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Medieval & Later Kent P.C.C. & C.C.C. Wills
Wills of 17th Century Gentlemen of Chatham 1647-1698

Richard MARCALL 1647

In the Name of God Amen
I Richard Marcall of Chatham in the County of Kent gent being sicke of body but of sound and perfect memory(thanks bee to god for the same) for the avoidinge of contraversie and containing the disposing of that fortune or Talent? which god have lent and     ?     which all I     ?     that is to say the Five and Twentyth day of August in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand six hundred forty seaven make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following
I commend my Soule to god the Father Allmighty maker of heaven and earth     ?     believing through the merritts and Sufferings of Jesus Christ his only Sonne and to have remission of all my Sinnes a glorious Resurrection of this my body And an everlasting lyfe in a never fading state of many high perfections my body I Comitt unto the ground out of which ytt was taken to bee decently interred in that Parish Church where I shall happen to depart this lyfe
I give and bequeath unto Amy Marcall my wyfe the Lease of the house and Wharfe where in I now dwell to have and to hold the same during the whole terme of yeares therein yet to run \and        ?         the sayd Amy shall soe longe live And to the end that my sayd wyfe bee accompanied with one that may bee a help? and comfort to her in this her old age my will and mynd is That Rebecca Kitchin and Amy my sayd wyfe shall co-inhabit in my sayd house and use the wharfe and receive the benefit and proffitts thereof and beare and pay the yearely Rent of the sayd house and Wharfe to the     ?     thereof joyntly together And if my sayd wyfe shall happen to depart this lyfe before the sayd lease of my house and wharfe and the number of yeares therein and thereby granted bee expired then my will and mind is that the sayd Rebecca Kitchin shall have the sayd lease To have and to hold to her and her Assignes for and during all the Remaynder of yeares which shall bee then to come and unexpired in the     ?
I give and bequeath unto Amy Marcall my wyfe an Annity or yearely Rent of Twenty Pounds for and during the terme of her natural lyfe to be payd unto her all the four most usual Terms in the yeare by even and equal portions which sayd Annity shall be payd by my Executor hereinafter named owt of the moneys to bee made and which shall bee raised? of my Goodes and Chattels And my will and mind is that Anne Chuston my mayd servant who is dumme shall and continue with my sayd wyfe and bee provided for owt out of the sayd Annity And if the sayd Anne my Servant doe survive my wyfe then my will and mynd is that my Executor shall pay unto her as such person as shall keepe her the Yearely Rent of Five Pounds during her natural quarterly by equal portions
I give and bequeath unto the above named Rebecca Kitchin the summe of Twenty Pounds
I give and bequeath unto my brother in Lawe Walter Poole the summe of Five Pounds
I will and ordaine that Forty shillings worth of bread bee distributed on the day of my buryall amongst the Poore of that Parish where I shall happen to bee interred
I will the rest of my goodes and Chattels whatsoever as well reall and personal I give and bequeath unto my brother John Marcall of London Esquire whom I make and ordaine my Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament to pay and discharge my funerall debts and Legacies And my mynd and will is that my sayd Executor shall permit and suffer Amy my wyfe to use and enjoy all the goodes and household stuffe shee brought mee in marryage duringe her lyfe And after her decease to have them to his own use and behoofe for everlasting
I declare and     ?     this to bee my last will and Testament
in witnesse hereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this Five and Twentyth daye of August Anno Dom One thousand six hundred Forty Seaven Richard Marcall Signed sealed and published by the sayd Richard Marcall in the Presence of Stephen Landnill? John Fowler Thomas Keeble
Proved 28th October 1647

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