1542 July 5 ...and Marie Sibill, married. [It is uncertain
to whom this entry refers. The husband’s name has
never been recorded, but Marie Sibill may be the
sister of John. His signature occurs to the pedigree
in the Heralds’ Visitation of Kent in 1574.]
(k) Edward Sybil was concerned in at least two Chancery
suits respecting ownership of lands, and in a Star Chamber suit in 1589
against Robert Bösseville and his niece’s husband John Hope about the
same matter (Calendar of State Papers). He paid quit-rents to the manor of
Kingsdown for that of Chipsted amounting altogether to 30s. 7d., two capons,
one cookerell, nineteen hens, and 190 eggs (ibid.). His will is dated
5 March 1592. By it he left all his goods and chattells to wife Dorothy, who
was to be executrix, she also to have all his lands and tenements in Kent
and elsewhere for life (except a tenement in Sevenocke in occupation of
William Wood). After her to Matthew Colthurst and his heirs, and in default
to Andrew Colthurst and his heirs. To wife and her heirs the tenement in
Sevenocke called Grymsdiche, with all buildings, gardens, outyards, etc.
Witnesses: Thomas Wale, Daniel Skynner, Robert Lovelace. Proved in the P.C.C.
by the executrix 2 April 1593 (29, Nevell).
In the under-mentioned Chancery suit in which Anne Hope was
plaintiff she distinctly states that her uncle Edward died without issue,
and no children are mentioned in his will. Philipot, however, remarks that
"Edward Sibill, the last of this name, resolved into a daughter and
heir, married to. . . . Hide."
(1) In 1595 Ann and her husband, John Hope of Eynsford,
brought an action in Chancery against Leonard Lovelace and Margaret his
wife. claiming certain lands in Kingsdown and Ashe, formerly the
property of Nicholas Sibill, grandfather to the plaintiff
Anne (Calendar of Chancery Proceedings, Queen Elizabeth, Hh. 9, No. 56). I
have examined the Bill and Answer of this suit, and from them are extracted
the information given in the pedigree with respect to Anne Hope’s parents,
uncles, and grandfather, and also the particulars of the latter’s property
previously mentioned. This branch of the Sibill family does not appear in
the pedigree of 1574 at the College of Arms, not being the senior line of
descent, but is added here for the first time.
(m) Elizabeth Sybil married Robert Bosvile in 24 Queen
Elizabeth, 1582, according to Hasted. The marriage is not recorded in the
Eynsford Register, though the baptisms of their children are to be found
there. The first entry is: "1588, 13 March, Elizabeth daughter of
Robert Bossevile christened." That they lived at Little Mote seems
clear, from the reference to "Mr. Bosville’s house at Enysforde"
by the anonymous writer in Stowe MS. 620, who describes the heraldic glass
in the "parlour" windows. Robert Bosvile was afterwards knighted,
but no record has been found of his wife’s death or burial, in spite of
diligent search.
A descendant Thomas, son of Sir Thomas Bosvile, who possessed
the Little Mote property, was baptized at Eynsford 21 December 1640. He
married Elizabeth, only daughter of Sir Francis Wyat, and the marriage
licence is dated 5 November 1660. Fifteen days after he died, and was buried
at Eynsford the next day, but strangely enough his epitaph makes no mention
of his brief married life, which was so tragically cut short. Administration
of his estate was granted to the widow in the P.C.C. December 1660, and she
gave birth on