Edward Homewood
was Clerk of the Survey at Chatham Royal Dockyard. He was responsible
for all the stores at that establishment. Like all other senior
officials, such as Clerk of the Cheque and Master Shipwright and Master
Ropemaker, the post of Clerk of the Survey were held by Gentlemen.
Pepys refers to him in his
In the Name of God Amen
I Edward Homewood now of Chatham in the County
of Kent Gent being at present in a competent measure of health and
enjoying my right memory praised be him from whom all our mercies do
proceed yet being sensible of that naturall frailty which attends this
mortall and corruptible state Doe make and ordaine this my last Will and
Testament in manner and forme namely
First I bequeath my
soule to the Almighty God that gave it in hopes through the merits of
Christ Jesus our Saviour and Redeemer that hee will receive it unto
blessednesse with himselfe My body until the promised resurrection of
the last day I committ to our common Mother the earth to be decently
buryed by the order of my Executors after named
And for what worldly
estate it hath pleased God to privilege me with after the of my
interment shall be defrayed and my debts paid I doe thus dispose vizt.
Item I doe give and
bequeath unto such poore prisoners as are or may be detained in custody
for small Debts such as are under or within tenne pounds whether in
London or any adjacent County the sume of Two hundred pounds sterling
money to the end of they appeare in the conscience of my after named
Executors industrious and honest their enlargement may be compounded for
upon such advantagious termes for the sake of others who may be
concerned in the extent of such release as my Executors in their best
judgement may in respect to which I desire the assistance of Mr Fran.
Button of Chatm. Sailmaker may be given unto them for their
better guidance in the premisses And I doe hereby impower and authorize
my Executors after mentioned as to possesse themselves with soe to
dispose and pay the same in such parcells and unto such persons within
the space of twelve months from and after my decease as shall to them
joyntly approveable but to prevent any difference in the opinion hereof
which may arise between my Executors I desire that one may nominate one
and the other one be ? subject most capable and best qualified to
receive the goods hereby intended And in case they should not reconcile
in the ? or of circumstances of quality quantity time or place Mr Button
aforesaid his conclusion with any one of my Executors by writing under
his hand shall enable and
? the distribution accordingly my said Executors
takeing such Releasees and securities as shall be judged proper in the
persons behalfes that noe abuse soe farr as it can be hindered may
frustrate the intendment thereof I say two hundred pounds
Item I doe give and in
like manner bequeath as before To such other poore prisoners upon what
accompt soever they may be committed or putt under restraint out of
compassion to their distresse who may be impoverished and in want of
release lett their cases be what they will and their judgements and
persuasions soe they are not convicted malefactors persons factions or
irreligious in their principles where ever they may in custody or under
bonds the sume of One hundred pounds ster money to be disposed to them
in such parcells and at such times according to the numbers of them as
shall be thought in the conscience of my Executors to be most agreeable
to my purpose to preserve them (as men) from perishing All which I
desire that Mr Abra. Tilghman of Debtford would satisfy
himselfe about and gett the best information hee may in the truth of any
pretensions made hereunto for the better governing my Executors
in ? this piece of charity But if
any difference should arise between my Executors in their judgement
hereupon Mr Tilghman aforesaid is desired to nominate under his
hand soe it be with the consent of one of them what shall be done
therein according to the order and method except in the foregoing clause
the said one hundred pounds to be disposed in twelve months from and
after my decease
Item I doe give and in
like manner bequeath to such poore either gentlemen Tradesmen or
Labourers that are incapable of relieving themselves or families by
their honest endeavors or that are past their worke such as are
not ? or idle such as
have not beene impoverished by ill husbandry but would take paines and
be industrious if able such as may not be of the parishes charge or (if
they be) yet not sufficiently provided for and soe not to be taken of by
this wherein I desire that Mr Tilghman before mentioned would
satisfy himselfe in the best manner hee can for the better enabling my
Executors after named to dispose this Release The sume of Two hundred
pounds sterling money to be sett forth and paid as above unto such
persons in such parcells and and at such times as my Executors in their
judgment and consciences shall thinke most fitt to supply (in measure)
their necessities and want But in case of their non accordance or
disagreement as before in or about the same upon any circumstance
thereof That then Mr Tilghman before named with the consent of
