Footnotes to Chapter V
1. KR I (The Parish Registers and Records in the Diocese of
Rochester), xi, 1-4.
2. Ibid., 47-8
3. Selby MSS, T1/4 (will of Thomas Walter of Lion’s inn, 1
February 1601).
4. The first register book was bound in limp vellum and its
successor in stiff white vellum. The Hardwicke register and the fourth
register book were bound in sheepskin.
5. KAO, Q/Rth 1664, f.18r. Ridley had always had a diminutive
population. In 1801 it was forty-seven; in 1851, when there were fifteen
inhabited and one uninhabited houses, it was ninety-one. At the last
census for the independent parish, taken in 1951, the population was
reduced to seventy.
6. W.E. Tate, The Parish Chest (1960 edn), 48-9.
7. Save where otherwise appears, the practice of
adjusting Old Style to New Style dates has been followed in this book.
8. These taxes were imposed by the Stamp Act of 1783.
9. One doubtful case has been disregarded.
10. Test.Cant., 2; AC XIV, 224.
11, KR. IX (Index of Wills Proved In The Rochester Consistory Court
between 1440 and 1561), 211.
12. The Kingsdown register which would or should have recorded this
marriage was lost many years later when the parish clerk, while doing a
little tidying up, consigned all the pre-1725 registers of that parish to
the flames. The marriage figures in a pedigree of the Master family in AC
XV (404), but for its date and place indebtedness is due to a rector and churchwarden
of Fawkham who, a year or two after the marriage took place, had the
prescience to authenticate the event by a signed entry in the marriage
register of their parish. |