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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

A Downland Parish - Ash by Wrotham in Former Times by W. Frank Proudfoot

A manuscript history of Ash, written in the 1970's but never published (about W. Frank Proudfoot)

Chapter 11 - Some Old Ash Families  page 149

Footnotes to Chapter XI

1.  Rochester wills are now in the KAO. An Index of those proved between 1440 and 1561 is the subject matter of KR IX.

1a.  KR XVIII, 144.

2. Fielding, 457; AC LIII, 50-52. Some evidence of Launce’s high standing is afforded by the fact that in 1391 he was chosen to represent the Dean and Chapter of Winchester in a suit at the papal court against their Bishop, William of Wykeham.

3.  The deed, which is dated 27 July 1811, is with various Ash records at the KAO under ref. P.8. The original trustees were the then rector, Thomas Bowdler, James Wade of Ash, John Wade of Gravesend and William Hodsoll, Charles Whitehead and John Rogers, all of Ash.

4.  If so, this may have been the house occupied by William Johnson in 1664 and rated at three hearths.

5. AC XVIII, 18. There is evidence of a much earlier Middleton presence in the neighbouring parish of Longfield; see in this connection Wallenberg, 45, where the Middletons mentioned include Richard Middleton of ‘Langefelde’ (1387), William Middleton (in Longfield, 1463) and John Middleton (in Longfield, 1511).

6.  Griffin & Stephenson, op.cit., 173. Only the brass of ca. 1510 is there mentioned, but the writer’s copy of 

this book has an ms. pencil note in Mr Griffin’s handwriting that appears to read ‘on same slab indent of anor inscription 14X4 now lost'.

7.   KAO, ref.: DRb/Pwr 8/221 (will of John Walter dated 4 April 1529, proved 24 September 1529).

7a.  KR IV. Pt. IX 1005.

8.  Since ‘Richard Walter’ was assessed for Land Tax therefor in 1795, being then described as both proprietor and occupier.

9. As appears from the Tithe Commutation agreement of 1839 and the Census return of 1841. Walter had left before the 1851 Census.

10. Reference to the year 1867 derives from Harrod's Kent and Sussex Directory of that year.

11.  The writer is indebted for much of his information on the later history of the Walter family to Mrs Barbara Softly of Epsom, whose great-grandfather, John Walter, was born at Rumney Farm in 1815.

12. See p.101, supra. The association of this family with Cobham Hall mentioned ibid. was apparently not the only one. In 1644 an order was directed to Mr Stacy, bailiff to James Stuart, Duke of Lennox and Richmond, to receive the rents due for the booths and stalls at the fair there and account to the Committee of Kent forthwith for the proceeds; Howell, op. cit., II, 66.

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