one of my Executors may and is hereby impowered to nominate and appoint
by writing under his hand To whom what where and when the same shall be
issued which my Executors are to comply with and pay accordingly as in
the clauses before goeing willing also that the said two hundred pounds
may be distributed within twelve months from and after my decease
Item I doe give and in
like manner bequeath to such poore widowes and towards the disposing or
putting forth parent or friendlesse children as are not of a parish
charge some such where they inhabit e are not thought sufficiently
provided for by the releife afforded them whom in such cases I would
include but not take of The sume of one hundred pounds sterling money to
be disposed by my Executors for their better subsistance according to
the judgement of charity and education wheresoever they may understand
and find objects suitable within the space of twelve months from and
after my decease In the capacity of which persons Mr Button
aforenamed to make enquiry and take ? But in concluding upon the
distribution if my Executors not both accord and agree as is before
specified That then Mr Button shall with the consent anyone of my
said Executors determine by writing under his hand To whom what and when
the same shall be be paid as in the other clauses fore going I say £100
Item doe give and
bequeath towards the better subsistence of my Kinsman Wm. Homewood
junior of whom I had the bringing up (to remain in the interim in the
hands of my Executors till within twelve months from and after my
decease they may see a proper occasion to imploy or dispose it for his
most good) the sume of Forty pounds sterling money But in case of his
death ere ?hee shall have received the benefitt thereof That then all or
what shall remaine unbestowed upon him doe goe and is to be paid by my
Executors to the Father and Mother of the said Willm. Homewood
with respect had to their other Sonne To the survivor or survivors of
them in a month after £40
Item I doe give and
bequeath to my poore Relations in Sussex who I understand may be about
foure in number the sume of Forty pounds ster. money to be disposed and
paid by my Executors unto such or soe many of them as cozen Peirson
of Kingston shall advise to be most in need
thereof ? Mr Tilghman
before named in a journey by him to be made for that intent (whose
charges to be borne by my Executors ) shall find and approve to be soe
in such proportions as shall be concluded may best doe them a pleasure
by putting them in a way of subsistence or livelihood in the world and
this to be rendered in or at the end of three months from and after my
decease in case their yeares and capacity doe
then ? I say to the
survivors or survivor of them £40
Item I give and
bequeath to my kinsman Andrw. Pedder towards the better
bringing up or maintenance of his two daughters Avery and Anne
( besides the plate household stuffe etc afternamed) the sume of Thirty
pounds sterling money to be paid or allowed him
? by my Executors for such purpose upon his obligation
soe employ it it and produce a particular thereof within the space six
months from and after my decease But in case hee should not then be
alive That then the whole or what parte is undisposed be rendered and
paid to their Grandmother my cozen Avery for that use shee giving
some kind of security for the better answering my intendment according
to the to the discretion of my Executors for the good of both or either
of the said children which shall survive I say £30
Item I doe give and
bequeath to Edward Ames sonne of Mr John Ames
deceased in case the hundred pounds principal money unpaid to his late
Father by Mr Colvile or Assignes doe continue out of prospect of
satisfaction by the space of twelve months from and after my decease and
that Mr Willm. Hewer doe answer to my order two hundred
pounds due from him upon Bond I say under both the considerations the
sume of Twenty pounds sterling money and with the same promise to each
of his two naturall sisters the sume of Tenne pounds sterling to be paid
bu my afternamed Executors unto him and them at the end of thirteen
months from and after my decease But in case of either of their deaths
before expiration of that time That then the whole Forty pounds To be
divided betweene the survivor of them or all of it disposed to the
survivor presently after I say £40
Item I doe give and
bequeath to any of the Daughters of Capt. Clay deceased as may
appeare in the judgement of my Executors to have need thereof within the
space of six moneths from and after my decease The sume of Tenne pounds
sterling money according the advice and with the ? of the elder of them
and to be paid to one or more from her or their
? present supply £10
Item I give and
bequeath to Mrs Cooke of Sydenhan in this County widow the sume
of Five pounds sterling money to be paid unto her at the end of two
moneths after and from my decease But in case shee may not then be
living to be disposed and be paid either to her daughter or grand
daughter at the discretion of my Executors I say £5
Item I give and
bequeath Mr Abra. Denderseld and to Mr John Christian
of London both Dutch painters to each of them the sume of Five pounds
