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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 1  1858  page 189

Sir  Roger Twysdens Journal from the Roydon Hall MSS

known hys name, to bee committed to prison till he found suerties for hys good abearing, and to certyfy to the howse of Commons all such as excused themselves by priviledge of Parlyament, etc.
   4. This I conceive the first command the howse of Commons ever extended to all hys Maties Justices of Peace through England (for what was done heere was likewise in other places); and it seemed to me very preposterous that they who were agents for others Petitioners, and Assentors in making lawes in others' stead, should generally command so considerable a part of those had sent them thither by paper Orders. I remembred to have read of a certayn Byshop, who, in hys journy to Trent, being robd, desired ye Councell there met to make some declaration against such as should enterprise ye like in future, wch the Legats dextrously diverted, considering how dangerous the consequence
might bee to ye Pope, for them there to make Edicts "per propria esaltatione."1 Besides, I did not know any law (wch they then profest to mainteyn) inabled a Justice of Peace to cast in prison or bind to the good beehaviour any person, Popish recusant or other, meerely for refusing to tell hys name. But former fears of that partie's prevayling, and of some more then ordinary favor carryed unto them, made every Justice willing to adde their help to ye discovery of them—though I know some saw an ille sequele might ensue their doing it on such a warrant.
   5. And these were ye leading presidents to that of ye 28 of August, 1641, inabling and requiring Mayors, Jurats, Justices of Peace, etc., to disarme all Popish Recusants
1 Hist. Concil. Trident, lib. 2, p. 133, edit. London, 1619.—T.
     " Catalano Triultio, Vescovo di Piacenza, arrivato 2 giorni prima, narro publicamente, che passando poco lontano dalla Mirandola era stato svaliggiato, et dimando, one in Concilio si facesse un' ordinatione contra quelli che impedivano o molestavano i Prelati, & altre persone che andassero al Concilio," etc. etc.—ED,

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