ring as a mark of her friendship.
To Thomas Tilson, of Coleman Street, City of
London, Solicitor, 18 shares in the London Joint Stock Bank and
other shares there at her death and dividends due.
To Lucy Hammond Bayley of Landsdowne Villa,
Notting Hill, Kensington, Spinster, £1,056 Royal Exchange Stock
or whatever sum there at her death and dividends due.
To Maria Dance Bayley, at present living at
Notting Hill, Widow and Thomas Tilson £1,056 in
the 3% Annuities and dividends due, upon trust, to continue the
same investment and invest the dividends in Government or Real
securities and pay the returns to Elizabeth Mary
wife of Francis Rodd, now living at Whipton, near
Exeter, for her lifetime. After her death, the stock in trust,
for her children at their respective ages of 21 or day of
marriage for girls, if earlier, in equal shares.
In meantime dividends towards their maintenance and education.
If they die before then, the tock goes into her residuary
All her freeholds and leaseholds at Frindsbury to Frederick
Lee son of Henry Lee of Balham, Esquire.
Her freehold house in Bethnal Green, Stepney, to John Baker,
eldest son , now living, of Jane, wife of
[ ] Baker of [
] , for ever; before her marriage she
was Jane Barnett, Spinster, cousin of her late
All other freeholds in Middlesex and leaseholds and land in
Middlesex, to Mary Ann Stirling daughter of
the late John Stirling of Wellclose Streeet,
Middlesex, Surgeon, at 21 years of age, in meantime, until Frederick
Lee and Mary Ann Stiring are 21 the
income to their maintenance and education.
Rest and residue of real and personal estate, after payment of
her debts, funeral and probate costs, to Maria Dance
Bayley; she and Thomas Tilson are trustees
and executors.
The will was signed Mary Smith by Augusta
Marla Narchess?, of ?????field Road, Clapham Road,
Surrey, Spinster ,by testator's direction and in the presence of
testator and acknowledged by her in the presence of the
witnesses, Phoebe Herbert, Servant to Mr Tilson,
of Brixton and Jane Brown of Brixton.
Proved 19th July 1852 Power reserved to Thomas Tilson.
38. Architectural Marble Tablet, South Wall of Nave

Richard SOMER 1692
Pice Memorior Sacrum
Neer unto this place lyeth ye Body
of RICHARD SOMER, Gentleman
descended from ye antiente family of
that name in this County
He was exemplary for Piety in his
life and dyed ye death of ye Righteous
having his last and like His
He married ELIZABETH the only
Daughter of JOHN WALLER of ye
same County, Gent by whom he
left issue JOHN & WILLIAM, ANN,
This Monument was erected by
JOHN his eldest Sonn in Memory of
his most dear Father who deceased ye
26th of January in ye 78th Year of his Age
Anno Domini 1682*
(* 1683, in Modern Calendar)
39. Ledger in the Crypt
The Body of
Gentleman buryed
he ye 6th day of
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 20th June 1679
(Some words are not clear and several lines have been
crossed out)
Richard Somer of Clifford's Inn, Gentleman.
He has settled upon his son, John, part of his lands,
upon his marriage. After the death of testator and his wife, he
gives John the rest of his real estate in the Manor of
Kidwelly, Carmarthen, Wales
To son, William and his male heirs, for ever, 8 pieces of
land, called Poundfield, of about 67 acres and buildings in
Milton near Gravesend, except Pholyfied?, which he bought from
Sir? Firby?, at Broad Street and land at Chelsfield ,
in default of heirs, to the succeeding male heirs, if any die
before they are 21 until one survives to 21. Eight pieces of
land called Poundfield and cottages and barn, to son John,
who is to pay £800 to the female issue of William, if
more than one, equally shared. If John refuses to pay,
then Poundfield to his daughters and their sons, foe ever.
To son William a barn in Broad Street, Hoo and land
belonging, for ever.
He has "disposed" of his 4 daughters in marriage and
given them their marriage portions.
To daughter Barrell, he gives one of the two sums of
£500 due to him on several bonds from several persons called
bankers in Lombard Street, London, in his executors' hands. The
other £500 to his 5 God children and grandchildren, Katherine
Barrell, Richard Adderley, Richard Head,
Richard Aires and Richard Somer,
that is £100 each.
To son, William, £140 over and above the £100 and real
estate?, he is to pay his debts with. Also to William,
silver plate, a tankard, a trencher with his arms engraved and 3
silver spoons.
To his grandchildren and daughters, 50 guineas and? 20 pieces?, in his great chest
To daughter Somer, 20 guineas.
To the poor of High Halstow, £10, the Churchwardens to share
among the most needy poor.
To his maid, Anne Deingham?, £20 for her good
To his 2 sons in law Sergeant Barrell, Sergeant at Law
and Edmund Aires, Esquire, £20 each.
To grandson, Richard Adderley, £20.
Rest of goods, leases, bonds, bills, debts, household effects,
not before bequeathed, to son, John, who is his executor.
Witnesses: John Saunders, R? Hart, Christopher Smith and Francis
Bell, all of Clifford's Inn.
Proved 5th May 1682?