ster to be paid unto them by my Executors in two moneths after my
decease In case they should then not be both alive the whole sume of
Tenne pounds to be paid unto him that shall survive I say £10
Item I doe give and
bequeath unto Steph Newall late servant to Mr Button
the sailmaker of this place who hath beene sometime usefull to me in my
lodging etc the sume of Five pounds ster moneyto be paid unto him by my
Executors at the end of sixe moneths from and after my decease or as may
otherwise seem best for his accommodation in the judgement of my
Executors and to be paid unto him accordingly I say £5
Item I doe give and
bequeath to the persons under and after mentioned namely to my cozen William
Homewood father of my kinsman before mentioned in Sussex if his
sonne before legacied shall have received what I allotted him and this
his Father in case of his death be not concerned in the same which may
not be concluded upon till twelth moneths after my decease soe then and
in that case to be paid unto him by my said Executors if hee be at that
time alive else to goe to the mother and other brother or the survivor
of them the sume of Five pounds sterling money I say £5
To my cozen Elizabeth
Peirson of Kingston to be paid unto her by my Executors in three
moneths after my death but if shee should not then be living to be
disposed to her sonne Robert of that place five pounds sterling
money I say £5
To my cozen Robert
Peirson of Kingston last named to be paid to be paid unto him by
my Executors in three moneths after my decease but id hee should not
then be living to his Mother above named the sume of Five pounds
sterling I say £5
To my cozen Mary
Avery late of Shoreham to be paid unto her by my Executors within
three moneths after my decease But if shee should not then be living To
her sonne and daughter at my Executors discretion or to the survivor of
them five pounds £5
To my cozen Adam
Daniel in Sussex to be paid unto him by my Executors in three
moneths after my decease But if hee should not be then living to be
disposed at my Executors' discretion to the use of one or more of his
children Five pounds sterling money five pounds
To my cozen George
Hudson now 'tis said gone towards Hambro To be paid him by my
Executors within three months after my decease But if hee should not be
then living To his Wife or or her Father Five pounds sterling money I
say £5
To Mr Richard Peirre
of Chatham that sometime writt in my Office To be paid unto him by my
Executors within three moneths after my decease or in case of his death
to his wife Fivepounds sterling money £5
To Mr Peter Jeyes
now my Ins???m of this place the sume of Five pounds sterling money to
be paid him by my Executors in three moneths after my decease If hee be
not then living To Robt. Wilkins that lately served under
me in that capacity I say £5
To the Boy William
Fitzhugh who now lives with me in the House in case hee continue
and wellbehave himselfe the sume of Five pounds sterling money to be
paid by my Executors at the end of three moneths after my decease But if
hee be not then living to his Mother I say £5
To the Maidservant upon
the condition above mentioned the sume of Five pound sterling money to
be paid by my Executors at the end of three moneths after my decease If
shee should not be then living the Boy last mentioned to enable his
disposition otherwise I say £5
I doe give and bequeath
to each of the persons here
??????scribed being all under
the same ????? causes of
respect with me and in
number six |
To Hen Cole
To John Bayley
To Michl. Wiggens
To Goodmn. Carkett
To Goodmn. Higgins
To Widow Gore now of Depd. |
£5 |
To each of the six persons here noted the sume of
Five pounds sterling money to be paid by my Executors within three
moneths after my decease But in case they should not then be all living
the whole Thirty pounds to be equally disposed and divided betweene them
vizt. those of them who shall survive £30
Item I doe give
and bequeath to Mr Fran. Button and to Mr Abram. Tilghman
whose trouble I have engaged to assist as Overseers in the disposition
and distribution herein the the sume of Tenne pounds sterl. money to
each to be paid unto them by my Executors within three moneths after my
decease But in case of eithers' death before that time the whole to be
paid to the survivor I say £20
Item I doe give and
bequeath to Valentine Corklin of this place the summe of
five pounds sterling to be paid unto him by my Executors within three
moneths after my decease But if hee should not be then living to Edward
Chatterton of the Fraternity in a Weekes time I say £5
Item I give and
bequeath to the Poore of the parish of Warnham? in Sussex where I
received my first breath And to the Poore of that of Chatham or where
else I may at last resigne it To those of the two places mentioned
certaine and the third uncertaine the sume of five pounds to each said
no of poore persons or community ? Which are in a capacity of receiving
Almes therefrom To be paid by my Executors within a moneth after my
decease to the Minister and churchwardens of each place to be
distributed by them at ? apart from their other collections at the
moneths end I say £10? or £15?
