de Husseburne, Ricardo de Herierd, Willelmo de Waren, Justiciariis,
et aliis fidelibus domini Regis ibidem tune presentibus.
Inter GALFRIDUM filium PETRI, petentem, per Willelmum de
Wrotham, position loco suo ad lucrandum vel perdendum, et FOLCONEM
ABBATEM, et Convention de LESNES, tenentes.
De pastura in NORD OCHOLTE,1 quam ipse
GALFRIDUS clamabat esse communem pasturam de SUTTUNE.
Unde placitum fait inter eos in prefata Curia, scilicet quod
predictus GALFRIDUS filius PETRI remisit et quietum clam vit
ABBATI et CONVENTUI de LESNES, pro amore Dei, et beate
Marie, et beati Thome Martiris, et omnium Sanctorum Dei, totum
jus et clamium suum quod habuit in predicta pastura, de
se et de heredibus suis, in perpetuum.
Et pro hoc fine et concordia et quieto clamio, predicti Abbas
et Conventus dederunt, concensu et voluntate predicti GALFRIDI,
prefato WILLELMO de WROTHAM et heredibus suis, triginta acras
terre in OCHOLT, tenendas de predictis Abbate et Conventu in
perpetuum, per liberum servicium unius libre cumini per annum,
pro omni servicio, ad festum Sancti Michaelis reddendum, Et
ille predicte triginta acre sunt inter le HAEC et terrain SIMONIS
le HERT.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
XX —(22)
[15 November, 1197, 9 Ric. I.]
(Henry deScornes, in a recognizance of Mortd'
Ancestor, remises to
and Thomas, sons of the late Robert de Fugeleston, all claim in
one and a
half yoke, less three acres and one perch, in Cobam, and in two
acres and
a half of meadow in Shorne, and in one yoke in Hoo, and in the
service of
one yoke in East Herting, and in seventeen acres in Cobham, which
were Robert de Hecsted's; for which they give to said Henry thirty-five
and he promises never to plead, with Emma de Duneleia, against
them, for
the lands whereof he has called the said Emma to warranty.)
Hec est finalis concordia facta in Curia domini Regis apud
Westmonasterium, die Sabbati proxima post festum Sancti
Martini, anno regni Regis Ricardi nono.
Coram domino H. Cantuariensi Archiepiscopo, Radulpho
Herefordensi, Ricardo Eliensi, Archidiaconis, magistro Thoma
1 The manor of Ocholte was in Knockholt
into which the manor of Sutton extended.