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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 14  1882  page 152

St Radegund's Pramonstratensian Abbey by W. H. St John Hope B.A.

west chamber, is nearly all destroyed; its floor was supported by beams, not by groining. The north gable, however, remains, and portions of the west windows, which were pointed lancets. From the good character of the work in this block, as well as the existence of a fire-place and outer doors, it seems most reasonable to suppose we have here the cellarer's buildings; the larger apartment being the hall of the guests. The smaller room has been conjectured to be the forensic parlour.
   Extending westwards, from the south end of this range, is a long series of small chambers. These may have formed part of the cellarer's lodgings for guests. Only a portion of this building has been excavated.
   It only remains to mention in our survey the outer or base court. There are some fragments of buildings on the east side, but on the south we have a very perfect specimen of a tithe barn. This is, like the rest of the Abbey, of twelfth century date, with long narrow slits widely splayed within in its ends. The projecting

entrance porch is in the middle of its north side, and has had a living room over it, with a fireplace, gained by a stair. The roof does not appear to be original.
   There are also remains of two gatehouses. One stands a few paces to the north of the church and retains some traces of the almonry and porter's lodge. The other is placed southeast of the Abbey at a distance of about 200 yards.
   The accompanying ground-plan was drawn by me from measurements taken during the progress of the excavations.
Dimensions of the Buildings.
Church-total interior length-183¾ft. x 25 1/4 ft.; 
   width across transept 98¾ ft.
Cloister-72¼ ft. x 70½ ft. Chapter House-34 ft. x 21 ft.
Parlour-22 ft. x 12 ft. Common House-? 52½ ft. x 22 ft.
Cellarer's Buildings-24ft. x 19½ ft., and 49ft. x 19¾ft.
Refectory-42 ft. x 24 ft. Infirmary Hall-47 ft. x 27 ft.
Infirmary Court-54 ft. x 46½ ft.

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