Item I doe give and
bequeath to the poore of the parish where I may happen to be buried the
sume of five pounds sterling money to be paid by my Executors to the
Minister and Churchwardens of that place for them to distribute to such
community? of necessitions? p[ersons] aparte from their other
collections in a weeke after my internment £5
Item I doe give and
bequeath to Mr Chas. Smith of Chatham Apothecary and to Mr
Peter Pett of London gentleman who I doe nominate and
hereby appoint Executors of this my will in confidence of their care and
paines if they doe undertake and performe what I doe here by these
presents enjone and ?
(besides what I doe allott them in the latter parte of this writing ) To
ech of them the sume of Tenne pounds sterl. They to withdraw the same to
their owne uses in a moneth's time after my decease But in case of one's
death after hee hath enjoyed upon this last piece of service and respect
in my behalfe 'ere hee may have gone through with what is incumbent I
desire that the survivor ? May accept his parte towards his better
enablement to complete what I have given in charge? and to receive the
whole twenty pounds as a testimony of my thankfull heart I say £20
Item I doe hereby
forgive and acquitt the persons following of whatever money they are in
my debt vizt. Mr Morden Mrs Parker Mr Gregory the
Parson and Mr Palmer who I conclude may be all living hereby
wholly discharging them or their Executors of any further reckoning or
account for or about the same
Memd. The last charge
relating to me in the Codicill affixed and for all other moneys that
will remaine either in cash or what shall come in by proceeds of Debts
Salary Bills in arrears or otherwise besides what sumes are herein by
these presents disposed and allotted as before mentioned I say the rest
and residue soe remaining or arising (if any be left) I doe give and
bequeath to such ? poore
and necessitous persons as my Executors in their judgments shall think
fitt to bestow the same upon after the expiration of twelve moneths or
the utmost time of any allotment before wherein the other distributions
may be run out each of my said Executors dividing the said sume oe sumes
of money whatsoever it may bee betweene them to give and deale forth in
such parcells to such poore and needy whome they may encounter
wheresoever and whensoever
Item I doe give and
bequeath that my 1/32 part of the Messenger Pinke (Pinnance?)
burthen about 150 Tunns whereof Mr Glover is now Master and of
the Boates Apparell and Furniture to her belonging and appertaining
together with my parte of the stock and of profitts that are arisen and
undivided at the time of my decease and what may hereafter arise by the
said Vessell's earning or freight to Mr Charles Smith one
of my nominated Executors if hee shall please in that capacity to
concerne himselfe To hold and enjoy the same to his owne proper use and
behoofe for ever
Item I doe give and
bequeath my 1/16 parte of the Blackmoore Pinck burthen about 120
Tunns of which Capt Fermes may be Master and of all the boates
apparell and furniture to her belonging together with my parte of the
stock and of the profitts that are arisen or may arise as in the head
above To Mr Peter Pett my other nominated Executor in case
hee shall please in that capacity to concerne himselfe To hold and enjoy
the same to his owne proper use and behoofe for ever
Item I doe give and
bequeath my collections of Spirituall and Morall matter in transcripts
some of my owne slender experiences in severall indigested notes and
papers with with certaine other bundles of mixt kindes contained in a
small redd trunck at my lodging To Mr Abra. Tilghman to be
disposed unto him in tenne dayes after my decease But if hee may not be
then liveing to Mr Chas Finch of Deptford in either of
whose respects for passing by the plaine dresse and ordinary manner of
laying them downe as they were summaries for my owne composure and
satisfaction in some passages of my life I doe in some measure intitle
myselfe that noe advantage may be taken therefrom But that they
(comprehending my mind and meaning therein) doe make the best of it to
Item I doe give and
bequeath my manuscripts and all papers relating to the Navy in severall
covers and bundles and some in a haire trunck at my lodging To Mr Samuel
Pett To be disposed unto him by my Executors in tenne dayes after