40. Large Marble Tablet, North Wall of the Nave

Ann SPICE 1792
died January the 9th 1795
in the Sixtieth Year
of her Age
died January 27th 1800
in the Seventy Fifth
Year of his Age
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 4th September 1799
William Spice of Rochester, Esquire, Senior
Alderman and Mayor, 5 times. Was a Tallow Chandler
and judging by the will involved in river transport.
His household goods, furniture, plate, linen, china, wines,
liquors, vessels, barges cash, banknotes, to his housekeeper, Catherine
Paine, who lives with him, absolutely.
Thomas Hyde of Rochester . Arthur Manclark
and Catherine Paine are his executors. Manclark
to have custody of his deeds, manuscripts and securities.
His freehold house in Rochester High Street, where he lives,
(adjoining the Guildhall), to Catherine Paine, for
life. She not to let or alienate it to her sister ?
If she marries, she can remain there for 12 months and after the
12 months have expired or after her death, if sooner, or if she
lets or attempts to sell the house, then in such a case, he
gives the house to Thomas Hyde of St. Margaret's
Bank, Rochester and his heirs, for ever.
He gives £100 in the 3% Consolidated Bank Annuities to the
Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of the City of
Rochester, within 3 months of his death, upon trust. From time
to time, they to use income from this, towards the defraying of
the cost of a surgeon and his assistant for the aiding of poor
people who are injured in an accident falling from coaches or
carriages or other injury in the streets or lands in Rochester
High Street or Strood or Chatham. The fee not to exceed £3.
The Mayor and trustees to pay any surplus over £9 to the Master
of the School funded by the Sir John Hayward
Charity and Voluntary Contributions, Christopher Past?, is the present Headmaster.
All his other money, in funds, mortgages, bonds and other
securities; rest and residue of his estate and effects, to Arthur
Manclark and Thomas Hyde, upon trust.
They to collect all money due to him and pay his debts, funeral
and probate costs and legacies.
They to pay Mary Clegg, eldest daughter of Ralph
Clegg of Rochester, Butcher and Jane Leader,
daughter of Francis Leader the Elder of Lambeth,
Gentleman, £200 of the 3% Consolidated Bank Annuities, each.
Trustees to pay Jane Fowle, Spinster, second
daughter of Edward Fowle of Cobtree, (Aylesford),
Farmer, £50 and to George Owlett, son of John
Owlett the Elder, of Leeds, (Kent), Farmer, £50; to Alfred
Pryor, eldest son of Thomas Pryor, of
Rochester, Tallow Chandler, £100 of the same stock;
to Ann Batten daughter of John Batten
of St. Margaret's Bank, Rochester, Auctioneer, £200 of the same
stock; to John and Ann Wood, son and
daughter of Ann Wood of Eastgate, Rochester,
Widow, £30 each; to James Leader son of Mary
Leader, deceased, now apprentice to William Page
of Strood, Fisherman, £30, 12 moths after they are 22, they to
give 3 months notice in writing.
Trustees to pay John Penny of Canterbury,
Coachman, £50; to Catherine Nicholson, wife of Samuel
Nicholson the Elder of Rochester, Bricklayer, £200 of
the same stock, as above; to William Nicholson of
Rochester, Bricklayer, £400 of the same stock and to his
wife, Isabella, £100 of the same stock; to Catherine
Baker wife of Samuel Baker of Rochester,
House Carpenter, £100 of the same stock; to Samuel Nicholson,
of the Office of Ordnance, Chatham, Gentleman, £200 of the same
stock; to John Nicholson, of Rochester, Attorney,
£100 of the same stock; to Reverend William Philip
Mezies of Minor Cannon Row, of the Precincts of Rochester
Cathedral, £100 of the same stock; to William Jefferys
of Maidstone, Artist, £100; to Mary Puxtey wife
of Alexander Puxtey of Town Malling (West Malling).
Gentleman, £20.
To William and Robert Penn, sons of William
Penn of Rochester, Ironmonger, £50, shared equally; to Ann
Howse, late maid to to William Nicholson,
£5 and to William Nicholson, £5; to Mary Dunmill,
late maid to William Francis of Rochester,
Hairdresser, £5.
To Francis Leader the Elder of Lambeth, Gentleman,
£30; to William Leader son of Francis,
£30; to Francis Leader, youngest son of Francis
Leader, £30; out of money owed testator from the estate
of Richard Hodsham late of Rochester, Tailor and
To Francis Leader of Chatham, Victualler, £30; to
Daniel Leader of Strood, Tailor, £30; to Mary
Astor, wife of William Astor of Rochester,
Butcher, £30; to Catherine Bishop, wife of George
Bishop of Grays, Essex, Soap Maker, £30; to Jane Saffron,
wife of [
] Saffron of Queen
Street, Southwark, Tallow Chandler, £20; to William Tranah
, Waterman, who lately lived with Arthur Manclark,
£10, these legacies to be paid within 3 years of his death.
To Ann Wood of Eastgate, Rochester, £30 at 1½
guineas every 3 months after his death, starting in first
November after his death; to John Crump of
Rochester, House Carpenter, £10; to William Audly
of Rochester, Bricklayer, £10; to John Leith of
St Margaret's Bank, Auctioneer, £10; to Richard Levene
of Chatham, Turner, £10; to Mary Alston wife of William
Alston, interest of £300 in 3% Consolidated Bank
Annuities, for life. After her death, the £300 stock to William
Alston, their son, if living at time of her death, if he
is dead, then to the second son but if he is dead, then equally
shared between all their living children at 21 years of age
To his nephew, Thomas Baker of Hollingbourne,
Husbandman, an annuity of £7 16s, for life after he is 21, he
not to sell or mortgage the annuity.
