which case 'Frankenhams' was probably a
mistranscription of 'Faukenhams' a derivative from the name ‘de Faukeham’.
If, however, that family were lords of the fee in the reign of Richard II,
it must have devolved differently from the Fawkham manor. Such may well
have happened. Hasted says that William de Faukeham‘s son and heir,
Jeffry de Faukeham’ held Scotgrove by knight’s service ‘and
enfeoffed Richard de Gatewyk in it’.16 Although no
other evidence has been found of William having had a son, Jeffry or
otherwise, and evidence has been found that, at any rate eventually, his
estate was divided between his two daughters, Hasted must have encountered
Jeffry in the context of Scotgove, whether or not he correctly identified
him. If a member of the family who was not in fact the son and heir had
been given, or had otherwise acquired, the fee, that might account for its
still being held by the family in Richard II’s time.
Of more consequence is the fact that the effective manor of
Scotgrove, which we left rented to the. Colepepers, had come into that
family’s ownership by the early years of Richard II’s reign, perhaps
by acquisition of the reversion during William de Wauere’s |
lifetime or by purchase on his death. The change is
apparent from a deed made on 25 January 1381 between Sir Thomas Colepeper,
son of John Colepeper, and Idonea, wife of the same John, the object of
which was to provide Idonea with an interest for life or until remarriage
in various landed estate, in substitution for the dower to which she would
otherwise have been entitled. Such provision was partly in lieu of Idonea’s
dower of ‘gavelekynd’ lands in Kent, in return for which she was given
a life interest in a number of properties that included a moiety of the
manor of Knolle. It was also in lieu of her dower of the manor of
Wygeselle and other lands in Sussex, for which Idonea received a life
interest in the manor of Scotgrove (Skotegrove), together with the
water mill at Greatness (Gretnarsche), a meadow called
Gatewykesmede and some pasture in Seal (Zele). Idonea, for her part, was
to render to Sir Thomas and his heirs 21s.1½d., power being reserved to
distrain in the manor of Scotgrove, and she was also to pay the chief
lords the services due and accustomed, including those of Scotgrove,
Greatness Mill and Gatewykesmede.17 |