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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 1  1858  page 211

Sir  Roger Twysdens Journal from the Roydon Hall MSS

any word in the whole against ye good of ye kingdome, or ye could justly offend ye howse of Commons. I remember one thing he excepted against was ye not giving the howse enough expressions-of thanks, but turning them wfll reflection on ye King for the good Lawes had beene lately past; wch was done, not to derogate any thing from them, but to joyn both together, in respect the law hath an especiall eye on ye King in making of
it. See Fitzherbert, Error 8.
   35. Upon the 29th of March, beeing at my howse1 in Kent, never expecting any such thing, I was arrested by an Order of the howse of Commons, bearing date ye day beefore, dyrected thus:—
    " To John Hunt, Esqr, Serjeant at Arms, attending on ye
       sayd Howse, hys Deputy or Deputies :— .
   By vertue of an Order this day made by the howse of Commons, These are to will and require you, your Deputy or Deputies, forthwith to make repayr to ye severall abodes or dwellings of Sr Edward Dering, Knt and Baronet, Sr George Stroode, Knt, Richard Spencer, Esqr, and Sr Roger Twysden, and them, there, and elsewhere, to apprehend, and bring beefore ye sayd howse, as Delinquents, to answer such matters as shall be objected against them, and every of them. And for your so doing, this shall bee your sufficient warrant. Given under my hand, ye 28th day of March, 1642, Annoque Regis Caroli Angliae, etc., xviij.
                                                                Wm LENTALL."
   The day following, viz. ye 30th of March, 1642, I was served wth a warrant from ye howse of Peers of ye 28th of ye same month, directed to ye Gentleman Usher attending ye sayd howse, his deputy and deputies, and to all Mayors, Justices of Peace, Sheriffs, Constables, and other hys Maties Officers, to be ayding and assisting to ye sayd Gentleman Ushier and hys Deputies, to attach ye bodies of Sr Edward Dering, Knt, Sr Roger Twysden, Baronet, Sr George Strood, Knt, and Richard Spencer,
   1   i e. His seat, Roydon. Hall, in East Peckham.—ED.

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