Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)
SHARPE - 1637
In the name of God amen the
thirteenth daie of Aprill anno domini one thousand six hundred
thirty seaven and the thirteenth yeare of the raigne of our Soverainge
Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland
Kinge Defenderof the Faith etc. I Robert Sharpe of Chatham
in the county of Kent shipwright being att this present in good and
pfect health and memory thanks be given to God doe make and ordane this
my last will and testamt conteying therein my last will in manner and
forme followinge that is to saie first and principally I comitt my soule
into the hands of Almighty God my creator trusting and assuredly
believing that by the death and passion of his sonne Jesus Christ I have
and shall have free and full remission of all my synns my bodie I comitt
to the earth to be buried in such place or parishe where it shall please
God to call me to his mercy and as touching the disposition and
distribution of all such worldly goods as it hath pleased God to blesse
me withall I will dispose and bequeath the same as hereafter followeth
first I give and bequeath unto Dorothie my wife the some of five
pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto her her executors or
assignes within two months next after my decease by my executor
hereinafter named I give and bequeath after the decease of my said wife
unto Margarett Sampson the daughter of James Sampson al
that my lease interest and terme of yeares to come of and in one piece
of land called or known by the name of Larkfield conteyinge by
estimation five acres and one quarter of an acre lyinge and beinge in
the pishe of St. Margaretts in the county aforesaid which I
lately purchased of John Dulings gent. to have and to hould the
same to her the said Margarett and the heires of her bodie lawfully
begotten and for want of such issue I give and bequeath the same unto
James Sampson Grace Sampson and Elizabeth Sampson equally
to be divided and to the survivors and survivor of them and theire
heires executors and assignes also I give and bequeath unto the said Margarett
Sampson after the decease of my said wife all that my lease interest
and terme of yeares to come of and in one messuage or tenement with the
appurtenances and twelve acres of land more or less thereunto belonging
situate lying and beinge in Chatham aforesaid now in the tenure or
occupation of William Coverley which are holden of the Deane and
Chapter of the cathedral church of Christ and the blessed Virgin Mary of
Rochester to have and to hould the same to her the said Margarett her
executors administrators and assignes Item
I give and bequeath unto the said Margarett two silver cupps and five
silver spoones Item I give and
bequeath unto Robert Starks one suite of my best apparell also I
give unto the said Robert the some of five poundes to be paid unto him
within one yeare after my decease Item
I give unto Arabella Cosens the wife of William Cosens the
some of thirty shillings to be paid unto her within one yeare after my
decease Item I give and bequeath
unto James Sampson the some of five poundes to Elizabeth
Sampson the some of five poundes and to Grace Sampson the
some of five poundes of lawfull English money to be paid unto them by
the said Margarett Sampson within two yeares next after she the said
Margarett shall have and
? my said two leases after the decease of
my said wife and if it
? anie of them to departe this life before
that time then my will and mynde is that the survivors or survivor of
them shall have his or their porron soe dyinge Item
I will that twenty six shillings shal be disbursed and laid out uppon
bread to be bestowed and distributed amongst the poore people of Chatham
att and upon the day of my buriall all the rest of my lands tenements
goodes chattells readie moneyes plate lyen wollen household stuff brasse
pewter creditts and debts and whatsoever goodes els herein unbequeathed
my debts beinge paid legacies and funerall expences discharged I give
and bequeath the same unto the said Margarett to have and to hould the
same unto her the said Margarett her executors administrators and
assignes as her and theire own
? goods forever Item
I make and ordaine the said Margarett Sampson executrix of this my last
will and testament Item I appoint Nathaniel
Apllyn of Chatham aforesaid shipwright and Richard Payford of
the citty of Rochester
? overseers of this my will and I bequeath
to either of them for theire care and paines to be taken herein the some
of forty shillings praying them to be aydinge and assistinge to my said
executrix in the execution of this my will and I will that they shall
take order to direct and dispose all things by lawe for the
accomplishment thereof until my said executrix shall attain to the age
of twenty one yeares or be married and I give them and the survivor of
them full power and authority for to doe and more over my will and mynde
is that they the said Nathaniel Appllyn and Robert Payford or
any one of them shall have the guardianship ? and governance of my said
executrix until she shall attaine to the same age or be married in
witness wherof I the said Robert Sharpe have herto sett my hand and
seale thae daie and yeare first above written the marke of Robert
Sharpe sealed and delivered by the testator as his last will and
testament in the presence of us Thomas Dickson Richard Payford
Robert Heath swrgt.
Proved 16th June 1638
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Century Chatham shipwright Wills introduction
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