gives a description of the animal’s nature and habits, often
including a fanciful derivation of its name; then follow quotations from
the Bible, either mentioning or apparently alluding to the animal; and
lastly, the whole was employed to convey some religious or moral lessons
to the reader. There is very considerable variation in the different MSS.,
both in illustration and text, and the symbolism is in some cases entirely
different according to the different schools. These books were extremely
popular in the Middle Ages, and were widely read, and they afford a key to
many animal devices, whether appearing in ecclesiastical buildings, in
heraldry, or as inn signs. What motives were present towards the choice of
particular animals or birds for knightly crests must be a matter of
conjecture, because, although such qualities as courage, gentleness, or
constancy may have been expressed or implied in particular animals in the
MSS., we do not find in effect that crests were confined to these, but
obnoxious beasts were also freely adopted, although they appear in some
instances to have acquired a different signification heraldically.
Some of the illustrated Bestiaries contain particulars of from
100 to 120 beasts, birds, and reptiles, and it would be safer to conclude
that the fact that these MSS. were religious in character was the more
powerful motive, without specifying too exactly the qualifications of the
animals themselves. The "Tiger and Mirror" subject was among those
adopted in heraldry, and by reference to the MSS. we can ascertain the
story. The appended illustration (Plate I.) is reproduced from MS. Add.
11,283 (B.M.), an English Latin Bestiary of the thirteenth century, and
shews the full details. On the left is a tiger biting and pawing a mirror,
in the centre a conventional tree, and on the right a hunter on horseback
riding off with the cub. The illustrations in this MS. are beautifully
coloured; the tiger’s spots and stripes are well delineated, the former
being painted in blue and white circles, the latter in blue and red wavy
lines, while the mirror has a blue centre surrounded by white, red, and
green circles, evidently intended to reflect the colours of the tiger.