Awse, see Awcey.
Awys, Margery, 41, 63.
Axe, early use of on stone, English, 20, 152; Norman, 20,
Axtane, hundred, 22, 237, 255; 31, 167, 168, 176.
Aydhurst (Heythehurst), denne and manor, 31, 204, 206.
Ayers, Madame, 28, 148.
Ayland, yoke, 42, 151, 152.
Ayleff, see Ayloffe.
Ayler, George, 20, 45; Richard, 32, 88.
Aylesbury, M.P. for, 27, 57.
Aylesford (Agelesford, Alsforde), 20, 7, 17, 32; 21, 21,
212; 22, 54, 255, 298; 23, 13, 70; 26, 221; 29,
15, 36-37, 156, 158; 36, 12; 45, 57; Celtic remains found,
23, 13; Celtic urn-field, 26, 13; Chapels in, see Religious
Foundations; Church, see Churches; lathe, 31, 163, 165;
manor, 21, 21; 24, 4, 5; 29, 158, 163, 245;
Monastic houses at, see Religious Foundations; neolithic
monuments, 27, 6.
Ayling (Ailing, Ayllinge), Goodward, 30, 165; John, V. of
Birchington, 25, 19-20; John, V. of Monkton, 24, 156; 25,
Ayloffe arms on firebacks, 29, 40-46.
Ayloffe (Aleph, Alief, Aliffe, Ayleef, Ayleff), Catherine, 29,
43; 43, 19, 21; 44, 79, 80-81; Isabel, 20, 78;
Jane, see Sulyard, Jane; John, 20, 78; 44, 80; Sir
Joseph, 26, 269; 27, 136 ff.; Margaret, 25, 289; see
also Chiche, Margaret; Richard, 44, 80, 81; Thomas, 29,
43; 43, 19; 44, 95; brass, 44, 80; will, 44,
79-81; William, 29, 41-42; 44, 80. |
Richard, 32, 80; will, 31, 260.
Aylsham (Norfolk), 31, 232.
Aylward (Ayleward), Alice, 32, 89; Joane, 32, 89; John, 32,
87, 89; Margaret, 32, 87; Robert, 32, 89; Thomas, 32,
Aylwin (Aylewyn, Ayllewyn), Agnes, 31, 29; Andrew, 29,
263-264; 31, 29; Christian, 31, 29; James, 31, 29;
John, V. of Birchington, 25, 162, 163; 31, 29; Juliane, 31,
29; Thomas, 31. 29.
Ayme, John, 28, 20.
Aynforth, 22, 309.
Aynscombe, Anne, 21, 92; Jane, 21, 92; John, 21,
91; Mary, 20, 14; 21, 92; Thomas, 21, 91-92;
William, 20, 14.
Aynsford, see Eynsford. Aynsford (Ansfrid), William de, 29,
Aynsford, see Eynsford.
Aynsford (Ansfrid), William de, 29, 5-6.
Ayres (Ayrest), George, 30, 20; John, 20, 113; Mrs., 26,
272, 273.
Ayscough, William, 41, 29, 32.
Aysshcot, see Achecote.
Ayston (Aysshton), Isabel, see Rikhill, Isabel; Matthew, 25,
101; Richard, 32, 69.
Aystres, Lady, 27, 173.
Ayton (Berwickshire), 27, 59. |