Knolle, manor of 30
Knowe, Thos. 65-6
Knowlden, Hugh 53
Krippes see Crippes family
Kyppes family 68-9
Lambard, Thos. (rector, Inc. 1782) 54-5, 59, 61a,
62, 64 , 73 , 110-2, 119, 151
Lambard, Thos. (rector, inc. 1822) 73, 113, 170
Lambard(e) family 26, 41, n, 73, 83-6, 107, 109,
110-1, 113-4, 147, 152-3, 155a-6, 160, 164,
166, 174, 192
Lambarde, Charles James (rector) 114
Lambeth (Surrey) 148, 176
Lamplugh, Revd David 150, n
Lance (‘Launce’), John (rector) 120a, 149, n
Lance charity, the 36a, 73, 121-2, 131,.145, 149, n;
see also Turner’s Oak almshouses
Lance dean (?deane) 125
Lance/Lannce/Launce family 17, 33, 36-a, 41, n,
58, 62, 73, 120-2, 126a, 132, 155a-6, 156b-9,
161, 164-5, 168, n, 199
land tax, the 73, 75, 76, n; see also Land Tax
assessments ..., under ASH
Lane, Dr Thos. 82
Lane/Lanne family 63, 120
Langley Field 162a
Latimer family 12a-3
Launce see Lance... (rector; family)
Launcelyn, Wm. (rector) 11, 20, n
Lawford, Ann 94-5
Lay Subsidy Rolls: (1334-5) 16a, 27, 120a
(1570-1) 88
Leach family 110, 159
Leavey, G.E. 95
Lee, John & Richd. de 20a, n
Leevins Field 160
Leicester, Earls of 12a; see also Coke... family
Lenam, Goodwife 59
Lennox and Richmond, Dukes of l00a, 149, n
Leonard/Lennard family 188
Letchford family 58a, 130
Lewes, Anne 118
Lewisham 191-2
Lewknor family 31
Leybourne 128
Lion Field 163
Lion Wood 163
Little Ash Farm 95, 98, n |
Little Orchard 160
Little Wall Field 164
Loaves Wood (Fawkham) 161
Lonce see Lance... family
London: 31, 92, 95, 111, 129, 176;
citizens of 63, 82-3, 154;
deaths in 63, 82-3, 134;
marriages in 55, 78a, 138-9;
roads & transport to/from 181-2
(see also Maidstone road,.. ,the);
trade with 5, 159-60
London, Tower of 31
London Bridge 14
London, Chatham & Dover Railway 84, 181-2
Long Hudley (fd. name) 166
Long ley Field 162a
Longley, Dr Charles, Headmaster of Harrow 180
Longfield: 2, 58, 111, 126a, 142, 176, 193;
church 77;
church goods 45, 46a, n;
families/residents 124, 126a, 141, 149, n, 193;
manor house 77;
railway station at 182;
rector 46a, n
Loose Court (nr. Maidstone) 96, 97, n
Lord Hardwicke’s Marriage Act 1753 49, 57
Lovel, Eliz. 14
Lovelace family l8a, 45a, 80, 154, 167, n
Loveliest Reed Field 162a-3
Lower Down Wood 110
Lower Pettings Farm 147-8, 155a, 160, 163-4,
166, 178
Lower yard Farm( s) 147, 158, 165-6
Luck, Wm. 63
Luddesdown 28a
Ludlow (Salop) 189
Lullingstone 45a, 79, 102a
Lullingstone Castle 102a
Lytham (dioc. York) 20a, n
Lyvet, le (fd. name) 40a, n
Mace Wood 161
Maidstone 64, 96, 97, n, 103, 118, 175
Maidstone road/turnpike, the 2, 117-8, 152-5,
159, 161, 177, 201, n
Malt house Farm 176
Malt house Field 164
Malthouse, the see Old Malthouse, the |