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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 1  1858  page 176

Notes of Brasses formerly existing in Dover Castle, Maidstone and Ashford Churches from the Surrenden Collection. By Herbert L. Smith Esq

IN the description of the Surrenden Collection of manuscripts given by the Honorary Secretary in the preceding pages, mention is made, at p. 51, of a volume of Church Notes made by Sir Edward Bering, the first baronet, in conjunction with Philipot, about the year 1630. I have the gratification of communicating to the pages of  'Archaeologia Cantiana' four specimens from this volume. The outlines here given are exact copies of the originals, and fair samples of the interesting nature of the whole collection. It is only to be regretted that these records do not extend beyond thirty-two parishes. Many of the monuments, however, here recorded, have either wholly passed away, or have suffered great mutilation since Sir Edward's trickings were originally made. A large number of the heraldic memorials no longer exist, and in one instance, viz. that of the ancient church in Dover Castle, nothing remains but roofless crumbling walls. 
   I have copied the Dover Brass in exact facsimile of the original, without that reduction in size which was found necessary to adapt the other three outlines for the pages of this work. Lyon, in his history of Dover Castle, gives a very rough and unsatisfactory sketch, more like that of an effigy than a brass, being without any of 

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