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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 1  1858   page 38

Archbishop Warham's Letters (1518? to 1528?), (from H. M. State Paper Office)

fortune his grace to entre in to warrya, which yet hangyd (as far as I know) in doubte. And ferther I requiryd of theym to shew who wer they that counsellyd or moved thaym at that tyme so to assemble; and they aunswerd forsothe, povertie only, amrmyng that many of thaym, and specyally of thair naybors that tarryd at home, lackyd bothe mete and money; and sayd ferther uppon thair othe, that no creature lyving counsellyd thaym in this behalf, but their own myndes, one complaynyng to an other of theyr poverties. Albeyt I was enformed that some usyd the office of somners in that behalf, of whom I wold have made inquisition, or this tyme which I have refrayned to do hitherto, bycause I wold gyve noo maner occasionne to incense the yncertayne and wavering braynes of the said multitude. For commonly in a multitude the more parte lack both wytt and discretion, and yet the same more part woll take upon theym to rule the wisor. Over this I rehersyd unto thaym that abought two yeres passed they made a lyke assembly, and came to me in lyke maner, and for the same cause of the loone money, wt the which unlaufull assembly the Kinges grace was than not a lytle displeasyd, and howe the Kinges grace and his moost honorable counsell wold take this new assemble I shewyd thaym I could not tell. They aunswerd that they trustyd verely that the Kinges grace wold take noo displeasure for the asking of the said loone, inasmoch as they wer his true subjectes and woll lyve and dye in his cause, trustyng that the Kinges grace woll have pietie and compassion
uppon theyr poverties. Than I askyd thaym why they came to me for this matier rather than to other of the commissioners. They aunswered, bycause I was one of the chief of the commissioners, and one that chiefely practysed the loone wt thaym that so assemblyd. And theruppon they humbly beseched me to be meane to declar thair povertie to the Kinges grace, and to speke for the having agayne of thair loone. Fynally, I shewyd that if they absteynyng from suche unlawfull assembles, wold make thayr petytyon discretely in writing, I wold be contentyd to offer yt up to the Kinges grace wt the furtheraunce of my good worde, for I saide to thaym that apon thayr wordes I wold make no relation or suyt for thayme to the Kinges grace, lest percas I shuld say more or lesse in thayr cause than they wold be contentyd wtall. Wherunto they aunswerd that they had lytlo wyt to make suche a supplication,

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