If any legatees die before they are entitled to the money, their
legacy to go into the residuary of his personal estate.
To the Treasurer of the Bath Hospital, £200 of Consolidated
Bank Annuities to use the dividends for the benefit of the
His trustees, with the consent of the Dean and Chapter of
Rochester Cathedral, to lay out £400 for the repair of quoins,
buttresses, piers and other work on the north side of the
Cathedral under the direction of William Nicholson,
in May, June and July, each year. But if William Nicholson
dies before the £400 is expended, his family will carry on the
To his trustees, £100 for their troubles.
To Catherine Paine for life, as long as she
remains single, a £30 annuity, she not to sell it or it will
cease; if she dies unmarried, his trustees will transfer £600
of the 3% Consolidated Bank Annuities to Edward Fowle
of Cobtree (Aylesford), Farmer and £600 of the same stock, to Thomas
Fowle of Fant near Maidstone, Farmer and £600 of the
same stock, to George Fowle of Boxley, Farmer and John
Fowle of Rainham, Farmer. In case of the death of any of
these Fowles, his legacy shared equally between his
children at 14 years of age
Witnesses: Jno Prall, William Short
and Robert Dixon.
Proved 12th February 1800
Note in margin dated 30th March 1840.
Catherine Paine broke the terms of the will by
leaving the house about 1818 and her sister, Hannah Hyde
moved in. The house became rather dilapidated and by 1838 Thomas
Hyde sold the house to the City of Rochester, who then
obtained a court order to eject Hannah Hyde. The
house then served as extra office space for the Guildhall
Death Notice Gentleman's Magazine 1800
"At Rochester, Mr William Spice, an
opulent and respectable tallow chandler in
that City. He was the Senior Alderman of
that Corporation, and had six times served
the Office of Mayor"
41. Obscure Ledger in the Chair Store
who departed this life the 8th
of April 1810 Aged 59 Years
the Remains of Mrs FRANCES STARKE
Sister of the above who died Nov 4th 1820
Aged 69? Years
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 14th January 1806
Elizabeth Starke, Spinster, formerly of
Rochester, now of Tovil, near Maidstone.
To her sister, Frances Starke, Spinster, all of
her real and personal estate, for life. She requests Frances,
if she survives her, to leave £400 to their sister, Ann,
wife of Benjamin Fagg, for her lifetime. The money
to be shared equally between her children after her death.
The residue of her property to be divided between Francis
Mallett Spong and Maria Spong,
children of her late sister, Catherine, wife of the late Stephen
She appoints sister, Frances her executor.
Witnesses: George Phillpott, William Tugwell
and J. Harmner? Peauman?
Affidavit 28th June 1810
Elizabeth Fagg of Wouldham, Spinster and Frances
Fagg also of Wouldham, Spinster, are sworn.
They were well acquainted with deceased and familiar with her
handwriting and signature. Having carefully examined the will,
they are confident that it is in her hand.
Proved 5th July 1810
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 30th March 1820
Frances Starke, Spinster, formerly of Rochester, now
of Long Ditton, Surrey.
In pursuance of the request in the will of her late sister, Elizabeth,
to the 6 children of her late sister, Ann Fagg, Francis,
Elizabeth, , Frances, Benjamin, Filmer
and Lydia, £400 shared equally.
To nephew, Francis Mallett Spong and
his heirs, her house in Rochester, now leased to the Board of
Excise, upon trust, to sell when he thinks fit, in the meantime
to let on lease and be possessed of the proceeds before the
sale, taking half for himself and half in trust, to pay to his
sister, Maria, wife of Charles King.
To Francis Mallett Spong, all her
furniture, plate, linen and china, except any articles she
disposed of by a codicil, and all her residuary personal estate,
subject to the paying of her debts, funeral and probate costs. Francis
Mallett Spong is her executor.
Witnesses: William Davis, Surgeon, Hain
Common, Surrey and Frances Lettice Philips,
Long Ditton.
Proved 14th November 1820
42. Ledger at the West end of Nave, adjacent to Unitt
Ledger, both laid North to South
Here lieth interr'd the Body of
who departed this life
the 9th day of December 1756
Aged 58 Years
Also the Body of MARY the Wife
She died the 16th of June 1763?
Aged 54 Years
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 27th September
Edmund Strange, of Rochester, Esquire.
His freehold real estate in St. Nicholas, Rochester,
Allhallows and Birling and elsewhere in Kent, to his wife, Mary,
for life, after her death, to their only child, Elizabeth
Strange and her lawfully begotten heirs. In default of
heirs, then as follows: his dwelling house in St,. Nicholas and
real estate in Allhallows and Birling, to his niece, Elizabeth
Button, daughter of his sister in law, Elizabeth Maynell,
Widow and her heirs, for ever.
Any other of his freeholds in Kent, to his nephew, Robert
Hales, son of his brother in law, Winson Hales,
and his heirs, for ever.
His ready money and securities for money, debts, plate,
linen, woollen, pewter, brass, beds, bedding, household stuff,
goods, chattels and personal estate, after his debts and funeral
costs are paid, to his wife, Mary, for ever.
