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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

A Downland Parish - Ash by Wrotham in Former Times by W. Frank Proudfoot

A manuscript history of Ash, written in the 1970's but never published (about W. Frank Proudfoot)

Chapter 14 - Index  page 217

North Ash Farm 36-a, 84, 121, 126, 155a, 156b-7,
   159, 161, 163-6, 168, n, 183, 185, 197-9
North Ash, alias Turner’s, Farm see Turner’s Farm
North Ash manor see Ash manor (alias North 
   Ash manor)
North Ash Manor (house called) 121, 197a, 199
North Ash road 132, 147, 157, 159, 197a
North Cray: 154-5; 
   advowson of 77; 
   manor of 42a,77, 154-5
North Cray Place 154
North Downs, the 1, 3-4, 5a, 7, 103
North Kent Agricultural Association 194
Northbourne 109
Northfeld 40a, n
Northfleet 102a
Northiam (Sussex) 85
Northlandes le  40a, n
Northlands Field 40a, n
Northlands wood 40a, n, 161
Northumberland, Earls of see Percy family
Norwich, dioc. of   20, n
Nottingham (Notts.) 101
Nuington, Jeremy 127
Nursted 158
Nursted Court 156a
Nursted Hill Farm 158
Nutbrown, Mr see Mr Nutbrown’s charity

oasts/oast houses 5-a, 6, n
Oddesworth, Robt. de 27
Odo, Bishop of Baieux  8a-9
Offham 140a
Old Fawkham, manor of 14-5, 32
Old Hop Garden, the (fd. name) 162a
Old House Farm 36-a, 41, n,  131-2, 155a, 
    156b-7, 159, 161
Old Kent Plough, the 5a, 6, n, 
Old Malthouse, the 141, 143, 178
Old Meadow Field 166
Old Rectory, the see Ash Rectory
Old Terry’s Lodge (Ightham) 153
Oldbury (Ightham), rock shelters at 17
Olive family 190, 197
Oliver family 36, 53, 55, 59, 63, 130-4a, 136,
   139-40, 145, 150, n, 152, 157, 159, 179- 80
Oliver’s Farm 126, 130, 150, n, 156, 157,159,162a
Oliver’s Mill Field 132, 157, 164
Olyuer, Edmund 150, n
Ormond, Thos., Earl of 15
Orpington 14, 96, 131, 151
Otecrofte 40a, n
Otford 24, 79, l00a, 104
Otway family 110a
Overey family 33, 120
Owen, an Irish traveller 118
Owl Yard 163
Oxford (Oxon.) 110a, 184

Padley Farm 143 \
palaeoliths/palaeolithic people  3, 7
Palgrave, Jobn de 20, n
Papacy, renunciation of 43-4
Paris, - 159
parish councils, formation of 173
Parish Field 36, 40a, n
parish registers, injunctions for keeping of 47-a
Parker, Thos. 139
Parker family 88-9, 99a
Parresse/Parrisse see Parish Field
Parnell, Revd George & Hon. Catherine, also 
   family 180
Parsons, Owen & Mary Ann 186-7
Partridge family 56a
Paston letters, the I5a
Paterik, Eudo 9
Payne, Jane 119
Peacock family 194
Pear Field 163
Pease Gate Field & Shaw 164
Pease Hill 127a, 129, 136, 166, 177
Pease Hill Farm 84, 156, 158, 164,   166
Peavincomp see Pencompe... family
Peckham Corner 178
Peckham, (de), family 40, n, 79-80, 165
Peckham Wood 2, 79, 153, 160-1, 165
Pells Farm 156, 161, 190
Pembroke, Earl of see Marshall, Wm....
Penchester, Sir Stephen de 16
   family 12, 13, 16, 17-8, 20a, n, 28

1-6    7-21    22-41a    42-46a    47-64a    65-76    77-87    88-98    99-116    117-119    120-150    151-169     170-203

Page 216        Page Listings        Page 218

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