Indorsed: To the most reverend father in God, and ray verey
singuler good Lord, my lord Cardinal! of Yorke, legate de latere,
Ms good grace.
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(Marvels not a little that he had not received the King's letters,
others had done, in time convenient, demanding a levy of fifty
"sufficiently harnessed to do the King's grace service in
his wars." All
able persons had been already taken up by other men, and it was
not for
his poor honesty "to send forth upon haste unable persons and
men's leavings.")
Pleace it yor good grace to understand that this
xxiith day of
Aprile, in the evenynge, sitting at my supper, I receyved the
Kinges grace moost honorable letters, dated at Richemount, the ixth day of the said moneth,
by whiche I am commaunded to
send to Grenewiche fyfty hable persons sufficiently harnessed,
to do the Kinges grace service in his warres, by the last day of
this moneth of Aprile. My Lord, I mervale not a litelle what
it shuld meahe, that the Kinges grace said letters were not
unto me in tyme conveniente, as other menn receyved
the Kinges grace letters directed unto thaim; and righte
I am that I can not accomplisse the Kinges grace pleasir conteyned
in the said letters, bireason of the late receyvyng of thoes
letters, and for lakke of tyme sufficient. Suche hable persons
as were nyghe unto me hereaboughte bee taken up alredy by
other men, whiche I was contented to permitte and suffer, seing
that I had no letters or other commaundemente from the Kinges
grace on that behalf, and to send furthe upoun hast unhable
persons and other mennys levinges I think it shuld not stand
best wk my power honeste. And now to send to ferther places,
as to Cauntrebury, Charring, or thoes quarters, for chosing and
preparing of the said fyfty persons, I suppose my labors and
costes in that behalf shuld bee voide and in vayne, forasmuche
as it is not possible for me to send thaim to Grenewiche by the
day appointed. Wherefor I beseche yor grace of yor greate
goodnes, the premisses considered, to bee meanes to the Kinges
noble grace, that his highnes take no displeasire wt me for that
I can not throughe lakke of tyme prepare and send furthe the