my decease But in case hee may not be then liveing To Mr Finch
before named
Item I doe give and
bequeath all my bookes of sortes and kinds (a catalogue of which doth
remaine with them) in two open frames a presse three shelves and other
places To Mr Charles Smith and Mr Peter Pett
aforenamed my nominated Executors together with Mr Samuel Pett
Mr Rich. Mr Gibson Mr Finch and Mr Tilghman
aforenamed to be disposed unto them in a moneths time after my decease
or to soe many of them as may then be living Themselves meeting together
where my said bookes are lodged and making choice of each one by turnes
round till the whole of them shall be run out and their numbers made
Item I doe give and
bequeath all my pieces of painting and other pictures and figures of
sorts and kinds with the Frames thereto belonging or otherwise To the
six persons last before named vizt Mr Smith Mr P Pett
Mr Samuel Pett Mr Gibson Mr Finch and Mr Tilghman
to be disposed unto them or the survivors of them in a moneth's time
after my decease Themselves meeting together as in the clause of my
bookes before mentioned and making their owne choice after they are put
aparte in their sizes according to the order I have placed their names
each of them round until the whole of them shall be withdrawne
Item I doe give and
bequeath my modell of the Royall Charles her hull a first
Rate whose body (under water) was made by Mr Fra. Sheldon
before shee was pitcht which after was called the Naseby since
finisht by Phancy to Mr Willm. Hewer to be disposed
unto him in a moneth's time after my decease But if hee may not be then
liveing To be given by my Executors to Mr Robt. Maddox in
a weeke after
Item I doe give and
bequeath my fifth Rate modell with one deck rigged in a glassed frame as
shee is now completed to Mr John Tong neare Town Malling
in this County to be rendered hm by my Executors at a moneth's end after
my decease But hee may not be then liveing To Mr Finch in a weeke
Item I doe give and
bequeath my Modell of the Crowne hull a fourth Rate first molded
by Mr Willm Castle that built her To Mr Richd Isles
of Tower Hill Sailmaker with the Crotches shee is to stand on To be
disposed unto him by my Executors in a moneth's time after my decease
But if hee may not be then liveing To his brother Ames in a weeke
Item I give and
bequeath my Modell of the Katherine Yacht in her launching
posture halfe bodyed in a Walnutt tree glassed frame for her To Mr Abra
Tilghman to be rendered unto him by my Executors in a moneth's
time after my decease But if hee may not be then alive to be disposed to
Mr Charles Finch in a weeke after
Item I doe give and
bequeath my rigged Hoy framed in timber the paper'd
? case and Frame shee sitts in to Mr Fran.
Button To be rendered him by my Executors in a moneth's time
after my decease But if hee may not be then liveing To Mr Steph. Lee
of Chatham in a weeke after
Item I doe give and
bequeath the Hull of a third Rate Modell rigged? out of First
uncompleted together with a third Rate Block of Molds in a halfe body
and of two small yachts rigged To Mr Chas Finch to be
disposed unto him by my Executors in a moneth after my decease But in
case hee may not be then liveing To be rendered to Mr Jeye my
present Instrument in a weeke afterwards
Item I doe give and
bequeath the silver Watch now in use with me to Mr Samuel Pett
from whom it did proceed To be rendered by him my Executors in a month's
time after my decease together with a black velvett Cap a sword belt and
paire of stockings of the late King's But in case hee may not be then
living To Mr Thos Hooke of London in a weeke after
Item I doe give and
bequeath to Mrs Burton of this place my large black fram'd
looking glass a redd cabinett on a black frame together with a silver
plate and porringer of the same to be rendered unto her by my Executors
in a moneth after my decease but But (sic) if shee may not bee then
to be disposed between the daughters or to the daughter surviving
Item I doe give and
bequeath to Mrs Martha Smith of this place my best
cabinett of Wallnuttree wood on a Frame of the same as alsoe a silver
cup with two cares? to be disposed to her in a moneth after my decease
Item I doe give and
bequeath to Mrs Jane Lee of this place all my Chinaware
and glasses where they now are together with my round hollow magnifying
looking glass in an olive frame to be disposed unto her by my Executors
