premisses, and after he had recovered the possession thereof, he
did, as they have heard, proffer the same to severall tennants and -
one would medle therewith, or give him above sixteene pounds per
annum for the same unlesse he would first put the same in repaire,
to his greate damage, in respect whereof he was forced to fall to
repaireing of the same houses and m [al] thowses being then very . .
. . and fallen much to decay in the tymber worke and other
works," etc., "And theis defendants doe
denie yt the said Henry ffrench. to their knowledges, in his life
time did fell downe anie tymber which grew on the premisses."
"And theis defendants further say, that the said Henry,
being so seized as aforesaid, about July in the yeare of our Lord
one thousand six hundred fifty and two he made his Will in writeing,
and thereby he gave [the] said mortgaged messuage, lands and
premisses to this defendante Anne for and during the terme of
her widowehood, And after her decease or marriage he gave the same
unto this other defendante ffrancis ffrench for ever; and
shortly after he dyed soe seized as aforesaid; after whose decease
this defendante Anne entred into the said messuage, lands and
premisses, and hath ever since enjoyed the same, and hath received
the rents and proffitts thereof" etc.
Sworn 18 June, 1657.
(A true copy by me, James Greenstreet, this 30th of October, 1879.)
(Bill of Complaint.)
"4 die Novembris 1669. To the Right Honable Sir Orlando
Bridgman, Knight and Barronet, Lord Keeper of the Greate Seale.
"In most humble manner complayneing, Doe shewe vnto your Honor
your daily Orators ffrancis Hodsall, of Ightham, in the County of
Kent, yeoman, and Maxfeild Hodsall, of Shippborne, in the County
aforesaid, yeoman, that whereas Gyles Mandy, late of Ightham
aforesaid, yeoman, was in his
lyfetyme (that is to saye) aboute the moneth of March in the yeare
of our Lord God one thousand six hundred sixty and six, as he
pretended, lawfully seized in his demeane, as of ffee, of and in All
that messuage or tenement, with the barnes, stables, outhouses and
appurtenances therevnto belongeing, corn only called by the name of
Splaines Greene, scituate, standing, lying and being in the Parish
of ffletching in the County’ of Sussex,"—"And of and
in all those seaven peices or parcells of lands, meaddowe, pasture
and woodgrounde, with the appurtenances, with the said messuage or
tenement vsually held, occupyed or enioyed, comonly called Inholmes
Hylesses and Stroade Crofts, conteyned togeather eleven acres more
or Jesse, lyeing and being in ffletching aforesaid "-—"
And of and in all those three other peices or parcells of land, with
their appurtenances, comonly called Worgers, conteyning by
estimation ten acres, in ffletching aforesaid,"—"being
alltogether of the cleare yearely value of twenty pounds or
thereaboutes And he the said Gyles Mandy, being soe thereof seized,
for good and valuable Consideration, by his Indenture beareing date
the sixth day of March in the said yeare of our Lord God one
thousand six hundred sixty and six, and by ffyne therevppon had and
levyed, Did graunte, bargaine and sell all and singuler the
prernisses, with their appurtenances, vnto your said Orator Maxfeild
Hodsall, and to John Hodsall his brother, and their heires, To the
only vse and behoofe of your said Orator Maxfeud, and his brother
John, and of their heires and assignes forever, as in and by the
said Indenture and ffyne vppon Record, relation being respectively
therevnto had, it doth and may appeare. And your said Orators doe
ffurther shew that at there was greate kind nesse betweene him the
said Gyles Mandy and your said Orators and the said John Hodsall in
reguarde he the said Gyles was owne brother to Jane Hodsall mother
of your said Orators and of the said John Hodsall, and therevppon
your said Orators did lende diverse considerable sumes of mony to
him the said Gyles Maundy, to supply his occasions, amounting in the |