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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 5  1863  page 321

Account of the Society's Researches at Sarr (Sarre) Part 1 by John Brent Esq., F.S.A. 

THE relics found throughout our researches bear, with few exceptions, a great resemblance to those exhumed some years since from the neighbouring cemetery at Ozingell. Beside the usual weapons and implements in iron, such as swords, urn-bones, spear-heads, knives, and keys, we have added to the Society’s Museum several glass vessels, two being of the pillared or tear-drop form; much pottery, some of which is of curious shape; a bronze balance and scales, in fine preservation, and accompanied by their weights; a door-lock with bolt, constructed to work diagonally; a horse-bit; an axe-head; two weapons, like a Highland dirk and knife, in one double scabbard; a pike, three feet nine inches long; a spear, with a fastening like that of a bayonet; a sword, with two plates of silver forming part of the guard; an enamelled sword pommel, a beautiful belt-clasp, with a plate of ‘gold in the centre; shears, bronze tweezers, bronze and bone pins; children’s toys; a number of draughts, or counters; beads of great variety, of amethyst, amber, glass, porcelain, and coloured clay; carbuncle pendants, set in silver and gold; a good variety of fibulae, etc.

    The excavations were commenced on the 17th of September last, and concluded on the 17th of December, during which period 187 graves were opened.
   It remains for me to tender my best thanks to our noble President and the Council for the encouragement and assistance which they have given me throughout this undertaking.
                               J.B.    December, 22, 1863.
   [The Society owes a very great debt of thanks to Mr. Brent, who has been working most kindly and laboriously in our interests. The scheme which he has so successfully carried out has been one of no small fatigue, and from its engrossing nature one of no small inconvenience; to say nothing of the discomfort and real personal risk involved in carrying on such works for three or four days in every week, during the last three unusually stormy months, and on as bleak and exposed a down as Saxon ever chose for his burying-place
   How valuable his efforts have been will be partly seen from

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