Vincent turned up, from a book marked Quid Non, which threw
much light upon the question; but as Vincent's pedigree contained
some grave chronological errors, I procured a search to be made
among the ' Inquisitiones post mortem' at the General Record
Office, and embody the results of that investigation in the
following pedigraic sketch:—
pedigraic sketch
The return of the jury, though no doubt in the
correct, gives a slight error of about two years in the age
of David the son, which however is not of sufficient
importance to affect our object of identifying the monument
as that of Elizabeth, the daughter of Henry Lord Ferrers, of Groby. Vincent's pedigree gives the date of
the death of this David, Earl of Athol, as Oct. 10, 43
Edw. III., or 1370, which affords about five years' survivorship
for his wife, during which time she is described
as becoming the wife of Malweyn, of Ashford. Had the
Inquisitions recorded the name as Malmain or Valoignes,
the association would have appeared intelligible; the Maimains
having large property at "Waldershare and Pluckley,
and the Valoignes great possessions at Ashford; as
also had the Fogges, with one of whom, Thomas Fogge
Esq., of Ashford, she is also associated, as Hasted says,