Ackworth (Acworth), Allen, 30,
12, 17; Elizabeth, 20, 36; George, 29, 270; William, 20,
Aclay, 29, 15.
Acol, Woodchurch, Thanet, see Churches, Woodchurch.
Acon, Battle, 28, 22; Thomas (Serjoant Kon), 20, 244.
Acourt,. alias Gardner, John, 20, 42; alias Gardner,
Matthew, 20, 42.
Acre, 21, 209, 210, 214.
Acretey, Jane, see Fishcocke, Jane.
Acrise, 22, 269; 25, 101, 109, 264; 27, 57; 31,
226; Church, see Churches.
Acrise Court, map found at, 30, 221.
Acrise (Ocrise), Walter de, .25, 77.
Acton (Middlesex), 30, 247.
Acton, James, 25, 283; Thomas, 32, 66.
Acuna, Martin Vazquez do, Count of Valencia de Don Juan, 37, 162.
Adam, chaplain, 34, 71; Chaplain of Bapchild, 34, .68;
clerk, 83, 79 ; Sacrist, Rochester, 23, 259.
Adams (Adam, Adames, Addam), arms Of, 21, 216; 22, 188; Benet,
36, 63; Elizabeth, 20, 5; Elizabeth, 22, 1 88; George, C.,
30, 176,
177;. R. of Bonnington, 30, 186; Henry, 20, 7; 29, 313;
32, 296; Joan, 20, 31; Joan, a scold, ducked at Rornney, 41, 159 ; Joanna,
27, 16;
John, 20, 13; 24, 198; 29, 110, 117, 125, 138; 30, 26;
36, 63; 27,45; 40, 37; will, 31, 30; John, chamberlain of Tenterden,
33, 92, 94; John,
M.P., 27, 47, 48, 49; Leonard, 42, 33; Margaret, 20, 7, 13; Mrs.,
29, 151 ; Nicholas, Knight of the Shire, 21, 216; 27, 45; Richard,
31; 21, 316; brass, 31, 148; Robert, 29, 311; 36, 63; Samuel,
24, 187;
Stephen, 27, 47; Thomas, 27 ,222 ; Thomasine, widow, will,
31, 260;
William, 22, 188; 25, 261; 26, 26; 36, 63.
Adamson, Sarah, 22, 120.
Adcock (Adeocke), Elizabeth, 20, 34; Elizabeth, 27, 201; John Brissenden,
27, 201; Robert,
43, 173, 180.
Addington, 20, 4, 6, 9, 189, 190, .191, 212; 22, 300; see
also Churches;
graves of archbishops at, 20, 276; neolithic megaliths,
37, 6; manor, 21, 214; 32, 319; Place, 33, 141. |
Addison (Adesone), Edward, 20, 27; Joan, 20, 27; John, R. of
Woldham, 22, 304, 305.
Ad Donam, William, 30, 73.
Adela, daughter of William the Conqueror, 29, 12.
Adelulf (Eadwuif), Church of, at Hawkinge, 45, 71.
Adesham, Henry, R. of Trottescliffe, 20, 189.
Adesone, see Addison.
Adgoe, John, 25, 40.
Adgore, Bridget, 20, 10; Francis, 20, 10; Thomas, 20, 10; William,
Adisham, 20, 65, 161; 21, 178; 25, 260, 261; 30, 70, 72;
31, 219; 32,
47, 235 (?); 44, 105; Church, see Churches; Court, 32, 237;
Manor, 30, 77; 38, 33, 42; 44, 111; Henry, 31, 36; William do,
45, 130.
Administrations, Kentish, 20, 1-48.
Admiralty, Court of, Cinque Ports, 32, 267; London, 32, 267.
Adrian, IV; Pope, 24, 115-116; 37, 62.
Adrian, 32, 13, 14; 25, 241.
Adsall, see Edsall.
Adsam, 32, 235.
Adth, Thomas, will, 41, 37.
Adwy, King, 43, 30, 33.
Adye (Adaye, Ade, Adey, Aciy) arms of, 22, 204; 23, 127; Alice,
22, 204;
Edward, 25, 285, 286, 287; Elizabeth, 44, 79; Henry, 24, 186; - Jane,
22, 204; John;
285, 286; 32, 306: 45, will, 44, 79; Julia, see Cartwright, Julia; Nicholas,
22, 204; 25, 285; Sollomon, 25, 285: Thomas 25, 285; William,
20, 5
Aeilentune, see Allingtozi.
Aeinesford, see Eynsford.
Aeisc, see Ash.
Aelfred, see Alfrd
AElfric, 20, 278.
AElfstan, 34, 142; 35, 118.
Aelham, see Elharn. |