He appoints his wife and sister in law, Elizabeth Maynell,
guardians of his daughter and to have the care, custody and
education of her until she is 21 or married, if earlier.
His wife is executor.
Witnesses: Elizabeth Cook, B. Graydon
and William Twopenny
Proved 19th January 1757
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 16th December
Mary Strange, of Rochester, Widow.
To Elizabeth Cooke, Widow, who lives with her
as part of her family, £20.
To her servant, Margaret Taylor, if she is with
her at her death, £5.
All of her real estate to her daughter, Elizabeth Strange,
for ever.
After her debts, legacies, funeral and probate costs are paid,
the rest and residue of ready money, securities for money,
debts, plate, linen, woollen, pewter, brass, beds and bedding,
household stuff and implements, goods, chattels and personal
estate, to her daughter Elizabeth, for ever.
Her sister, Elizabeth Maynell, Widow, to be
executor until daughter, Elizabeth is 21, when she will
be sole executor.
Witnesses: Charlotte Twopenny, William?
Twopenny and Edward Watts.
Proved 17th November 1763. Daughter Elizabeth is now
21 and executor.
43. Tablet with Headless Figures, South Wall of Nave

William STREATON 1609
WILLIAM STREATON 9 tymes Maior of this Cyttie and
especial benefactor of commendable for his zeale
to God, lyberalitye to the poore and managinge of his place
having lived 50 yeres with ALICE his beloved Wyfe
at the age of 72 yeres departed this life in blessede
memorie 4th of June An Dom 1609 for whom his said Wyfe
caused this monument as a pledge of her love to be erected
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 30th June 1609
William Streaton, one of the Principal Citizens of
Rochester. Brewer
He is sick and weak.
He desires to be buried in the Cathedral, towards the east door.
To the Petty Canons and Clerks of the Cathedral, 40
To the poor of Rochester, 40 shillings.
To Mr James Dyer, 10 shilling for a sermon and 20
shillings for all other ?
To his kinsman, William Streaton, now servant of
] Acton of London, Cook, £10.
To kinsman, Roger Charrgyonge, £10 and to his
brothers, John and William, £5 each.
To the children of his kinsman, Robert Streaton,
£10 divided equally between them.
To the children of his kinsman, William Streaton
of Eastgate Street, after the death of testator's wife, Alice,
the lease of the house in Eastgate Street, where Thomas Hartropp
He owes John Fowle, £5, so gives him £5 more
and all the beer he has had of testator.
To his servants, Nicholas Jones, Mercie Underhill
and Alice Derbie, 20 shillings each over their
wages due.
To Christopher Pickett, his brewer, 20
shillings, besides wages due.
To Henry Vanse and his wife, 20 shillings each
besides their wages and to their children, 5 shillings each.
To all other servants, besides their wages, 5 shillings each.
To William Flowers, Senior, £5.
To George Maplyden, now serving him, 20 shillings.
To Thomas Butt, 20 shillings of the £3, he owes
To Alice, his wife, the lease of the brew house which
he occupies in Eastgate Street, with the house adjoining, where
Widow Patche and Thomas Henies?, lives,
with the land in the same lease about, G??anders Hill and all
brewing vessels and brewing implements., hops, wood, ceales?,
ales and casks. Also his cattle, beasts, hogs, corn in the
storehouse and elsewhere , all his dray horses and ??????
Also to Alice, leases of his dwelling house and John
Fowles adjoining house, held from Sir William Sedley.
Also the house where Thomas Hartropp lives, for
her lifetime.
Also to her, his goods, household stuff, plate and utensils in
his dwelling house.
Also the lease of the house at the end of Bonny? Lane by the
pound ????? pond, for life.
After his wife's death, his house on Bull(y)) Hill, near the
city, occupied by Mrs Monnox, widow and Richard Blithe,
to his kinsman, Roger Charrgyonge, for ever, he to
paying yearly, from the house, for ever, a preacher to preach
every year on the day of his death, 40 shillings and 40
shillings more per year to a preacher for a sermon each year on
the day of his wife's death.
Residue of his goods, chattels and debts owed, after his
debts, legacies and funeral costs are paid, to his wife. She and
cousin, John Somer and Robert Cosen?,
are executors. To the latter two, £5 each.
He ordains Robert Masters , Doctor of Civil Law,
Overseer of the will and gives him 40 shillings.
Also, to John Fowle 40 shillings for writing the
Witnesses: Thomas Faunce, Thomas Rock?,
and John Ceastes?
Proved 27th July 1609 granted to John Somer
and Robert Cosen?
44. Ledger at West end of Nave, adjacent to Strange
Ledger, both laid North to South.
Her lieth interr'd the Body
who departed this life the 5th
day of June 1738 Aged 63 Years
and also ELIZ his Wife
who departed this life
the 28th day of Feb 1739*
Aged 59 Years
Obj 19th May 1754 Aged 46 Years
*1740 in Modern Calendar
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Date 24th March 1729/30
Robert Unitt the Elder of Rochester, Gentleman,
Alderman of the City, Mayor in 1713
To his daughter, Mary Unitt, his house in
Rochester, occupied by by his sister in law, Mary Bevis,
for ever.
All his freehold and leasehold houses and land, to his wife,
Elizabeth, for life, she keeping them in good repair;
after her death, then to his son, Robert, for ever.
