tenements, rents, services in the parish of Stapilherst be
sold, money to pay my debts. Wife have lands, tenements, rents, services,
in the parishes of Middelton and Frensted for life, then sold and money
disposed by my Feoffees :—Thomas Water and William Borden, to Middelton
church 66-8d, to a chaplain 66-8d, to Joan daughter of
Thomas Water 40/-, Katherine Polyn my servant 66-8d, the residue to
pious uses.
[Probate 3 March
1484-5.] (Con.
Vol. 3, fol. 35.)
26 May 1512. Probate to her Will. Ex’or—Thomas Berry,
[No more
(A. Act. Vol. 3, fol. 177.)
20 August 1516. Buried in the churchyard of Holy Trinity next
to my father. High altar 2/-; light of Blessed Mary of Pity, the Holy
Trinity, St. James, each 6d, of St. George the Martyr 12d. To the
making of the new frame for the bells of the church 6-8d. Residue
to wife Joan my Ex’or, with Reginald Signet overseer. Wife have for life
all income from my lands, tenements, messuage in which I
dwell with barn and stable a mede called Taynter Croft; and other messuages with
barn, stable, garden, orchard and saffron garden: all my lands in Acreman
field, 2 acres in Sayer field; after her death to son William in fee
simple, and if the child my wife now goeth with be a son, he to have half,
if a girl 66-8d at her marriage. Alice my daughter 66-8d at
marriage. If Sons die without lawful issue lands etc to my daughters in
fee simple, if they die without issue then be sold and money :— for a
priest for two years for our souls, to the Tabernacle of St. John, for
gilding of the Tabernacle of Our Lady the Assumption, to the stock of St.
James’ Light, each £13-6-8d, any residue in works of mercy.
Witnesses :—Thomas Austen vicar, Reginold Symon, William Sayer.
[Probate 18 March 1516-7.] (A.
Vol. 12, fol. 563.)
18 November 1466. If I die of this sickness then Robert atte
Fryth of Iwade shall enfeoffe Peter Dynelay vicar of Middelton [1450-87]
and William Cotyng tanner of the Same, in two acres of land in Iwade which
came to me by the Will of my father; they