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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          The Conversation between Mr F, Goodwin and N.J.J. Muller       Page 81

Q. Is there anything else that you can remember?
A. Sharpe, he was there the same time as I was. He always used to come to school just as if he had been turned out of a band box.1

Q. A bandbox?
A. Yes, so neat and tidy, not a hair out of place. Wonderful neat writer too he was. And drawer.

Q. Did you have a playtime mid morning like they do now?
A. Yes, mid morning break.

Q. I suppose that Mr. Meyers didn’t wear a gown?
A. No, he used to be school master, he used to be organist in the church. He used to be clerk in the Parish Council.

Q. He did quite a lot then?
A. Yes. They used to have ‘slate clubs’ around here in those days, and they used to have supper down at the Swan here every year. He always used to preside over them.

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