His wife to keep the leases renewed. Neither his wife or his
children, Robert, Elizabeth and Sarah, to
obstruct his daughter, Mary and her heirs from holding
the house occupied by Mary Bevis or claim any
right or title, regardless of the settlement made by his late
mother in law, Mary Bevis. If there is any
obstruction, his wife and the three children will have no
benefit under his will.
His son, Robert and his heirs, after his mother's death,
to hold the several leasehold pieces of ground and the stables
and buildings erected on them, now used with the house called
The Bull in Rochester, now occupied by Widow Pordage,
during remainder of of the leases, without any obstruction from
testator's other children. If any of them do so, by virtue of
any settlement, they will lose all benefit under his will.
He is executor of his late mother in law, Mary Bevis,
she had left £100, each, to his four children but, after his
death, they should not make any demand of the £100 legacies but
take what he has left them.
To son Robert, £100; to daughter, Mary, £500; to
daughter, Elizabeth at 21 years, £500; to daughter, Sarah,
at 21 years, £500. Interest from the latter two, to his wife
while his two daughters are minors, towards their maintenance
and education.
After his wife's death, to daughters, Mary, Elizabeth
and Sarah, £1,000 each.
If daughter Elizabeth marries during her mother's
lifetime, without her mother's consent, she loses the £1,000,
which will be divided between her sisters, Mary and Sarah.
If his wife marries again, then the £1,000 legacies for his
daughters and the £500 given to the youngest daughters, to be
immediately paid to them after the marriage.
After his death, his wife to maintain, board, cloth and educate
his daughters until they marry.
Rest and residue of his goods, money, debts, credits, plate,
linen, stock and personal estate, after his debts, legacies,
funeral and probate costs are paid, to his wife, Elizabeth,
for ever. His wife is sole executor.
Witnesses: E. Pordage, Jno Sheafe
and Robert Sheafe.
Codicil 23rd August 1731
He has bequeathed to daughter, Mary, £500 and £1,000,
after his wife's death, since he made the will his daughter has
married Edmund Strange, Gentleman and since then
he has advanced Edmund and Mary upwards of £500,
so he revokes her legacies of £500 and £1,000. Instead, after
his wife's death, he gives £1,000 to son Robert and his
friend, John Sheafe of Chatham, Gentleman, in
trust, they, after his wife's death or remarriage, to lay out
the £1,000 in the purchase of freehold houses, lands and
woodlands in Kent or Essex or other counties in England and
settle this on Edmund Strange, for life, then to
daughter Mary for life and then to their lawfully
begotten heirs, equally shared. If his daughter dies before her
mother, leaving no lawful heirs and Edmund Strange
survives her, he will receive interest from the £1,000 for
life. After his death, the £1,000 to testator's other children,
equally shared.
Rest of will confirmed.
Witnesses: E. Pordage, Richard Sheafe
and Samson Turner
Proved 24th July 1738
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 22nd September
Elizabeth Unitt of Rochester, Widow.
Her body to be interred in the Cathedral in the place where
her late husband lies.
To her cousin, Anne Pluckwell the Elder, £10 for
mourning but if she is dead, the £10 to her daughter, Frances
To sister in law, Mary Bevis, £10 for mourning;
to Thomas Bevis her nephew, son of her brother Thomas
and to James Hill, £5 each for mourning.
All her clothes to her daughter, Mary Strange and Elizabeth
Button, equally shared.
To daughter, Mary, her largest silver salver.
Rest and residue of goods, money, debts, credits, plate, linen
and personal estate, after her debts are paid, to son Robert
Unitt, for ever, he is her sole executor.
Witnesses: Far ? Gibson and H. Edward
Proved 12th April 1740
45. Elaborate Mural Monument with Bust of Watts, South Transept

Richard WATTS 1579
"Archetypum Hunc Dedit"
Sacred to,the Memory
a Principal Benefactor of this City who departed this life Sept
10th 1579 at
his Mansion House on Bully Hill called SATIS (so named
by Q. ELIZABETH of Glorious Memory) and lies
interred near this place, as by his Will doth plainly
appear. By which Will dated Aug 22nd and proved Sep
25th 1579 he founded an Almshouse for the relief of poor
people and for the reception of six poor Travellers
every night and for imploying the poor of this City
The Mayor & Citizens of this City in
testimony of their Gratitude & his Merit
have erected this Monument A.D. 1736
RICHARD WATTS Esq then Mayor
46. Ledger in South Transept
died September 10th
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 22nd August 1579
Richard Watts of Satis, Gentleman.
He desires to be buried in the Cathedral, near the steeple and
stairs going to the Quire on the south side.
The Curate of St Nicholas, with Peri-Canons, Clerks and singing
children to accompany his body from his house to the Cathedral.
To the Preacher of his funeral service, 10 shillings.
To the Curate of St Nicholas, 3 shillings and 4 pence.
To the Peri-Canons at his funeral, 16 pence each, to the Clerks,
12 pence and to the singing children 6 pence each.
To the Sexton for ringing the knell and making his
grave [ ].
To the repair of St Nicholas church, 20 shillings
To all the poor people at his burial 1 penny in bread, total sum
to be £5 or more at executor's discretion.
