Strode, and my self, wth Mr. Richard Spencer,1 to hys
lodging, where I spake of what had past, and not longafter,
in came Mr. Blount,2 ye lives about Greenwitch.
By us many things were propounded as worthy a place in
it; amongst others, I remember I spake of ye great
licence ye howse of Commons then tooke in ejecting
members and declaring unknowne priviledges; but these,
as what might give offence, were layd aside, and it was
held nothing was fit to bee inserted might justly distast
eyther howse.
25. The next day th' Assizes beegan, and ye Judge,
at an oportune tyme, eyther on hys owne inclination,
considering ye present distempers, or moeved by some
other, told them, in other parts gentlemen of good accoumpt
served in the Grand Jury; he would neyther
command nor persuade any to the service, onely thought
fit to acquaynt them wth it. Upon wch, after some small
demur, divers embracing ye mottion were returned, the
first of whom was Sr Edward Bering. Now I shall desire
any one to consider, whither this Petitioning was
likely to have beene on designe of saying ought might
mislike the Paiiyament, when Sir Ed. Bering was
ye foreman; and whether wee, in likelyhood, were so
absolute fooles as no t to have dissuaded his medling
wth the charge, could we have mistrusted hys beeing of
it, wth an intent of doing what they approeved not, beeing
a person against whom (as beeing lately secluded
by ye Commons) some exceptions might lye; but our
integrity was such, we never apprehended any thing of
that nature ; and, for my owne particular, I knewe so
little whither there would bee any petitioning or not,
1 The Hon. Richard Spencer, of Orpington, third son
of Robert first
Lord Spencer, of Wormleighton.—ED.
2 Since called
Colonell Blunt, a great stickler for ye two houses
of Parlnt".—T. He was the principal informer of the proceedings
at Maidstone,
an account of which he gave in evidence at the Bar of the House.—ED.