Wills of 17th Century Chatham Shipwrights
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills 1603 - 1699)
In the name of God amen
this twenty
seaveneth day of November one thousand six hundred and fifty two I Richard
Holborne of Chatham in the county of Kent shipwright being of
good and perfect minde and memory praised be to God first takeing into
consideration the uncertainty of my life and having a desire to settle
and leave that estate which it hath pleased my good God in his mercy to
bestowe upon me in such a way as may be most for his glory and the good
of those whome it shall concerne and whose names are hereafter mentioned
I doe hereby ordaine and make this my last testament and will in manner
and forme following Imprimis I
committ and commende my soule being a spiritt into the hands od Almighty
God the creator and father of spiritt home? in assured hope constantly
believing through the merritts death and passion of my lord and saviour
Jesus Christ to receive full remission of all my sinnes and to be made
an inheritour of his ever lasting kingdome my body being the massie?
substance of the earth to the earth I committ to be buried in a decent
manner as my executorix hereafter named shall thinke fitt Item
i give and bequeath to Margarett Holborne my deare and loveing
wife during the time of her naturall life if she shall continue a widdow
and unmarried all my landes messuages or tenements and heriditaments
withall and singular theire appurtenances thereunto belonging situate
lying and being att Luton in the said parish of Chatham in the
tenure and occupation of John Rallings and also that in the
parish of Minster in the Isle of Sheppey in the county
aforesaid now in the occupation of William Messlock? also that
messuage or tenement at Erith in the countie aforesaid she
keeping them and every of them in good repayre and paying the lord's
rents for all and every of them and after the death or marriage of my
said wife Margarett Holborne I do hereby give and bequeath all
the rents of that my messuage or tenement and landes situate lying and
being att Luton in the parish of Chatham aforesaid unto Sarah Marsh
my daughter for and during the time of her naturall life she keeping the
reparations therof and paying the lord's rent and committing no waste
upon the same and after the decease of my said daughter Sarah Marsh
I doe hereby give and bequeath all the rents and benefitt of my said
messuage and lands thereunto belonging as it is now lett to John
Rallings aforesaid to be equally given betweene Peter Marsh and James
Marsh my two grandchildren borne of my said daughter Sarah Marsh
and to theire heires lawfully begotten of theire bodyes for ever and for
want of such heires to the longest of them their being alive and for
want of such heires lawfully to begotten of theire bodyes I doe give and
bequeath the saide house and landes with the appurtenances thereto
belonging unto Bethia Marsh my grandchild and to her heires for
ever Item I give and bequeath unto
my said grandchild Bethia Marsh the summe of forty poundes of
good and lawfull money of England to be payde unto her at or on the day
of marriage or when she shall come unto the full age of one and twenty
yeares and also I give and bequeath unto my said grandchild Bethia
Marsh all the household stuffe that doth furnish my best chamber and
nothing else att the death of me and my wive's death or the longest
survivor of us two Item my will and
intention is that after the decease or marriage of my said wife I will
and bequeath the rent of all that my said messuage or tenement or lands
lying and being in the parish of Erith in the county aforesaid
unto my said daughter Sarah Marsh for and during the tearme of
her naturall life and my will is that the tenements in the sevearll
gifts? herein this my will given unto her for life doe pay or cause to
be payed all the rents and rent unto her selfe for her use or uses or to
whome she shall assigne it in the severall gifts herein given she the
said Sarah Marsh keeping the reparances thereof and paying the
lord's rent and other duties and committing no wast upon the said
premisses Item I give and bequeath
moreover unto Margarett Holborne my fond & deare and loveing
wife during the time of her naturall life or continuing my widdowe all
the leases that I shall be possessed of att the day of my death with the
appurtenances belonging unto them she keeping of them in good repayre
and paying the dutys and rents belonging to them and after the death of
marriage of my said wife I give and bequeath the said lease and tearme
of yeares of the said ould house I now dwell in as it is now standing
unto Sarah Marsh my said daughter during the tearme of her
naturall life keeping it and the fences thereunto belonging in good
repayre maintaining halfe the wharf unto the millponde from the middle
of it eastwards unto the fence of James Marsh her husband she her
heires and assignes to have ingresse egresse and regresse through that
way unto the waterside or water gate att all times when they shall have
occasion paying unto Master Robinson of Rochester in the
county of Kent aforesaid twelve pence every yeare yearely if it be
demanded and after the death of my said daughter Sarah Marsh I
give and bequeath the remainder of the tearme of yeares in that lease
which shall be unexpired unto my said grandchild Bethia Marsh the
daughter of James Marsh of Chatham during the residue time then
behinde Item I give and bequeath
unto my grandsonne Thomas Gardner my house and land in Sheppey as
it shall then be found att my wive's death and mine with halfe the house