To is wife, Marian, 100 marks; she to use his leases,
plate, goods, chattels, real and personal estate, as long as she
remains his widow. His real estate is in St. Nicholas,
Rochester, Chatham, Cuxton, St Margaret, Rochester, Shorne and
City of London.
Also to his wife an annuity of 20 marks out of his real estate
in Chatham, St Margaret's, Cuxton and London for life.
After her death or re-marriage, the Mayor of Rochester, at that
time, William Streaton, William Hall
and Richard Wilkinson, all principal citizens of
Rochester, George Maplesden, and his brother in
law, John Swamond of the Isle of Sheppey and John
Nicholson the Elder of Wouldham, or their successors, to
sell his house, called Satis or the house annexed where John
Friar lives and the closes, orchards, gardens, all
household stuff, furniture, plate, all of which is in an
inventory he has made and all his leases.
From the money raised, £100 to his brother, Edward Watts
and his children and from the remainder, one portion to the
Mayor and Citizens of Rochester, upon trust, to be invested at
interest and the annual income for the perpetual relief, comfort
and sustenance of an almshouse and poor people.
The almshouse has already been erected besides the Market Cross
in Rochester and is to be re-edified. There are 6 rooms with
chimneys and 6 good mattresses or flock beds and furniture to
accommodate 6 poor travellers, not common rogues or proctors,
for one night, unless sickness delays them; they to have 4 pence
and kept warm by the fire.
Trustees to enlarge the house by felling timber growing on his
lands in Chatham and other places and for maintenance and for
To the Mayor and principal citizens, all his real estate, except
Satis and John Friar's house, which he has ordered
to be sold. The profits to be used for rebuilding?, and
re-pointing the house by the Corner Cross, Rochester and for
hemp, flax, wool and other stuff to set the poor of Rochester to
work, according to the Statute of the 18th year of Queen Elizabeth,
for relieving and setting the poor to work to avoid idleness
The income of his real estate in Chatham is £13 6s 8d; in St
Margaret's £5; in Halstow, 50 shillings; in Cuxton, 40
shillings; his windmill at Shorne, £6 and at Long Lane, London,
£8: Total £6 16s 8d
Trustees to have £5 towards their costs and troubles. They are
to answer, every 4 years to his heirs, for the accounts of the
charity he has set up
His wife is sole executor; his brother in law, John Swamond
and cousin, John Nicholson the Elder are Overseers
of his will and also witnesses of the will ?
Proved 25th September 1579 and 25th November 1580
Details of Watt's real estate
Three properties and arable and pasture land of about 40
acres in Chatham, occupied by Thomas Cannon,
Husbandman, formerly possessed by the Priory of Charterhouse,
London and purchased from John Prideax, Sergeant
at Law.
Ten acres called Finnacre in Chatham, purchased from Richard
Lee of Maidstone, Esquire, half an acre in Chatham in a
field called Bude purchased from Robert Deare,
Gentleman, 9 acres in 3 parts in Chatham, late occupied by Richard
Godden, purchased from John Smythe of
Chatham, Husbandman.
A house called Baxters, with garden and orchard in Chatham, late
occupied by Robert Baxter
A house, garden and orchard in Chatham, late occupied by John
Homely, Boatswain.
The latter two purchased from John Prideax.
Also 1 acre and 2 perches of land with a windmill at Shorne Hill
in Shorne, purchased from George Hickmot.
A house and land in St Margaret's late occupied by John Woolgrave,
purchased from John Littelane?
The Cock Inn in Long Lane, St Boltolph without Aldersgate,
London, with adjoining 4 houses.
47. Ledger in North transept
Inn Memory of
who lived in Wedlock 40 Years and were
the Parents of ten Sons & four Daughters
He died the 26th of June 1724 Aged 63 Years
She died the 13th of Sept 1734 Aged 69 Years
ANN HARRIS an infant their Grandchild
Daughter who died in March 1725
at the Age of fifteen Months
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 21st June 1724
Lullum Wood of Rochester, Gentleman.
He is weak in body.
To his wife, Elizabeth, all of his estate; she is his
Witnesses: D. Bertwell, Julius Wood
and James Wood.
Proved 4th August 1724
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 8th October 1730
Elizabeth Wood of East Greenwich, Widow and
Executor of Lullum Wood, late of Rochester,
Gentleman, Deceased.
She desires to be buried in the Cathedral as close to her
husband as possible.
Her debts, funeral and probate costs to be paid from her
personal estate.
To her children, John, Julius, Lullum, Daniel,
James, Elizabeth, Sarah, Martha Wood
and Alicia Harris, £10 each for mourning.
To her 3 daughters, Elizabeth, Sarah and Martha
Wood, her houses in or near Rochester, held by lease from
the Mayor and Citizens of Rochester and all other leaseholds in
or near Rochester, for the terms left, in equal shares. Also to
theses daughters, money due on mortgage on the leasehold
properties, to her or their father. All household goods,
implements of household, plate, linen, woollen, pewter, brass,
beds, bedding, pictures, rings, china and books. Also £300
To sons, John and Julius, £50 each, to make them
equal with brother James, he has £50 given to him by his
late father before his death.
To sons, John James and Julius, the rest
and residue of her personal estate, after payment of her debts,
funeral and legacies, if the costs do not exceed £750. But if
they do, she gives her sons, £750 and the overplus. If there is
a surplus after paying the above, her children to equally share
She appoints her 3 daughters, Elizabeth, Sarah and
Martha, her executors.
