Edward Hales during his minoritye at the like yearlie
rent of three score six pounds thirteene shillings and foure pence which
said rents I have paied accordingly in the said Court of Wards and
Liveries vntill and from St Michaell the Arch Angell one thousand six
hundred fortie and five and further vntill the foure and twentith Day of
February following 1645 (it being then ordered by the then Parlyament
that no more rents or payments should be made in the said Court of Wards
and Liveries after the said foure and twentith day of Februarie 1645) I
doe now fully and whollie remitt to the sayd Edward Hales his sayd
Wardshipp and all benefitt thereof which I might have had towards my
reimbursinge what I have laied out and paied for him as aforesaid Item
Whereas for the benefitt and advancement of the said Edward Hales sonne
of the said Sr John Hales my sonne deceased and out of my love and
respect to him I have made my selfe tenant onlie for life in the chiefe
part of my Estate whereby I cannot legallie make any Lease thereof to
endure longer then my life yett I have taken upon mee to make some
leases thereof And where I was tenant onlie by courtesie I have alsoe
made Leases for some yeares yet enduring not for lesse rent than
formerlie nor to the prejudice of the said Edward Hales or his heires or
the said Anne his wife I doe hereby therefore desire the said Edward
Hales and Anne his wife my sonne and daughter or grandsonne and
granddaughter soe farr to respect mee and my actions tending to theire
good that such leases by mee made as aforesaid may not be questioned or
avoided by them or either of them if the lessees of the said
leases |
respectivelie shall willinglie take new leases for
the tearme not expired of them the said Edward Hales and Anne his wife
and either of them vpon the same tearmes and condicons being tendred
vnto them. Touching the lands of the said Dame Deborah my late deare and
loing wife deceased and grandmother of the said Edward Hales my heire
and Executor sole Daughter and heire of Martin Herlackenden late of
Woodchurch in the said County of Kent Esqe by Deborah his wife one of
the Daughters of Thomas Whetenhall of Peckham in the said Countie of
Kent Esqe deceased and afterwards wife of Sr Edward Waterhouse knight
deceased And which by reason of the alteracon of the nature of Gavelkynd
by Act of Parliament for the same discended and came wholly to the sayd
Sr John Hales mine and her eldest sonne (whoe with my selfe vpon
occasion sould part thereof lyeing in the Parishes of Petham Snave and
Lydd in Kent aforesaid) and from him discended vnto the said Edward
Hales his only sonne I never challenged or had further interest in them
in such part thereof as the said Dame Deborah was possessed of and not
in joincture or otherwise given by Will for life to the said Deborah
afterwards the Lady Waterhouse her mother for my life only by curtesie
neither I doe medle with any disposicon of them otherwise then by Lease
for short tyme as aforesayd And whereas my sonne Samuell Hales did
purchase of my Cozen John Hales late of Boughton Malherbe near Lenham in
the said Countie of Kent deceased the Mannor of Bowley and Lands in
Boughton Malherbe |