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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

The History of Education in the Village of Ash next Ridley, Kent. (1735-1950)
      by N. J. Muller.  An Historical and Sociological Survey

          The Conversation between Miss A. Wright and N.J. Muller      Page 87

Miss A. Wright was headmistress of Ash School from the dismissal of Mr. Meyers (1912) till she was dismissed herself in 1940.

Q. Have you any memories – anything about the old Log Books?
A. No I can’t remember anything except what I have told you1. Do you mean can I remember the contents?

Q. Yes, can you?
A. Various bits would stick in my mind, I’m afraid I can’t remember anything else.

Q. What about children and staff, can you remember anything about that?
A. There was a black line in the log around the entry of the death of the Rev. Lambarde, as a matter of fact Mr. Meyers and the Rector got on very well indeed, and he was rather distressed when he died.

Q. When you left the school was it still in there? (The Log Book).
A. Oh yes. Certainly it would be.

Q. Miss Davies might know where it went?
A. Oh she might, but Miss Davies didn’t come immediately after me there was a supply – Miss Hodges.

Q. You mentioned in one of your letters that you used to come up to Ash before you were head. Were you actually teaching here?
A. I was teaching as a supply – unattached they call it – for the K.E.C. I was down at Longfield and I lost my dog. Of course I scoured all the villages around to try and find the dog. I arrived at Ash school and knocked at the door. Mr. Meyers opened it and I enquired. What a crowded school. I should think he had about 90 children.

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