Witnesses: Jane Baker, William Baker
and John Tasker.
Proved 16th October 1734
48. Small Ledger West End of Nave? -
From J. Thorpe's Registrum Roffenses 1769
Here lyeth interred the Bodies of
She died ?ber the 5th 1722 Aged 43 Years
He died 8ber the 9th 1723 Aged 58 Years
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Dated 29th January 1722
David Woodmeston of Rochester, Gentleman.
All of his arable land, 50 acres of pasture, 6 acres of woodland
and farm, belonging at Bredgar, Borden and Tunstall, formerly
occupied by Thomas Hunt, now by John Chapman,
to sons, John Martin and David Woodmeston,
for ever, equally shared.
This property is already settled on them by a deed dated 20th
September 1706.
Also to them, all arrears of rent due from the farm and lands.,
equally shared.
To son John, his large silver tankard and a silver salver
and pair of silver salts, at 21 years of age or day of marriage,
if earlier.
To daughter, Bethulia Woodmeston, £400 at 21
years of age or day of marriage, if earlier. In the meantime,
interest towards her maintenance and education. If she dies
before she can inherit, the £400 to his two sons, equally
shared at 21 or day of marriage, if earlier, respectively.
To daughter, Bethulia, the small silver tankard and
porringer and panniron?, and all teaspoons and her late mother's
clothes., 2 pairs of best sheets, 4 pairs best pillow coats, all
child bed linen and the stitched quilt made by her mother at 21
years of day of marriage if earlier.
To son, John Martin, £200 at 21 years, in
meantime, interest towards his maintenance and education ,
executors can apply as much of the interest as needed to place
him in employment, profession or trade as he chooses. If John
dies before he is 21, leaving no lawful child, the £200 or
what remains, to daughter, Bethulia at 21 years or day of
marriage or day of marriage, if earlier. In case of her death as
a minor, then the £200 to son David at 21 years.
Also to David, £200, interest to be used as above, until
he is 21, executors can also use interest to place him out to
employment. If David dies before he is 21, leaving no
lawful child, the £200 to daughter Bethulia at 21 or day
of marriage, if earlier. If she dies before then, the £200 to
son John Martin at 21 years.
To son, David, all the remaining plate at 21 years or day
of marriage if earlier.
To each of his executors, £5 for mourning.
Residue of ready money, money out at interest, goods, chattels
and personal estate, after his debts, legacies, funeral and
probate costs are paid, to his sons and daughter, equally
He appoints his brother, John of Cork, Ireland, in case
he comes to England upon notice of testator's death and his
friend, James Hulkes of Strood, Baker and Robert
Bayley of Rochester, Yeoman, executors and guardians of
his 3 children and to make an inventory.
Witnesses: Elizabeth Cuper?, Jno Sheafe
and Richard Sheafe.
Codicil, same day as will.
To son John, all his clothes.
Witnesses: Same as will
Codicil 7th October 1723
He is indisposed of body.
He had given son John his large silver tankard, a silver
salver and pair of silver salts. He now revokes this.
He had also given daughter, Bethulia, the small silver
tankard, porringer, panniron?, and teaspoons, all her mother's
clothes, sheets, pillow coats and child bed linen and quilt,
this is now revoked.
He now gives her her mother's clothes, child bed linen and the
He had given son, David, the remainder of the plate, this
is also revoked. He has also given John all his clothes,
this is revoked. He now gives his clothes to both sons equally
All the plate and household linen to be sold and the proceeds
shared equally between his children.
In case his brother John shall think it fit to accept one piece
of his plate to keep in memory of him, he is to have one piece.
To his brothers, John, Richard, Daniel and William
1 guinea each to buy a ring to wear in memory of him.
Rest of will ratified.
Witnesses: Thomas Johnson, Francis Dodson
and Jno Sheafe.
