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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          Deed of Trust signed by James Lance       Page 67

and purposes as if they had been and by those presents named and appointed trustees for the purposes aforesaid and so from to time new trustees shall in like manner be appointed and a new conveyance of the said hereditaments and Rent Charge shall be made as often as by death or otherwise the number of the said trustees shall be reduced to two in order that a succession of trustees may be kept up for the purposes aforesaid provided that the rector of the said Parish of Ash and after the death of the said James Wade and William Hodsall for the time being shall always be elected and 

chosen to be trustees of the said charity in preference to any other person or persons of such rector heirs or one of the coheirs for the time being shall be willing to accept the said trusts in witness whereof the said parties to these present have hereto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
   (At the bottom of the original document then appear the signatures and seals of James Lance, Revd. Thomas Bowdler, James Wade, John Wade, William Hodsall, Charles Whitehead and John Rogers.)


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