Mothers Union
For many years Miss Lambard, sister of the Rev C.J. Lambard, held
a Mothers’ meeting at the Old Rectory, Ash. Owing to ill health
she had to discontinue these meetings and on May 6th 1909 the last
meeting was held.
On May 10th 1911 the Mothers’ Union was established
and continued for some years, but had discontinued long before the
outbreak of World War II.
In 1942 Mrs Vigo, wife of the new Rector, re-started
the movement and eventually the Mothers’ Union banner appeared
in our Church. The meetings are held monthly and there is quite a
good membership.
Girls Friendly Society
In the year 1948, Mrs Vigo started a Girls Friendly Society in
Ash. She was helped by Mrs McCarthy of the "Old Rectory"
and Mrs Muller of "School House". The girls were trained
in drama by Mrs McCarthy and several very good shows were put on
in the Parish Hall. The proceeds of these shows were the main
source of the Society’s funds.
Mrs Muller taught the mothers various handicrafts,
and they were taught ballroom dancing by Mrs Vigo and country
dancing by Mrs Farage.
Visits were paid to Girls Friendly Societies in
neighbouring villages and of course our members returned the
compliments. |
The Society started with a fairly
strong membership, but gradually girls left the Village for
business purposes, or were married and moved away and there were
few eligible to take their places. After about four years the
membership was so small that it was decided to discontinue the
Guides and Brownies
The first Ash Company of Girl Guides was formed
in 1942 with Mrs Gladys Simmons as Captain. The meetings were held
in a hut on Mr W. Simmons property, Billett Hill. The girls showed
great enthusiasm in cleaning and decorating the hut and spent many
happy hours there until the Company was disbanded in October 1945.
The register and records are in the possession of Mrs Simmons.
There was a membership of 25.
Several years earlier there was a Company of girl
Guides which combined Ash members with Fawkham, but records are
not available.
A small Company of Brownies has been running for a
few years now under the leadership of Miss Joan Barnes as Brown
Scouts and Cubs
The only record available of the formation of a
Company of Boy Scouts is during the First World War. This Company
was run by Mr Debenham Jnr. |