in a moneth's time after my decease
Item I doe give and
bequeath to Andrew Pedder my late Kinswoman's Husband all
my wearing apparell of Lynen and woollen hatts and other kind And
towards compleating his House furniture my two featherbedds with
bolsters and pillowes and two flock quilts to lye under them A Portugall
hard wood bedstead in two parts and another with quilt topps and feet a
paire of sad stuffe curtaines and vallence fringed with with
[ ] eight chaires of the same
suitable a Pantado Quilt twoo greene ruggs and foure blanketts a paire
of new Holland sheets and pillowbeers the callicut inwards Hangings
Headcloth coverlid and window curtaines my wenscott chest of drawers in
two partes two Spanish Tables two wenscott framed tables two shag
Carpetts one paire of fireirons with brass tops a double grate or range
an iron stove together with all the appurtenances to the same belonging
a large copper Kettle now fixt a brasse kettle two brasse or bell metal
skilletts and a warming pan my minuit 30 howers clocke six pewter dishes
two large two middle two lesse twelve pewter plates a bason cisterne two
chamber potts close stoole and bedd panne a still upon a frame and two
flagon potts with an old bason and Ewer two iron potts two gridirons
Lignuum vitae mortar and pestle and punch bowle my large haire trunk and
wooden one iron bound two chests and two wenscott boxes fir Lynen a Jack
two spitts wood firesreene hanging shelfe with glasses five cane chaires
two peeles and cloth beaters six tumblers and a dozen such casks as hee
shall choose All the above together with a silver Tankard six silver
spoones and a small one card cup of the same and two olive fram'd
lookinge glasses I doe allott and dispose to the said Andr. Pedder
with respect had to the child Avery and the other or to the
survivor of them that they may have somewhat hereof secured to or for
them accordinge to the discretion of my Executors and as they think most
agreeable to my purpose supposeing hee may marry againe and have
children by some other woman of the quite obliterating our relation
every of which parcells above ( under the provision which may be made in
particular for the girle Avery) to be disposed and dealt for and
by my Executors to the aforesaid Andrew Pedder in a moneth or six weeks
time after my decease But in case of his death to be otherwise secured
or the proceeds thereof imployed for her or their most good in the
donation of the Thirty pounds in money by a clause foregoing
Item I doe give and
bequeath my gunns and other weapons or Armes unto two Executors Mr Smith
and Mr Pett themselves making choise of one and one as in my
Bookes and pictures to be withdrawn by them or the survivor of them in a
moneth after my decease
Item I doe give and
bequeath to Mr Benjamin Rosewell what of my Carpentry
tooles and such like implements hee cares to accept and the same of my
canes and sticks To be disposed unto him by my Executors within a
moneth's time after my decease for accompanying of which I desire hee
may receive a silver wyre hatband and a crimson silke Turkes Sash now in
my Seale skin Trunk with about half a score combs in my dressing box All
my other furniture reliques or implements of what sort soever which I
shall stand possessed of at the time of my decease my Executors may
dispose at their pleasure I say whatever shall be undealt forth by the
foregoing donations I doe give and allott to them according to be
withdrawne to their order in two mineths after my decease And lastly as
before expressed I doe constitute and appoint my loveing and approved
friends Mr Cha. Smith of Chatham Apothecary and Mr Peter
Pett of London gentleman to be Executors of this my last Will and
Testament upon whom by meanes hereof doe hope noe great trouble will
arise The six leases before written under my owne hand I confirme to the
revokeing and making void all former ones of this nature
At Chatham This
Thirtyeth of August 30th One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Seaven Edw.
Homewood Signed and sealed and declared to be my last Will
and Testament after the addition of pasting in of a piece of paper
(since written through) at the latter end of the foregoing leafe and the
incerting of two olive framed looking glasses with ye comprehension of
the Codicill affixted in the presence of The marke of Jos.
