as designed; so, as beeing one nominated by them, I did
the best lay in me for collecting the guiftc, or rather,
assessing of it, though after I found us mistaken, never
any prince making greater excesse in rewards then they
to each other.
13. Some while after, hearing of the perpetuating the
Parliament, The Earl of Strafford's execution by a private
law (wch yet no other judge was to take for a rule), No
other declaration of hys treason but Mr. Sollicitor's argument,
of which before, n. 2, I cannot deny but I beegan
to bee much troubled, and resolved to sequester myself
from anything of publick so much as lay in my power, remembring
a saying of my father's, "Bene vivit qui bene latet." And that I might give no offence, resolved, as
occasion should serve, to goe beeyond ye Seas, for which
purpos I had provided me of a passe, which I kept by
14. That which troubled me in my Lord's execution
was, that if penall Statutes, even those concerned Treason,
might be expounded, not according to the letter,
but by equity, I did not see any man could bee certayn
not to bee impeached of Treason; and ye clause in ye
25 Ed. 3d, That the Justicess hould not determine any
thing to bee treason not in it specyfyed, tyll it were declared
by Parlyament,1 to bee absolutely inverted; that
being (as I understood it) an answer to the Commons,
and for ye securing of them in future, in respect some
had dyed, as they shewde, for that they understoode not
to bee Treason; upon wch the King enumerates what
should bee so reputed, and for their safety in tyme to
come, that none might pretend ignorance, added this,
" Qe si autre case suppose treison qe n'est especifietz par
" avant avegne de novel devant ascuns Justices, demoerge
" le Justice sanz aler a jugement de Treison tanqe devant
" nostre Seigr le Roy et son Parlement soit le cas monstre
1 i.e. Seemed
to be absolutely inverted.—ED