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Archaeologia Cantiana -  Vol. 16  1886  page 146

Barfreston Church A.D. 1840 by R.C. Hussey, F.S.A.

seemed of later date than the rest of the church. Nearly the whole of the plinth of the South pier of the chancel arch, and a small part of that of the North are new; so also is the band of the Western shaft of the North pier. A few small pieces of new stone were found requisite in reconstructing the large arch (probably from its being set with greater accuracy than was originally used); and a few pieces of ashlar were inserted in the soffit, where the arch stones were not long enough to reach through the thickness of the walling. The impost mouldings of the recesses, at the sides of the chancel arch, are new; copied from the remains of the old ones. One new stone has been supplied in the North arch, and four in the South. In rebuilding these two arches, the mason, without directions, transposed some of the stones, under the idea that they had not been set in their proper order: in all probability he was right, for they were placed

very irregularly, and they are now arranged according to what must have been intended by the stone-cutter who prepared them; there is no appreciable change in the appearance.
   Inside the chancel, the South side has been mostly rebuilt. Two small windows (of Decorated date), which had been inserted, were removed, and the primary arrangement restored. The Eastern jamb of each of these windows was original, coeval with the church; and as the other jambs, and the arches, were constructed with the stones of the corresponding parts of the old windows, the restoration involved little beyond replacing these in their primitive positions; but a few new stones were required to complete the work. The upper string, except two small stones, and the corbel-head on the Western side of the

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