Proved 30th October 1723
49. Ledger in
the Crypt - Inscription reconstructed from John Thorpe's
Registrum Roffenses,1769
Here lyeth the Body of
CHRISTOPHER ALLEN Gent who married
MARY the Daughter of
THOMAS BARHAM of Boughton Monchelsey
Gent by whom he had issue JOHN,
CHISTOPHER and MARY Also he had by
his Wife SUSAN the Daughter of
WILLIAM TONGE of Tunstall Gent
The Allen family seem to have come from Oad
Street at Bredgar
50. Ledger in
South Transept
Her lieth
the Body of GEORGE COLLINSON, Gent
who died the 25th of December
Anno Domini 1715
Aetatis 40
Here also lies interr'd
the Body of his Son GEORGE COLLINSON
who dyed ye 9th of March
Anno Domini 1716/17
Aetatis 1Mo
As also the Body of ANNE COLLINSON
Second Wife of the above GEORGE COLLINSON
who dyed the 22nd of November
Anno Domini 1727
Aetatis 45
who died April 14th 1756
Aged 41 Years
51. Ledger
South Transept
Son of Lieutenant THOMAS CUTHBERT
whom London saw as a child and Cambridge while a
Young Man
who was a pupil of Christ's College and the Inner Temple
A devotee of Justice and most honest to his friends
He died on the 10th day of April in the Year of our Lord
1700 in his 32nd Year of his Age
Here also lies THOMAS CUTHBERT Military Governor
above named who died the 15th September in the Year of
our Lord 1700 in his 62nd Year of Age
52. Ledger in
the Nave
Here lieth the Body
and Daughter of the Revd Mr EDMUND BARRELL
Prebendary of this Cathedral Church
"A Woman who was a most eminent Pattern
of all the Private and Domestic Virtues
Adorned with the Grace of a Christian
A strict Observer of every part of her Religious Duty
A Faithful and most Affectionate Wife a Dutiful and Tender
A Loving and Careful Mother,
a Relation and Friend
whom Wisdom and the best Temper rendered
the Contemplation of such an example should
in our Christian Course
when we see what a Pitch of Excellence
Human Nature with Religious Care can attain"
She died of the Small-pox
the 22nd of June 1759
in the 54th Year of her Age
53. Ledger in
the Nave
Consecrated to the Reliquaries of
who departed this life
November 1st 1777
in the 59th Year of his Age
died May 22nd 1786
Aged 52
George Gordon was a Wine Merchant and Mayor of
Rochester in 1755 and 1759
54. Ledger in
North Transept
In Memory of
MARY the Wife of
who departed this life
October 12th 1788
Aged 36 Years
Leaving issue one Son
Also the above MATTHEW GRAIN
who died the 17th of Jany
1813 Aged 64 Years
55. Ledger in
North Transept
Sacred to the Memory of
of the Parish of Wilmington
in this County
much Loved in her Life
Lamented by her Friends & Neighbours
on 17th of October 1744
Aged 40 Years and 6 Months
Here are also deposited the
Remains of MARTHA WOOD Sister
of the above ALICIA HARRIS
who resigned this life for a better
on the 17th July 1756 Aged 51 Years
56. White
Marble Sarcophagus Shaped Tablet, South Transept
to the Memory of
who died 21st Novr. 1796
Aged 63
by his only surviving Son
Close by, Sir Edmund Head's name is on a vault
lid, which may be the vault of Sir Richard Head?
57. Ledger in
Gundulph Tower
58. Ledger in
South Transept
For a fuller inscription and Law's will see my
St. Margaret's, Rochester, Inscriptions on this website.
59. Ledger in
South Transept , from Latin
P & F M
To the Pious and Faithful Shade of
that most Beloved and well Deserved Gentleman
who leaving to posterity the merit of a most
Honourable Renown was called from this mortal
Sink into the Company of the Heavens on the 3rd of
March Anno Dom 1705/6 in the 42nd Year of his Age
He sleeps quietly here in the Hope of
the Blessed Resurrection
PRUDENCE his most sorrowful Wife wrote this
At the moment, I do not know where Prudence is
buried, she died in 1723, leaving a PCC will
60. Ledger
South Quire Aisle
Here lieth
the Body of HESTER late Wife
of this City
Gent and Daughter of the Rev
JOHN GRANT D.D & Prebendary
of this Cathedral
She died the 16th?, of May 1735 Aged 38 Years
Thomas Olive was eventually buried in St
Nicholas Church and left a PCC will
61. Diamond
Shaped Ledger in the Nave
died 9th February A.D. 1801
Aged 78 years
62. Ledger
North Transept
Sacred to the Memory of
one of the Daughters of FINCH DERING of
Chearing (sic) in this County Esq
and Widow of JOHN PYMM Gent
Who exchanged this life for
a better on the 20th of March
Anno Dom 1683/4
63. Ledger in
Lady Chapel
Her lies interr'd the Body of
JACOB ROLT Gent who departed
this life the 25th day of Sept 1727 Aged
59 Years Also AGNES his first Wife who
departed this life the [ ]2 day of Novemr 1705 Aged
41 Years and FRANCES
their Daughter who departed this life
October the 24th 1708 Aged 14 Years
64. Ledger in
the Nave
Neer this stone lyeth the Body
of ISAACK RUTTON Gentleman and
under it MARY his Wife who had
issue by him 4 Sons, MATTHIAS, THO=
MAS, ISAACK and JOHN and two
Daughters MARY and ANNE and dyed
the Relict of JOHN CODDE Gentleman
and Alderman of this Cittie in the
Year of her Age 82 1665
65. Ledger in
Here lyeth interred
the Body of JOHN TREVOR
only Child of
who dyed May the
XII Year of his Age
here lies the Body of MARY
TREVOR Mother of the above
JOHN TREVOR who died
June?, the 24th?, 1748? Aged 52
66. Ledger in
Daughter of Sir WILLIAM UPCOTT
originally from Devon
A Girl who was Pious, Chaste and Speedy in the
Duties of Kindness
Eloquent and Fortunate in the
Commission of her Business
Born for the Family rather than for herself
and in the care of them, using both her Life and Spirit
Snatched away by the Plague in the Year 1727 She died
on the 15th of October
The Grand Daughters of that Unique Person, ANN, JOAN
MARY and their Father, EDMUND BARRELL
set up this Marble Stone in their Grief
Index of
Names and Places from Gravestones only
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press the letter "E" with your right
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then type in the name you are looking for.
BARRELL 3, 4, 4b, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 52
CAESAR 12, 13
FAUNCE 32, 52
HEAD 20, 32, 56
HILL 24, 25
LAW 58
PARR 29, 30
SOMER 38, 39
UPCOTT 8, 66
WATTS 45, 46
WOOD 47, 55
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