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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          The Conversation between Mr F, Goodwin and N.J.J. Muller       Page 74

Q. What sort of things did you do in the school?
A. As far as education is concerned? Reading, writing, ‘rithmatic, history, geography, drawing.

Q. What sort of books did you use?
A. History books, I can remember when they first came out – the cards with sums on, so many articles at 6˝d. each – a dozen articles at 6˝d. each how much money would you want to pay for it. And do you know there wasn’t one child in twenty that could work that one out!

Q. This was for the whole school?
A. No. Just the upper classes.

Q. What age were they there then?
A. From 7 to 13.

Q. They all stayed that long?
A. Yes. The act had just come in. It was just before that, before I was 13, you could leave after you passed through the seventh standard. I had got through the seventh standard when I was 12. So I had the best part of another year at school.

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