I now built upon Master Robbinson's lease and as it is passes
over to him and his by writing after my wife's decease and mine as he
shall then finde it he maintaining halfe the wharfe to the millpond from
the middle of the wharfe to the grounde
? westward and the ould house I now dwell
in to maintaine the other part of that wharfe for theire ingress egresse
and regresse as is afore
? maintaining the fences as it is now sett out
and half the charge of the pumpe att all times when occasion is and
paying unto him or her yearly and every yeare fower pence if it be
lawfully demanded and I doo give unto the said Thomas Gardener
five shillings to be paide unto him by mine executorix within the space
of six months after my decease Item I
give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Marsh aforesaid my house
and orchard with the appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying and
being in the parish of Erith in the county aforesaid and now in
the occupation of Edwarde Reeve after the death of I the said Richard
Holborne and my said wife or the longest survivor of us giveing unto
my said daughter power to dispose of the same to either of her children
which she shall soo decide is best I doe expresse this againe with some
words more largly than before in first
? Item I give and
bequeath unto Paul Marsh the sonne of James Marsh my
grandchild after the death of me and my wife all that my lease and
tearme of yeares then to come and unexpired of my messuage and tenement
with the appurtenances lying and being in Chatham aforesaid which I now
have and hold from Master William Butler lord of the manner of
Chatham aforesaid and now in the occupation of widdowe Taylor
keeping the same in good repayre and paying rents due unto the lord for
the same Item I do give and bequeath
unto William Pett the sonne of Joseph Pett deceased the
summe of five shillings of currant English money to be paide unto him
being demanded within twelve months after my decease Item
I give and bequeath unto my grandsonne Peter Pett the sonne of
the aforesaid Joseph Pett after the death of me and my saide wife
all that other south parte which is halfe of my new house built upon
parts of the grounde which I hold by lease from Master Robbinson
of Rochester to whom I give all the remainder of yeares unexpired after
my death and my saide wive's he paying every yeare yearly by fower
yeares if it be demanded to or them that shalbe
? the lease of the said ould house in
which I now dwell in and also
? and having that part of the house and
the fence of the garden thereunto belonging and likewise the fence from
the lane and so to the
? his garden to the way leading to the
waterside with halfe the
? as it is now inclosed on the north ende
being given before to his brother Thomas Gardner as aforesaid Item
I give and bequeath to James Marsh sonne my sonne in law the
summe of twenty five shillings of good and lawfull money of England to
bye him a ring of gold Item I give
and bequeath to Bethia Marsh daughter of the aforesaid James
Marsh my grandchild all that my messuage situate in Chatham with the
appurtenances which I hold of the bretheren of Saint Bartholmewes
after the decease of me and my aforesaid wife Item all the rest and
residue of my goods & chattels ready money household stuffe
whatsoever not before given and unbequeathed my debts funerall expences
and legacies herein given and bequeathed being paide and satisfyed I
fully and wholly give and bequeath unto my said deare and loveing wife Margarett
Holborne and she to dispose of them as she shall thinke fitt whome I
doe herby ordaine nominate make and appoint to be the full and sole
executrix of this my last will and testament and I doe here also
nominate and appoint my loveing neibor Mr Edward Hayward and my
cousing John Rawlings both of Chatham aforesaid to be the
overseers of this my last will and testament and I also give and
bequeath to each of them tenne shillings apeice to give each of them a
payre of gloves and I doe hereby desire them to be ayding and assisting
to my said executrix with theire good counsell and advise in the due and
right performance of this my last will and testamt according to the true
intent and meaning thereof in all particulars before specifyed and the
true intent and meaning of this my last will and testament if one or
more of the parties afore mentioned doth finde him selfe or herselfe or
themselves agrieved att these my guifts in this my last will and
testament and shall raise any trouble either to my saide wife or one to
the other that then that partie or parties shall loose the benefit of
his her or theire guift or guifts in this my last will and testament and
my will is that his her or theire parts be equally divided amongst them
as in my guift before by me given in witness whereof I the saide Richard
Holborne have to this my present last will and testament containing
three sheetes of paper sett my hand to every sheete thereof and unto the
last sheete my hand and seale and also have sett my seale unto them all
joyned together i
? renouncing and revoking all former wills
and testaments whatsoever by me formerly made and have now published and
declared this and none other to be my last will and testament the day
and yeare first above mentioned Rich. Holborne signed sealed and
acknowledged by the said Richard Holborne to be his last will and
testament in the presence of us whose names are here under mentioned William
Wiborne Ri. Burley Robert Gilles
Proved 25th April 1654
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Century Chatham shipwright Wills introduction
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