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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

W.I. History of Ash and Ridley from Earliest Records to 1957 - Page 95

Celebrations continued

occasion. Flags decorated the meadow and many fluttered from the houses. The weather was poor on both Coronation Day and on our own day of celebration.
   Generous donations were received and after covering all expenses there was over £18 in hand and this was spent at a later date on a firework display, the largest this Village has seen.
   It is interesting to compare the following figures with the accounts for the 1887 celebrations.
Coronation celebrations account
 £     s   d                                       £   s   d
54-14- 6 Donations                      1-18- 0  Beakers
12 - 0- 0 Dartford Rural District  1-15- 0  Plates
                  Council allowance     1-19- 4  Balloons
                                                             & sundries

 £     s   d                                    £   s   d
11- 1-11 Taken on the field         5-12- 6 Ices
                      and at Dance          2- 0- 0 Beer
 0- 4- 7 Refund on paper             4-15- 4 Groceries
                         mache plates       6- 6- 8 Bread & Cakes
 0-15- 1 Sale of surplus paper    11- 5-10 Prizes
        mache beakers and plates    4- 4- 0 Band
        to Hodsoll Street for Fete    7- 0- 0 Fireworks
                                                     3- 2- 0 Coronation mugs
                                                     3- 0- 0 Hire of Hall
                                                     0-12- 6 Insurance
                                                     7- 4- 6 Minerals
                                                   18- 0- 5 Balance used for
                                                              firework display
                                                                in November
78-16- 1                                     78-16- 1


Coronation Celebration Pictures

Dedication of Coronation tree 1953                                       Ash Woman’s Institute, donors of the tree

Some of the Children in                  The School Queen in readiness for the             Children’s Obstacle Race
the Fancy Dress Parade                           Royal Procession, May 30th                     in Coronation Sports    

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