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Ash next Ridley - Parish Information

W.I. History of Ash and Ridley from Earliest Records to 1957 - Page 110

Interesting Houses continued

Ridley Old Rectory, watercolour as it was originally

One house with these rooms, one kitchen, one parlour, three butteries, three chambers, one barne~d yard, one garden piece planted with codlin trees, containing foure daw-work, one orchard containing one rood, one meadow divided with shaws adjacent containing five acres, one field called Barleydale, now Parsonage Field, containg eight acres ~
                                                                                                            Extract from old register~

Glebe House, Ridley
   Next to the "Old Rectory", Ridley, stands a charming little old house now known as "Glebe House". It is probably as old as the Rectory. Something like one hundred years ago it was a Dame School where the children of Ridley, New Street and Hodsoll Street attended and paid a few pence a week. It was then known as "School House". In the year 1900, the Reverend H.B. Hennell came to Ridley Rectory (now the "Old Rectory") and the cottage became known as Rectory Cottage and was the home of the Rectory gardener. About the time Reverend H.B. Hennell moved to Ash Rectory (now the Old Rectory) two maiden ladies, the Misses Le Feuvre, were living at Rectory Cottage. TheyThe Well, Ridley - W.I. Book of Ash next Ridley 1957 page 111- Aspects of Kentish Local History were great social workers and when the Parish was without a meeting place opened their house for various meetings. Miss Amy Le Feuvre, another sister, was the author of many children’s books.

In 1947, after the sale of Ash Rectory, it became the temporary Rectory for Ash and Ridley, and remained so until the new Rectory at Ash was completed in 1954.

Glebe House, Ridley

   At some time in its history the original cottage was enlarged, probably when it became a Dame School.

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