James Whatman, Esq., M.P., William Oxenden
Hammond, Esq., and the Rev. Beale Poste have kindly consented to
act as Auditors for the year.
"Messrs. Randall, Mercer, and Co., of Maidstone,
and Messrs. Hammond and Co., of Canterbury, having consented to
receive our deposits, the Committee recommend that they be
appointed Bankers of the Society.
"Although the accounts of the Society will not
necessarily be audited and presented till the Annual General
Meeting takes place, yet, as it may be satisfactory to subscribers
to have some information, on the present state of our finances,
the Committee beg to lay before the Meeting the following general
summary of receipts and expenditure up to the present day, leaving
the particular details till the annual audit:—
Leaving a balance in hand of |
£ s. d.
329 1 6
59 19 3
£269 2 8
"Of this sum £195 must be funded, being the
amount of thirty-nine life compositions.
Balance at Mercer and Co.'s . . . . .
Balance at Hammond and
Deduct Life
Balance available for current expenses |
£ s. d.
217 8 1
269 2 3
51 14 2
195 0 0
2 8
"As far as our present returns show, two hundred
and twenty-three Members have not yet paid their subscriptions.
These, when paid, which we may expect immediately, will produce
£111, to be added to the £74 as above, which will make our
available balance for current expenses £185.
"It now only remains for the Committee to
congratulate you on the auspicious prospect before you. These
congratulations are founded not so much on your numerical
strength, large though it be, as on the hopes which may well be
entertained of the hearty cooperation of all your learned and
distinguished Members, with the young and ardent among you who
have yet to win their renown in elucidating the antiquities of our
county and in promoting the science in whose cause we are
"In conclusion, they present to you their
Report, trusting that