Avery Richard Medhurst William
I could desire that the
necessaries or conveniences which shall by vertue hereof be distributed
may not be withdrawne together or at once but with deliberation by
degrees without a general wreck? Uprore or confusion till at the
quarters end or soe longe as my Lodgings may be held They may be fairly
I doe
desire that whenever it shall please the Almighty God to require the
breath of my life That my body may have a quiet and calme buryall
without that confusion noise and cbservation that does accustomarily
attend such ceremonyes And in case I should decease at Chatham cold wish
and doe desire that my body might bee carryed up by water in the evening
of the day accompanied with some few of my friends to Freindsbury over
the River and there disposed in some green spott ot plott of ground
neare unto the Church wall until the morning of the generall summons
from the dead into which wall desire that a stone may be affixed of
about 30" long and sixteen deep thus inscribed or cut
Memd such
a stone is
among my
things at
the Hill |
Here resteth in hope
until the promised resurrection them
body of Edw. Homewood late Clerke
of the Survey in his
Majesties Yard at Chatham whose
soule being withdrawne
from it's visible forme in this
temporall and mortall state was
translated into Eternity the
[ ] of
] 168[ ] |
if I doe ? time to the last
under my present circumstances of Imployment doe nominate for rings of
about eight shillings each and a glass or two of wine All the warranted
Officers of the yard tha Victuall and Tower Agents here together with
the Guard Captaines and about 20 in the streete or Towne which I have
borne most respect to not exceeding in all above Fifty Men To each of
them that shall trouble their appearance on this occasion one such Ring
And that as many more Rings of the same sorte be provided and sent to
the persons on the other side named...... which will be in
100 Rings
at 8s
800------ £40
suppose in oth
£10 = £50
it shall please God to deprive me of life at London or thereabouts I
desire that my body be then conveyed with foure or five particular
Friends to Crayford in this County and there for the delightfull sight
thereof bee committed in like sorte as before is splendid Otherwise if
businesse or divertizement shall occasion me to travell elsewhere remote
from those parts of Chatham or London in which severall accidents or
occurences may happen to put a period to my dayes I desire (being
abroad) that my friends would please in such case to contrive for my
buryall in the same Churchyard where I may happen to dye in like manner
as is before mentioned at a very moderate expence yet in either That the
whole hundred persons be accommodate with Rings Supposing still that my
relation to the Navy service at Chatham doth soe bespeake it and in such
case only
such as The Officers of the yard reckon 30
such as
Mr Cheaf Mr Lee
Mr Modersly Mr Davis
Mr Ben Rosewell Mr Haugh Mr Clay Mr Lately
? Shadborn
? Penre?
my Instruments |
The Officers of the yard reckon 30
My Executors and two friends
intrusted as Assistants 4
Others in Towne etc to the number of 16
Nominated beside for Rings altho not present
in person |
Sir Jo. Tippetts
Mr Hayter
Mr Maddocks
Mr Whitfield
Mr Liewsly Redriffe
Mr North Raccliffe
Capt Ratford at Sea
Mr Hatton at Sea
Mr Pet, Thomson Morefields
Mr Jo. Burroughs Strand
Mr Sherwin St Olive Street
Mr Finch Deptford
Mr Harding Deptford
Capt Manley Rochester
Mr Jo Stewentw.?
Mr Wyval?
Memd. 50 Rings may be first
provided the residue in tenne
Mr Pepys
Mr Hevater
Mr Sam Pett
Mr Brown Hawth.
Mr Alford Sheerness
Mr Dormer Sheerness
Mr Fuszer Sheerness
Mr Daniel Sheerness
Mr Petts Woolwich
Mr Curtis Woolwich
Mr Bayfine Woolwich
Mr Yeo Rochester
Mr Tong of Malling
Mr Holland of Poole
Mr Dixon
Kinsman Pedder |
Sir Ph. Pett
Mr Stephens
Mr R Gibson
Mr Geo Hudson Cozen
Mr Ric Isles
Mr Edw Ames
Mr Bell
Mr Sellers
Mr Laurence Woolwich
Mr Bodham Woolwich
Mr Pelham Woolwich
Mr Cheney the Purser
Mr Atkins
Mr Hook
Mr Saunders Battersey
May be taken in to make up this
no of 50 or of the 16 above
dayes after Mrs Burton Mrs Lee
Mrs Smith cozen Avery |
after all in case I dye a private person unconcerned with the Navy
businesse The afore named or specified Officers not at all to be
concerned as such except some distinguishing friends among them Not
otherwise and to the order of my allotment in 100 Rings to be broken and
only to the no of 40 or 50 provided in all as my Executors shall best
approve to be disposed unto such a number of persons of the above noted Edw.
Proved 29th August 1688