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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

W.I. History of Ash and Ridley from Earliest Records to 1957 - Page 100

Playing Fields & Hodsoll Street Hall

Ash Playing Field
   In 1934 the Baroness M. Meyeren Hohenberg, who was then living at "The Patch" (now known as "Eaglesfield"), West Yoke rented the field on which the "Villa Croisic" now stands. At that time it was the property of the late Harry Smith, who owned "Corner Farm", West Yoke. The Baroness had the field prepared for a children’s playing field. A swing and a see-saw were erected. The official opening day was celebrated with a fete. For about 2 years, perhaps a little more, the children made good use of the field. The fete had brought in funds to help keep the field in good condition. In about 1936 the Baroness moved away and soon afterwards Harry Smith sold his farm and of course the Playing Field went with it.
   Before this time Mr G. Day loaned the field known as "Clays Mead" for a children’s playing field.

Hodsoll Street Playing Field
   In 1956 Mr W.C.R. Stoneham of Pettings Court, Hodsoll Street, offered a small field behind the Council Houses at Hodsoll Street to the Parish Council for a Children’s playing field. The Council accepted the offer and had the field fenced in. They are entirely responsible for its upkeep, but the land still remains the property of Mr Stoneham.

Hodsoll Street and Ridley 
   proposed Village Hall

   Early in 1952 the people of Hodsoll Street and Ridley decided that a Village Hall was necessary, especially now that the population had increased. The Rev. J.D. Vigo called a public meeting and it was decided to start raising funds for this purpose. A committee was formed with the Rev. J. D. Vigo as Chairman, Mrs Betty Bolster Hon. Secretary, and Mr W.C.R. Stoneham Hon. Treasurer. Over the years membership of the Committee has changed, at the present time members are:- Mr A.J. Talbot, Chairman, Mrs Bolster Hon. Secretary, Mr Stoneham Hon. Treasurer, Rev. Vigo, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Handford, Mrs K. Smith, Mr & Mrs R. Sanders, Mr & Mrs G. French and Mr C. Waters. The money raised for this project has now reached approximately £630. Fetes, sales, whist drives, dances etc. have all helped towards this achievement. Part of the land for the hall was given by Mr & Mrs T.H. Burgess, late of Hodsoll Street, and Messrs F Terney and Sons Ltd. the Brewers, have offered to make available further land when we are ready to build, this land would also be given. The committee have now decided on the size of the building they consider most suitable and have selected provisionally a type of building they think it likely they will be able to erect. Planning permission is now being sought.

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