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Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)

Anthony CLOTWORTHIE - 1603

In the name of God amen the eleventh daye of September in the yeare of Our Lorde Christe one thousand sixe hundreth and two and in the foure and fortieth yeare of the raigne of our most gratious Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England France & Ireland Defender of the Faithe etc. I Anthony Clotworthie of Chatham in the countie of Kent shipwrighte being at this prest. tyme in very good sounde and perfecte healthe minde and memory (the Almighty God be thanked therefore) yet calling to minde and considering the brevitie and uncertainty of mans life do ordaine make and declare and sett downe in wryting this my present laste will and testament in manner and forme as hereafter followeth (that is to say) firste and principally I commend and comytte my soule into the handes and mercifull protection of my lord and saviour Jesus Christe my onelie redeemer and [Sancifier] and my body to be buryed by the discretion of my executrix hereunder named Item I give and bequeathe to the poore inhabitants of the parishe of Lymson in the countie of Devon the sume of tenn poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be distrybuted to them by the hands of my said executrix and overseers and the survivors of them the said sume of tenn pounds to be paid as followeth that is to saye yearly at the feaste of the nativity of our Lorde Christe the sume of twelve shillings until the said sume of tenne pounds to be fully paid Item I give and forgive unto my sonne in lawe Roberte Nutte all that arrerlye of rent amounting ? to the sume of thirtie and eighte pounds and also all that debt of fortie and two pounds whiche by billes under his name he dothe owe unto me Item I give and bequeathe amongst the sonnes & daughters of ye said Roberte Nutte and Elizabeth his wife my daughter the sume of twentie pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be paid by even porrons to them and the survivors or survivor of them in manner and forme as hereafter followeth that is to saye to every sonne at the tyme that he shall accomplishe and come unto his full age of one and twentie yeares and to every daughter at the age of eightene yeares or at her day of marriage whiche of them dothe shall firste happen all the residue of my goods cattell chattelles and credytts whatsoever not before bequeathed my debts legacies and funerall expences being discharged I wholie give and bequeathe to Elizabeth my wife whom I make the sole executrix of this my said laste will and testamente and I appointe and request my trustie and wellbeloved friends Richard Adams and Gilberte Kersewell to be overseers of the same and I give to them sixe shillings and eighte pence of good and lawfull money of England that is to saye to each of them three shillings and foure pence. This is the laste will & testament of me the said Anthony Clotworthie made the daye and yeare firste above wrytten for and concerning the disposition of all and singular my landes tenements and heridytaments with the appurtenances whatsoever settling and being in the parishe of Lymson in the said countie of Devon Item I give and bequeathe unto the said Elizabeth my loving wife all and singular my said landes tenements and heredytaments with the appurtenances whatsoever to be hadd and holden to her the said Elizabeth my wife and to her assigns for and during the whole tyme and terme of her naturall life in wytness that this is my present laste will and testemente I have hereunto sett my hand and seale in the presence of theis wytnesses hereunder named the mark of Anthony Clotworthie Richard Sansley Willm. Rowlph? Willyham Beane

Proved 14th April 1603

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