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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

A Downland Parish - Ash by Wrotham in Former Times by W. Frank Proudfoot

A manuscript history of Ash, written in the 1970's but never published (about W. Frank Proudfoot)

Chapter 13 - Victorian Epilogue  page 202

10. Keyes, op. cit., 237.

11. Especially in Kent. In 1835, there were 25,740 acres of hop-ground in the county, representing 48 per cent of the total hop acreage in England and Wales. By the peak year of 1878, the acreage had. increased to 46,600 and. the percentage to 65. By 1904, when the percentage was down a little, to 62, the acreage in Kent had. fallen to 29,841: Garrard, op. cit.  95.

12. Stagg, 2.

13. There is a print of the Particulars of Sale in DCL.

14. Idem.

15. Newspaper cutting marked ‘August 1845’ in DCL; the name of the paper does not appear.

16. This event is also recorded in an anonymous newspaper cutting in DCL; it is marked. ‘June 1848’.

16a. Stagg, on his paper on Ridley (footnote 3 at p. 167 (supra), says that Nordecai Andrus was tilling the Idley Court lands in Ridley in 1816.

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid.

19. S.K. Keyes, Dartford Further Historical Notes (1938), 720.

20. KR IX, 125.

21. By her will dated 9 October 1656, which was proved in the PCC on 24 September 1657 (PRO ref: PROB 11 267 C/31), the Dorothy Browne whose marriage at Ash was mentioned at p.101 (supra) and who was a sister of the John Walter who founded the Walter charity left a legacy of five pounds to ‘my Cousin Turner wife of Nicholas Turner’. It seems likely, therefore, that Turner’s wife was one of the Walter family.

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