quarto R.
Ricardi scdi G.' Lower than this, in small letters, was cast—
In Maidstone church, the large stone on which was
the figure of Woodville, (though now lying level with the
pavement,) in the days of Dering, covered an altar-tomb, and had
then all its brasses complete. Not one of these now remains, but
the form and number of the chasings sufficiently identify it as
the one represented by Dering. The following pedigraic sketch,—for
which I am indebted to T. W. King, Esq., York Herald,—is from
Vincent's Collections in the College of Arms, B. 2. 253, and it
enables us to identify the escutcheons as those of Richard
Wydville, of the Mote, in Maidstone, viz. first and third shield,
quarterly, first and fourth Wydville, second and third ? Gabyon;
second shield, quarterly, first and fourth Bedlesgate, second and
third Beauchamp; fourth shield, the first impaling the second.
pedigraic sketch
The outline of the canopied
altar-tomb in Maidstone church, hesitatingly assigned by Dering to
Courtenay, represents a monument about which considerable
uncertainty has existed.
1 This
Stephen Norton was a celebrated bell-founder in Kent