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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          War and Peace 1914—1939     Page 27

   By now the yearly life of the school falls into more or less a set pattern, and also mention is made in both the Log Book and the minutes of the Managers Meetings of several people by name who are still living in the village today. (It therefore becomes expedient not to mention names, and should any occur to leave a blank.)6
   1921 deserves a special mention. A report in the Log Book on September 12th reads: ‘A start on individual work and the continuation of the experiment in ‘Self-Government’ which started last term, the laws made by the School Parliament are being faithfully carried out. The Court of Justice

tries offenders.’
   In October and November of the same year Miss Wright comes under severe criticism from various parents regarding the way she makes the children wash and do their hair. However, the Managers, with reservations, support Miss Wright and so the matter is left. At the same time Miss Wright has a great deal to say about several families and children, especially about cleanliness – or lack of it.8  The complaints continue to the exclusion of
  6 N.B. These names can be found in the sources quoted.
  7 Op cit October 13th 1921.
  8 School Log Book, November 3rd, 4th, and 7th 1921.

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