Wills of
Gillingham Shipwrights 1621 - 1852
Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C.) Wills (Pre 1858)
AMEN the thirtieth daye of January in the yeare of our Lord
God one thousand sixe hundred and Seventeene* and in the fifteenth yeare
of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord James by the grace of God King of
England France and Ireland defender of the faith and of Scotland the the
of Gillingham in the Countie of Kent Shipwright being in good and
perfect memorie ? and praise be
given unto God therefore Doe make and ordayne this my last will and
Testament in manner and forme followinge that is to saie First and
principallie I Commend my Soule into the hands of Allmyhtie God my
havenly father and of his deare Son Jesus Christe my only Saviour and
Redeemer by whose merritts death and passion I hope to have full
remission of all my Sinnes and to be partaker with him of life
everlasting As touching my yearlie
rente or Annuitie of eight pounds by the yeares growing or arising out
of one messuage or tenement called the Brewhouse (late of JOHN SHORTE
my father deceased) lyinge or beinge in Maidstone in the County of Kent
in one street thetre called Weake Street I give unto ELIZABETH SHORTE
my mother duringe her naturall life with all [crops?] that are now or
shall grow hereafter together with as
? full ? for
the ? of the same as I myselfe by
the gift of my said father have or may have and after the decease or
death of her the said ELIZABETH my mother I
give the said yearlie rente or Annuitie unto my three brothers MARK
to be devided into equal parts and portions to either of them and to
theire heires for ever And further my Meaning and Will is that if it
shall happen that any of my said brothers M ARK HARRIE
and JOHN shall dye without heires or issue that the part or
portion of him or them so dyeinge shall [go?] and remaine to the
Survivor or Survivors and theire heires by equal portions for ever Item
I give and bequeathe further unto my brother JOHN SHORT
all my Working tooles and Clothes and all other my
goods ? I
? carrie to Sea with me And
for my Executrix to this my last will and testament I ordeyne and
Constitute ELIZABETH SHORT my saide mother In
witness whereof I have the daye and yeare above written sett my hand and
seale in the presence of JOSEPH SHORT / WILLIAM
Proved 23rd October 1621
* 1618 in the modern calendar
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