Ashdown Forest, sandstone in, 21
Ashdowne (Ashdown), Ann, 31, 195-196, 197-198; Joan, 20,.
7, 10; John, 20, 7, 10; 23, 138; 24, 198; of
Chiddingstone, will, 31, 195-196, 197-198; Matthew, 20,
10, 38; Richard, 31, 196; Robert, 20, 38; Susan, alias Jesopp,
20, 38; William, 31, 196.
Ashenden (Asshenden), Nicholas, 20, 13; Robert, 30, 156,
157; 31, 253; 32, 297; Thomas, 36, 120.
Ashenfield Manor, in Waltham, 27, 41.
Ashepoole, Annes, 21, 286.
Asherenden (Assherynden), John, 30, 137; Stephen of Tenterden,
will, 30, 137; Thomas, 32, 296.
Ashert, see Ashurst.
Ashford (Aescedefiord, Essettisforde), 20, 2, 9, 24, 32, 47, 76,
78, 80, 81, 112, 240, 241, 245; 21, 201; 22, 90, 104, 207,
209; 27, 201, 205; 28, 299, 319, 325; 29, 194, 219;
30, 81; 31, 95, 235, .242; 37, li, 106, 114; old
house, 26, 334-335; Samian ware, 22, lviii.
Ashford Church, by Canon G. M. Livett, 26, 116-117.
Ashford Church, by Canon A. J. Pearman, 28,
Ashford Church, see Churches; Chapels, see Religious
Foundations; College, see Religious Foundations; Manor, 20,
76; 39, 201, 202.
Ashford (Assheford), J., 37, 129.
Ashill Farm, 45, 74.
Asholt (Assholt) Wood, 20, 239.
Asherst (Ashyrst), Margaret, 39, 133; William, 29, 303.
Ashley (Asheley, Ashly, Asshley), Dorothy, 20, 21; Ferdinand, 20,
21; John, 29, 320; Margery, 39, 132; Thomas, 30,
32; William, 30, 18.
Ashmore, Elizabeth, alias Warwick, 20, 3.
Ashton (Asheton, Assheton, Asshton), Dorothy, see Bish, Dorothy;
Elene, 41, 38; Elizabeth, 41, 38; Frances, 25, 14;
George, 20, 36; John, R. of Snodland, 20, 189; V. of
Westhythe, 30, 236; Ralph, 37, 107; Sir Ralph, 37,
114; Thomas, 42, 43; will, 41, 38; William,
23, 336; provost of Wingham College, 30, 54.
Ashurst (Aescherste), 20, 14-39 passim; 22, 300;
Church, see Churches.
Ashurst Lodge (Surrey), 27, 60.
Ashway (Asshwy), Margaret de, see Nelde, Margaret de; Stephen de,
21, 209; 31, lxiv.
Askelby, Thomas de, 20, 177.
Asketill, monk, 24, 58.
Asketyn, John, 29, 98, 99.
Askew (Aiscough, Askewe, Askekue, Askue, Asq ?), Agnes, see Peerce,
Agnes; Anne, 38, 16; see also Annot, Anne; Elizabeth, 27,
230-235; will, 27, 236; John, 29, 292; Mr., 21,
286; Richard, 25, 293; Thomas, of Faversham, 27, 230.
Aslackby Church, see Churches; Military Orders at, see Religious
Aspe, Richard, 38, 176, 180; 39, 87, 89.
Aspeden (Lincs), 28, 313.
Asplan, Humphrey, 20, 9; Lidia, 20, 9.
Aspleley, see Apsley.
Asq, John, 30, 31.
Assche, see Ash.
Asshe, T., 37, 129.
Asshen (Assen), Edward, 29, 280; Thomas, 29, 279.
Asshowe (Assho, Asshow), Jane, will, 38, 174; Thomas, vicar of
Eastry, 38, 174, 175, 179, 180; 39, 83, 84; 40, 38,
41, 43, 44.
Assiter, Judith, 30, 24.
Astley (Astle), family, 25, xlviii; arms, 26, 242;
monuments, 25, xlvii; Dame Catherine, 20, 45; Sir Jacob, 28,
360; Jacob, Lord Astley, Baron of Reading, 29, 321; John, granted
Allington Castle by Elizabeth, 28, 357-358; Sir John, 26,
241-242; Lady, 29, 322; Mr., of Allington, 28, 358;
Thomas, 20, 36; friendship with Hasted; 26, 269, 270; 27,
Aston (Asten, Astone, Astyn), Catherine, 20, 20; Nicholas |